
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
Add some more love to Judy at
After my initial plant of ghost peppers and lurking on here I stumbled across her site and just had to order some more.  All of them came with tons of seeds.  Even the Galapagoense I ordered out of curiosity came with around 12 seeds. 


Except for the Wild Tepin and Wild Brazil all of them have had excellent germ rates.
Hi Judy, wanted to followup on an inquiry. I am here in California visiting my folks and wanted to order some seeds from you. Unfortunately, my paypal account is created in the Philippines and your site does not allow this for security reasons -which is totally understandable (I also work in the online store industry).
Is there any way you can make an exemption?  I really want to order some seeds and bring back home to Manila. TIA!
Okay I just had to leave a review because of how great Judy's service is. I ordered some datil and blue mystery to try and make bonchi. My order came out to be $4 so in wasn't really expecting any freebies. Well Judy is so great that she not only gave me more then 20 seeds of the datil and blue mystery but she also gave me 7pot orange, maybe 50 seeds of 7 pot original and a bag completely full of over 100 bhut jolokia seeds. Thank you so much, pepperlover is no my go to place for all seed purchases.
I got from PL some primo, yellow TS and morouga and got 100% success !! Just can believe it
What I'm gonna do with all of that seedlings? Just wanted 3 and got +30! :)

And from another vendor i didn't had success at all and all the seeds got same conditions but i don't want to make any damage
I email them and got extra seeds to try again
Pepperlover went above and beyond the call of duty, the level of service is beyond repute.  I will always make pepperlover my first port of call when buying seeds in future. Aside from the exceptional service there were many seeds in each package all of which look very healthy  which is great. Thank you!
I am very impressed with the website as to ordering and fast shipping and the free seeds was Great!! Very happy with the seeds and ordering from Pepperlovers!!   Ps. I ordered the Orange TS and Bhuts! 
As a business I purchased pods from her for my Black Label test batch & they were gorgeous, perfect & as-advertised. she also went above & beyond with customer service, taking the time to work with me on the ingredient spec sheet. To me it was much more about quality of product & customer service than the "freebies".

that said, she sent me a couple lbs of Yellow Brain Strain to play with just to see if I like them. To my home. Free of charge. Which is pretty unbelievably cool.

And she's followed up with me this summer as requested for more pods.

I will absolutely buy pods from her again in the near future. I give Judy/pepperlover 5 stars all around.
Just received my second seed package from pepperlover. I cannot be happier with everything. I will look to pepperlover first for seeds from here on out.

The bags above are the ones I purchased. The ones below are the ones that were thrown in for extras. Awesome.
Remind me to thank PepperLover profusely. Last week, I planted 24 Moruga seeds in 24 Jiffy Pellets, and between 24 hours ago and right now, I went from having no germinated seedlings to 7 of 24 thus far. To have 7 pop up all within 24 hours, and only one week after putting them in Jiffy Pellets is simply amazing. The germination rates overall from PepperLover are nothing short of awesome. I don't know what she does to these seeds, but the fact that they so frequently germinate the way they do, is nothing short of awesome!