• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

peppers 2014

Little late getting this posted, but better late than never.  Most were started in early February.  I ordered another 20 varieties late and started them in early March.  Plants are looking very healthy now and getting almost too big for their homes.  No room to pot up indoors, so I am hoping to get them in the ground in about 10 days or so.  Have spots in the group prepped for 92 plants.  Might stick a few of the extras in pots or some obscure corner of the yard.  
2014 List:
7 Pot Brain Strain
7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow
7 Pot Brown
7 Pot Burgundy
7 Pot Chaguanas
7 Pot Chocolate
7 Pot Congo SR Gigantic Yellow
7 Pot Douglah
7 Pot Jonah
7 Pot Primo
7 Pot SR-Strain
7 Pot White
7 Pot Yellow
7-Pot (Long, large)
Antillais Carribbean Habanero
Bahamian Goat Pepper
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
Bhut Jolokia Giant
Bhut Jolokia Peach
Bhut Jolokia Purple
Bhut Jolokia White
Bido Tacana
Black Congo
Bonda Ma Jacque
Brown Moruga
Carolina Reaper
CGN 21566
Condors Beak
Devils Tongue Chocolate
Devils Tongue Yellow
Dorset Naga
Fatalii Chocolate
Fatalii White
Goats Weed
Habanero Big Sun
Habanero Capuchino
Habanero Chocolate
Habanero Lemon
Habanero Manzano
Habanero Mustard
Habanero Naranja Picante
Habanero Orange Giant
Habanero Peach
Habanero Peruvian White
Habanero White Giant
Mako Akokosrade
Naga Big Bang Chocolate
Naga Black
Naga Morich (Original)
Naga Yellow
PI 159236
PI 439437
Pickersgills orange
Pimenta da Neyde
Royal Gold
Scotch Bonnet
Scotch Bonnet Chocolate
Scotch Bonnet Tobago Chocolate
Trinidad Scorpion (CARDI)
Trinidad Scorpion (Moruga)
Trinidad Scorpion (PI 281317)
Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Yellow
Trinidad Scorpion Peach

Turkish Cap Rojo
Arriba A SAIA
Brazilian Starfish
Gorong Red
Grac De Bodes
Some pictures of their progress:






21 of the peppers will go here when all is ready and weather permitting.  Will have other plants nearby, strawberries, about 8 - 10 tomatoes 6 bell peppers, broccoli, and some cabbage.

This is the bigger plot on the other side of the yard.  Will hold 71 peppers.  Have some plastic down to get the ground nice and warm.  
PIC 1 said:
It's nice to see another grower from Illinois.........your peppers are ripening up nicely !
thanks, didn't find this forum until this spring figured i was the only one in illinois, found a few others on here close to me and even made a trade for a few this year.
unfortunately, i think this one ripening is an early freak, most others don't look like they are even thinking about it, this plant put on about 10 to 12 pods and then has set no more buds, i think its in some bad dirt.  I have others that are still putting on flowers and new pods like crazy, if the season lasts long enough looking i am going to have 1000s maybe 10,000 or more pods to deal with, which i probably won't have the equipment to process or energy to manage
With all the rain we've been getting... going to have some interesting harvests around here.
I've got tons of green pods still, everywhere. Only things that have ripened so far are Jalapenos and a few scattered Cayenne.
TrentL said:
With all the rain we've been getting... going to have some interesting harvests around here.
I've got tons of green pods still, everywhere. Only things that have ripened so far are Jalapenos and a few scattered Cayenne.
Yes, I haven't had to water.  If anything one end of my big plot is still waterlogged.  Mostly heavy clay soil.  I actually removed my plastic mulch at that end, all the plants were curled up severly, hoping it was just too wet.  Still not looking great, but not really disease looking either.  Battling some leaf spot virus or something on tomatoes like I saw yours were also.  All my farthest along with big pods are in one little spot.  Not sure why that area seams different.  I suppose maybe its the cold/ wet or something just have so many plants that have set few or just starting to set pods, but have hundreds of blossoms, so if still time before frost, might end up with completely stupid amount.  Let me know if you need any or if I have any you don' t that you want to try, I am going to have to get rid of a lot, I can only dry, freeze sauce so much.  Can see a day in september where I am picking multiple grocery sacks full a day.
I've got a few problem children but most are doing really well. One of the Habaneros I got from you is loaded heavy with pods. The others are just blossoming. I lost a couple of those Habs to that 2,4-D fight.
I've got 136 production plants and still have about 50 in 5" pots in reserve. Too late to start those in the dirt - the stalled when they got root bound. But they might make decent overwinter stock.
Heres a few picks of some peppers that are finally ripening.  Before long going to be too many to manage.

Grace De Bodes
Turkish Cap Rojo
Giant Orange Habanero
Peach Habanero - looks more orange to me
Unknown Red - supposed to be Peach Bhut
Bahamian Goat
White Bhut
Big Red something, supposed to be reaper - much bigger and not as hot
Peach Bhut - this plant is more yellow 

