
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
PL has always been a fantastic vendor. Perhaps something has come up for Judy, I don't know. I notice restocking has been near noexistant but I've recently placed an order and it was quickly shipped with extras as per usual. I couldn't say a bad word, and I hope all is well for Judy.

Furthermore, it's not a sellers obligation to have available all that you expect. It's not going to draw in business, that's for sure, but it's not your God given right to crack the sads if they aren't providing a catalogue up to your standards. For whatever reason, even if it's laziness (which I doubt).
TNKS said:
3 months on email messages from three address's
3 PM's from here at THP
My next move will be screen shots for those 6 that hump their leg like its the ONLY leg
Get your Shit to Market in Proper Fashion or put the bitch in the ditch!
Slack ass American business is so f*ked these days
Time line is building,very doubtful Ill darken their door again
Far to MANY other sources to draw from,CONSISTENTLY! without all the bullshit and excuses
WTF?    :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:
Dude, please take your meds like the nice doctor tells you to.  Thanks.
I recall hearing that Judy had lost most if not all her plants last season to a late frost or something similar to that and she would be out for the season.This year I recall her posting that she was alive and well and travelling Idk.So I would believe it would take a few seasons to be up and running again.Just my thoughts and opinions on this one.Oh do you guys recall her posting pics of her LAVA'S not too long ago? I do!!!
This leads me to be that PEPPERLOVER may be down but not out.Cheers-Florisa
Hmmm.... And did she tell you if she's started mailing seeds out with protective covering so they don't get crushed by our darling postal system? Or is she still relying on marking the flimsy envelopes as "hand cancel", as if our darling postal service even knows what that is? Receiving 100% crushed, unsproutable rocoto seeds was rather disappointing, given how much they cost. Even just a little bit of bubble wrap could have prevented that.  :mope:
geeme said:
Hmmm.... And did she tell you if she's started mailing seeds out with protective covering so they don't get crushed by our darling postal system? Or is she still relying on marking the flimsy envelopes as "hand cancel", as if our darling postal service even knows what that is? Receiving 100% crushed, unsproutable rocoto seeds was rather disappointing, given how much they cost. Even just a little bit of bubble wrap could have prevented that.  :mope:
That sucks, even I know to pack seeds with bubble wrap.

I have plenty of Rocoto seeds, if you'd like me to send you some, just forward me your details.

Seems like it isn't my job to ask Judy about her Biz practices...
I've never purchased seeds from her.
She is a long time friend of mine.
I'd think if Customers complained she would change her practices,or at least make things right with dissatisfied customers.
Did you let her know you got crushed seeds?
If nobody complains,I'd think she doesn't know how big or little the problem is...
Just my thoughts on what I'd do if I got seed powder.
She had crop failure last year and Family stuff to deal with.
Life Happens.
People have complained to her in the past and she did not make things right. Instead, she thought the customers were off-base, because she put "Hand Cancel" on the envelopes. She seemed confused about why the customers thought this should be her problem. C'mon - putting seeds between a couple sheets of bubblewrap should be a no-brainer.
As I said,I have/had no idea about how she ships her seeds,until now.
Doesn't matter,I'm not a Customer,just a  friend.
I won't go to a store or place a second time if I get poor service.
I'll complain and if the problem isn't resolved I Never go back.
Sorry some people got bad service from Judy.
As I said,her Biz has nothing to do with me.
Only reason I posted was because people were worried about her.
As a side note,I won't do trades in anything other than Bubble envelopes.
Just what I do for trades and the SASBE seed bank I take care of.
Come to think of it,most seed Vendors don't use Bubbles that I can think of.
Pepper Joe (before he sold out),Tomato Growers,Redwood Seeds,TerraTime and Tide,UShot peppers and Many others use plain brown envelopes to send seeds out.
Actually only People I can think of is Rainbowchileseeds and Peppermania sent out Bubbles that I can remember.
Writing "hand Stamp" on your envelope only makes them hand stamp it.(they hired Godzilla to Hand stamp it...).
They/the P.O. still have to stomp on it on it's way to the truck and run it over a few times before you get the mail. 
Well I'm finally getting back around to prep for another season. We just bought a home this year so sadly I skipped growing this year. That being said I have always bought my seeds from Judy but looking at her site it seems outdated. I searched for any new varieties like in years past but I'm not having any luck. So here I am looking for a temporary supply of new varieties for 2017 and some elusive strains that were not available my last grow.