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seed-plant-vendors pepperlover.com

I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with pepperlover.com. In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
I too am a VERY happy customer!!!! Judy you are the BEST!! I hope you read this! I couldn't believe my luck Charlston HOTS !!! Made some puree today hands are onfire! Red Fatalli, Red seven pods and Monster naga's OH YA! Also have three year old plants still pumping out pods that I acquired seeds from Pepperlover.com .
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We now return you to the much-deserved PepperLover aka Judy love-fest. BTW, of the 24 TS Moruga seeds I planted recently, 22 sprouted. One sprout didn't make it, which considering I put all of them in direct sun before most got their first true leaves is a testament to how awesome her seeds are :)
I can't put into words how happy I am with the package I just got from Judy. Here's what I got.
The ones I bought:
Large Red 7 Pod
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI
Dorset Naga
Brown Scotch Bonnet
7 Pod Brain Strain Yellow
Naga Morich
Early Jalapeno
Yellow Trinidad Scorpion Moruga
7 Pod Burgundy
7 Pod Brown
Peach Bhut Jolokia
Giant Mexican Rocoto
White Bhut Jolokia
Sweet Cayenne
Bull's Heart
The freebies:
7 Pod Chaguanas
Mako Akokcsrade
Dedo De Moca
Red Devil's Tongue
Giant Jalepeno
Pimenta De Neyde
Aji Limon Peru Yellow
And on top of that I ordered one box of the bhut collection. Judy went as far as to send me all these :
I bought a box of the bhut collection. She ended up sending me the bhut collection, but enough to fill two boxes on top of a box of:
White 7 Pod
Brazillian Starfish
7 Pod Evergreen
7 Pod Brain Strain
I can not speak high enough praise for Judy. She's an awesome lady and will take care of whatever you need. Thank you so so so very much Judy! I can not wait to do business with her in the future.
Well I've been reading how nice Judy is for a long time and finally ordered a few small boxes to try. WOW I thought there must have been a mistake the box was so big. I open it up and there is so much more in there. "Gift" is an understatement, but that's what they said! Right on! Sorry I haven't ordered before!!! Props from N. Texas!!
Well I've been reading how nice Judy is for a long time and finally ordered a few small boxes to try. WOW I thought there must have been a mistake the box was so big. I open it up and there is so much more in there. "Gift" is an understatement, but that's what they said! Right on! Sorry I haven't ordered before!!! Props from N. Texas!!
Amazing service. Answered the mails instantly and got the package within 10 days which is way faster than usual since I live in Argentina.
Bought orange and big sun habs, fatalii, naga morich and trinidad scorpions butch T, and got 7 pod brain strain and 7 pod primo for free!
Thank you.
jlacosta said:
Hi Judy, wanted to followup on an inquiry. I am here in California visiting my folks and wanted to order some seeds from you. Unfortunately, my paypal account is created in the Philippines and your site does not allow this for security reasons -which is totally understandable (I also work in the online store industry).
Is there any way you can make an exemption?  I really want to order some seeds and bring back home to Manila. TIA!
hi bro,. are u here in manila already? did u have luck? on super hot seeds? maybe u can spare ur kababayan :) thanks
Ordered some pods from judy and wow. That box was STUFFED full.!!!  definately got my moneys worth and me and my buddy was very happy. !!! Made some super spicy mexican style hot sauce.!!!!!!!

Beautiful golden collection!!!!!!
thanks !!