
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
Their business model is severely lacking the last year not sure what is up with them
Very likely THP is well down on the list for sure(simple face value) not bashing
They can like post and yet not answer PM's from this page(wont waste the question mark)
bondgirl69 said:
Is Judy still in business? I want to order but nothing I want is in stock.
Noah Yates said:
I read somehwere they will be restocking soon... that is why I have been checking so often recently.  
I too am anxiously awaiting a restock, so I emailed Judy last weekend, and she said that she will indeed be restocking soon.
I've got my fingers crossed! 
Last year was such a disappointment. She or someone from her outfit replied to emails from me saying that new seeds would be listed this month and then next month. Blah Blah Blah. What a waste of my time. I ended up getting seeds elsewhere and some of my plants got started extremely late. I was looking forward to trying some of her different Turkish peppers. I won't hold my breath or wait on her this year.
I used to be a big Judy fan.
They crossed up 2 orders consecutively
Totally blowing two big well planned sauce batchs because of it,we both had to wing it.
Then theres the cant answer messages or emails but they have time to LIKE post here on THP.
First couples years they were awesome and on their game for sure,hope they push thru the burn out and raise the bar.

someguy said:
Last year was such a disappointment. She or someone from her outfit replied to emails from me saying that new seeds would be listed this month and then next month. Blah Blah Blah. What a waste of my time. I ended up getting seeds elsewhere and some of my plants got started extremely late. I was looking forward to trying some of her different Turkish peppers. I won't hold my breath or wait on her this year.
I used to be a big Judy fan.
3 months on email messages from three address's
3 PM's from here at THP
My next move will be screen shots for those 6 that hump their leg like its the ONLY leg
Get your Shit to Market in Proper Fashion or put the bitch in the ditch!
Slack ass American business is so f*ked these days
Time line is building,very doubtful Ill darken their door again
Far to MANY other sources to draw from,CONSISTENTLY! without all the bullshit and excuses
This should not turn into a "bash pepperlover" thread. Judy is a one person operation, not a giant farm with employees. Her track record is stellar and has been for years. So if this season something is off, please give her the benefit of the doubt. I am more worried about her and her family than why people aren't getting their seeds. It could just be a shitty season I don't know. There is but just a few growers I would gladly step in to defend, and Judy is #1 on that list. Please be patient is all I am asking.
TNKS said:
without all the bullshit and excuses
What excuses is she giving you that's such bullshit? Anything helpful?
TNKS said:
My next move will be screen shots for those 6 that hump their leg like its the ONLY leg
What the???

Leg humpers will never get it
Excuses are documented roll away easy like
IM FAR from the ONLY 2 digit disgruntled
If your happy,Im happy for you,VERY happy you didnt get jack assed around like the other like myself.
PLENTY now have a clear understanding of said FACT
Sad as it is,they pissed in their own bowl of Cheerios
Im off this thread,far to many have plenty to keep a grower in resources
The consumers didnt fck off their game,they did and did in the wrong way

TNKS said:
My next move will be screen shots for those 6 that hump their leg like its the ONLY leg
Get your Shit to Market in Proper Fashion or put the bitch in the ditch!
Slack ass American business is so f*ked these days
Time line is building,very doubtful Ill darken their door again
Far to MANY other sources to draw from,CONSISTENTLY! without all the bullshit and excuses

i don't understand the hate 
and for what, not replying to your email ?
I don't know Judy, but i do know that there are several people here that have been very happy with pepperlover as a vendor. (myself included)
It seems you have expressed your opinion on this vendor, multiple times even, now unless you have more than opinions to add  please move along.  
There is no need for bashing.
You don't like this vendor, noted.
what more relevant things do you have to add
before you go calling me a suckup or a leg-humper or whatever hate speech terms you like, i'd like to note that this next year i'm going to be growing mostly seeds from trades and crosses, and might not even be purchasing seeds for 2017 grow
TNKS said:
3 months on email messages from three address's
3 PM's from here at THP
My next move will be screen shots for those 6 that hump their leg like its the ONLY leg
Get your Shit to Market in Proper Fashion or put the bitch in the ditch!
Slack ass American business is so f*ked these days
Time line is building,very doubtful Ill darken their door again
Far to MANY other sources to draw from,CONSISTENTLY! without all the bullshit and excuses
Do you ever feel lost due to incompetence?
Judy is a class act.
I'm sure his life's focus moved away from his business for a while but i hope she will come back at it.
Sincerely no one is perfect but the freshness of the seed stock, purity, customer service never let me down. Heavy extras with each order.
A couple seasons ago she sent me a whole order twice because the first went lost but we had no tracking of it... how many vendors trust their customers so much?
Also despite all the hybrid/superhot craze she kept prices FAIR. I see people selling unstable hybrids for 1 USD per seed... that's ridiculous.
Hope she comes back at his business like she used to do, if not i hope her all the best. I have abundant sources within the excellent THP community.
I'll vouch again for Pepperlover.  I have a beautiful picturesque reaper pod ripe on my plant right now from her seeds truth be told I'm afraid to try it because I know it will make me cry.  I've gotten fresh pods from her in the past and her peach bhuts are the best I've had, plus the boxes are jam packed.  She hasn't been as active lately, but it isn't like she is advertising product here and then not being able to deliver on it.  So what if she's out of stock? Go find it somewhere else. If the corner store is out of eggs, go down to the supermarket to buy eggs instead of publicly bashing the small business owner. There are plenty of vendors out there able to pick up the slack for Judy having a life outside of here.  
Datil said:
Judy is a class act.
I'm sure his life's focus moved away from his business for a while but i hope she will come back at it.
Sincerely no one is perfect but the freshness of the seed stock, purity, customer service never let me down. Heavy extras with each order.
A couple seasons ago she sent me a whole order twice because the first went lost but we had no tracking of it... how many vendors trust their customers so much?
Also despite all the hybrid/superhot craze she kept prices FAIR. I see people selling unstable hybrids for 1 USD per seed... that's ridiculous.
Hope she comes back at his business like she used to do, if not i hope her all the best. I have abundant sources within the excellent THP community.
Thanks, Datil. You been around like some of us long enough to know, Judy is a class act, a rare and decent person! ALL HAIL QUEEN JUDY! Or #teamjudy
The Hot Pepper said:
TNKS if you don't like it go elsewhere.
Time to stop posting in here.
Rawkstah said:
I'll vouch again for Pepperlover.  I have a beautiful picturesque reaper pod ripe on my plant right now from her seeds truth be told I'm afraid to try it because I know it will make me cry.  I've gotten fresh pods from her in the past and her peach bhuts are the best I've had, plus the boxes are jam packed.  She hasn't been as active lately, but it isn't like she is advertising product here and then not being able to deliver on it.  So what if she's out of stock? Go find it somewhere else. If the corner store is out of eggs, go down to the supermarket to buy eggs instead of publicly bashing the small business owner. There are plenty of vendors out there able to pick up the slack for Judy having a life outside of here.  
I love #teamjudy, man! Love PL!