
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
someguy said:
It's been here and gone. You missed it. Everything has been sold. Better luck next year.
What do you mean? Although they are out of stock now, they dont even appear in the web. Have all these chocolate seeds that everyone wanted like choc brain strain and 7pot chocolate lava gone? Which seeds did they offer until they went out of stock?
AlvaroHD99 said:
What do you mean? Although they are out of stock now, they dont even appear in the web. Have all these chocolate seeds that everyone wanted like choc brain strain and 7pot chocolate lava gone? Which seeds did they offer until they went out of stock?

It was a joke. She hasn't posted the new seeds yet.
Thank you for the fast service and the extra seeds.
Was a little bummed that one was out of stock, but Judy subed it with something close that I had also considered ordering.
its weird. like complete radio silence on this forum and others and i see nothing on facebook either.
I've seen a few people who complained about quality last year getting stuff that didn't grow true.
Last year hew new list was out on October 15th
I wonder what's going on.
I've been checking everyday as well. Last I heard was November. I'm pretty much done with seed orders but I'm always curious to see what Judy releases. When I emailed her a few months ago she said she would have new releases around November. Did the bulk of my ordering overseas this year as they seem to have things vendors over here don't. I did hear that she was extremely busy working on something not relating to peppers.
Hopefully everything is ok. She's the best source of rare annuums that were bred for my type of climate and I am looking forward to seeing what she's got this year. I've been checking every day too, hoping to see at least a few things back in stock.
Ok so here's my review, it's been a couple of months but...I'm not happy about it. I ordered 7 varieties and received 7 varieties. But 2 weren't what I ordered (Missing Bishop's Hat and missing Reaper seeds) but got "Aji Angol" and "fatalii yellow" instead I guess...
Here's my order:
- Bishop's Hat - It wasn't in the envelope, instead there was an "Aji Angol" that doesn't even exist on the site and seems very generic from the pics... not very thrilled.
- Bhut Jolokia Chocolate - received it
- White Fatalii - received
-Tepin - received
-(Reaper) - Didn't came in the envelope, so I sent a mail. I received a response saying they were gonna send it the next day, I waited 2 months, nothing. Sent another mail, the answer was "Which address do you want me to send the reaper to?" just like that...
- Aji melocoton -received
- green moruga - received.
Oh, and something I didn't order came, a Fatalii Yellow... I would've preferred the Reaper seeds I originally ordered or the Bishop's hat, but either way.
I'm not very happy with the experience as you can see. I heard so many good things about pepperlover before buying.
I placed my first order with in November 2014 and made two more orders after that.
She always processed my order in less than 24 hours and her seeds have arrived in Italy in about a week or so.
Many seeds in each bags (20-25 seeds) and still many extra seeds for free!
High in the picture there are the seeds required, the lower ones instead delivered as gifts:

Good conformity of Aleppo, Bombay Morich, Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon (best peach flavor i've ever heard!) I've just grown in 2015 season.
About Monster Naga I've got 3 plants slightly different from the same set of seeds, maybe just a plant complies and I kept pure seeds.
Last order took place in November 2015, I requested the variety Jalapeno Cracked and Yalova Charleston.
As freebies I got 2 C.annuum varieties that are not for sale on the site and cannot find information on the net about it:
  • Bob's Pickling (makes me think as a variety suited to be preserved in vinegar such as Capsicum annuum "Cherry Bomb")
  • Princess Faten (sounds like an ornamental but maybe that's just my suggestion).
Does anyone have information about these two varieties?
I requested information to Judy by email a month ago but I don't know if she will respond (I read here that is very busy at this time).
Btw thanks!