review's 7-POT LAVA!!! This pod was the hottest....


I think that the stomach pain was rougher than the brown moruga, but the moruga stomach cramps lasted longer. This pepper is insane. I love it.
7 Pot Lava ™




as James said it is 3 times bigger than the primo ... even bigger than the moruga scoprion...

You giving them steroids girl???????
Those pods look so stupid hot. My God.

Between this guy, and a good 4-5 others.. I can already see the race for the worlds hottest is just going to get crazier in the coming years.

Amazing pods Judy. Can't wait to grow them one day :)

best part about this,we get to see the pod,instead of the circus!

Thanks a ton Judy!!

Class Act!

best part we have the amazing members and supporter.

You giving them steroids girl???????
lolol no Blake it is just pepperlove

Those pods look so stupid hot. My God.

Between this guy, and a good 4-5 others.. I can already see the race for the worlds hottest is just going to get crazier in the coming years.

Amazing pods Judy. Can't wait to grow them one day :)

thank you Brandon
What a beautiful pod! James you are handling these like a champ now, with full on effect. Your tolerance has got to be through the roof now. Cut up a half of one and saute some chicken with fresh veggies/garlic/onions and enjoy! Looks like they don't make a pod you can't handle.

P.S. I wonder if this tolerance would translate to ability to handle pepperspray lol.
What a beautiful pod! James you are handling these like a champ now, with full on effect. Your tolerance has got to be through the roof now. Cut up a half of one and saute some chicken with fresh veggies/garlic/onions and enjoy! Looks like they don't make a pod you can't handle.

P.S. I wonder if this tolerance would translate to ability to handle pepperspray lol.

It is very funny you should say that. I am a former police officer and while at the Academy (at least in Connecticut), cadets are required to allow an instructor to spray you with your own O.C. Spray. It was not fun. I believe mine was over 5 million SHU. The worst part is that after we were sprayed we would have to complete an obstacle course and then disarm someone that was holding a fake knife.

So I can tell you exactly how I handled it. It was one of the few things that got me angry. After I completed the course I spent 15 minutes in the bathroom taking those diner style to-go creamer cups, opening them and holding them over my eyes. That helped. I then went out and helped other cadets with the course...I handled it better than most. Nobody was immune to the O.C. Spray. That night in the shower I got a bit more in my eyes as a kind reminder of how fun that was NOT.

I also rode the lightning for 5 seconds at the Academy (taser). I would ride the lightning 100 times more before getting sprayed in the eyes with O.C. Spray. Although the X-26 Taser immobilizes whereas O.C. Spray temporarily blinds you, puts you in agony, BUT makes you extremely hostile.

I just thought it was funny that you mentioned how I might handle O.C. Spray. Wal-Mart brand O.C. Spray would just be an inconvenience, but Law Enforcement Grade makes me very very unhappy.

All the best,

This is another review of the Lava by Ted Barrus. His was damaged a bit, but still hot. He felt the Brown Moruga and the "G-Strain"of the HP22B (which I have not tried) were hotter than the Lava. This may or may not have had to do with the damage to the pepper and the placenta so he will be trying it again when he gets back from the U.K. Check it out it is a good review.

All the best,

How did I miss this thread...Awesome looking beast pod Judy!

Sounds and looks like a winner. Put me on the short list for seeds please.

nice job with the watermarks too. ;)
seeds for sale yet?

the 7 Pot Lava ™ may be announced as the hottest thing on earth one day.... more testing/time, is needed before we share release this pepper

thank you james.... you the first to ever try this monster... and i can see what it started losing words and your brother like :/ what is he talking about lolol (i hope he found the keys)....
i cant even eat one bite of this pepper... it will shut my brain and breathing down.
thank you for the nice comment all thanks for james to be so brave/crazy to try my peppers

You would have to sign a waiver, I am not paying for your medical bill :D

just kidding i hope to plant more next season and share more fresh pods with others... this year is testing year.. no seeds/pods will be shared yet... test test test first...
yes when the pod it cut smashed it loses heat flavor and smell.. when he gets back from UK i am sending him another one on a box