Mako Akorsade
Supposed to be Chocolate Devil's Tongue, looks more like a douglah or something and also probably douglah heat and pretty rough on the stomach
7Pot Yellow
Black Naga
Red Brain Strain
Peach Bhut 
Chocolate T. Scorpion 
Red Bhut? Supposed to be a Tscorp
Bonda Ma Jacques 
Pimenta De Neyde 
So far of the ones I have tried I really like
7 Pot Yellow, 7Pot Brain Strain Yellow and Yellow moruga - all very hot big thick walled peppers with great taste
The Chocolate T. Scorpion is very good, not sure how true it is seems more like habanero level heat
Bonda Ma Jacques is awesome, just made some very good salsa with it
Peach Bhut also seems very good, nice heat and flavor
The ones I so far don't like as much.
Grac De Bodes, pretty mild - very fruity / bell pepper tasting almost too much so
Pimenta De Neyde - just didn't taste very good to me, pretty good heat
Turkish Cap Rojo - ok but not much heat at all
Carmine - love the looks of the pepper, bright yellow but very lillte almost non existant heat so far, probably less than jalapeno
The douglah looking things the choc devils tongue is spitting out - intense heat to the point i can't get any taste - more than I can handle 
The Bhut  Red and the crossed reaper are both ok.  High heat nothing special flavor wise.  I have never been real fond of the red peppers so typcially try to grow more browns and oranges and this year is the first time I have liked yellows.  So far the yellows I have this year are much better than I had 8 years ago, so either they are different or my tastes changed.
A Few more pics of some pods for the future.

Trinidad Scorpion (PI 281317)

big mustard habanero pod

peach t. scorpions i hope

bido tacana, these things are huge and feel solid - must be really thick walled and full of seeds or something - have to be the heaviest ones i have 

going to have a few more 7 pot jonahs than i could possibly use, have another plant with just as many

bacteria or virus got these tomatoes, started with one plant it seems but didn't take long to move, these were perfectly healthy 6ft tall 2 weeks ago, now they are gone, still have 6 alive but they won't probably be in 2 more weeks, too much rain i guess - and forcast looks like 7 days straight with a chance starting on saturday
thanks for looking will post more when i can, still have over 100 peppers, most of them loaded with pods and still growing, one is now 5'6" and many over 4' - i like the 2 - 3 foot ones in the past better, this is getting out of control
Same thing happened to my tomatoes. I tried to stay ahead of it but septoria annihilated them (looks like what you got; septoria).
Just too damn wet this year. My neighbors tomatoes were also wiped completely out... so were several other growers/gardeners across Illinois I talk to on Facebook.
Bad year for tomatoes here.
I posted some pics of some of your habs we traded in my Glog - they're growing up and podding up pretty good now!
Your peppers are doing fantastic, judging by the pics. I'm in a similar state; the damn things are up to my chest now as I wade carefully through the garden canopy.
TrentL said:
Same thing happened to my tomatoes. I tried to stay ahead of it but septoria annihilated them (looks like what you got; septoria).
Just too damn wet this year. My neighbors tomatoes were also wiped completely out... so were several other growers/gardeners across Illinois I talk to on Facebook.
Bad year for tomatoes here.
I posted some pics of some of your habs we traded in my Glog - they're growing up and podding up pretty good now!
Your peppers are doing fantastic, judging by the pics. I'm in a similar state; the damn things are up to my chest now as I wade carefully through the garden canopy.
Good to see some of the habs you got from me have turned out pretty well.  Haven't had much time lately to take pics or anything.  Between picking thousands of peppers and all the other things going on in life, seems to be little time left for keeping this glog updated.  Try to look at the forums most nights.  The peppers I got from you are all doing well except datil.  It seemed to get some disease and with its proximity to so many others I really wanted I pulled it, probably didn't need to but wanted to be safe. 
So far from you I have picked tons of Mako Akorsade, Dorset Nagas and Naga Morich.  Haven't tried the nagas yet, but the akorside is pretty good, not too hot.  2 of my favorites so far are the Trinidad Scorpion (PI 281317) and T Scorp CARDI.  That CARDI is really nice, great color shape and test.  Just picked the nicest perfectly shaped Moruga yesterday also.  Probably make some salsa in near future with it.  Can't eat those things like you and many others on here.  Don't know if I got stomach problem or just no tolerance down there any more, but these things in too much concentration tear me up anymore.  Ate a small mako akorsade last week and had cap cramps until i ate like half a bucket of ice cream.  Never had this problem much before last year when a local thai place took me at my work and made my dish as hot as they could make it and almost killed me.
Those Mako Akokosrade are some good tasting peppers. I was really surprised by them! The PI281317 are also real good tasting. I used those in some eggdrop soup last night and it turned out real good.
I just picked a bag of cardi's, haven't tried them yet but will soon. Not tonight; I bit in to a brown bhut jolokia tonight that about did me in. I've *never* felt pain like that from a pepper. It was brutal.
Little update.  Not much time to update as I would like, but had a pretty big harvest yesterday.

Had to be at least a thousand pods, probably a lot more.
Plants still going nuts, many 4 - 5', Brazilian Starfish over 6ft now.

Getting a batch ready for the smoker.

Ready for the cold smoke.

A really big pod.

This was supposed to be a chocolate habanero, but is something much more evil.  Whatever cross this is, its extremely hot and tastes what I could only imaging a good dose of liquid plumber would taste like.  

Well I think I over did it.  Probably picked over 3 or 4 thousand pods now, probably have 3 or 4 K  more in the next 2 or 3 weeks, then if frost holds off long enough might be an epic second set in october.  Some plants like yellow brain strain and yellow moruga where i picked about 20 - 30 giant pods off a few weeks back have both set 80 - 100+ pods all over the top branches.  Have enough powder to last 10 years and still making it and probably nuked my stomach with daily salsas for the last month.  
This was my first real jump into the superhots and trinidad peppers.  Mostly habaneros in my past.  Found some I really love, some a little too hot and tasteless for me.  Favorites so far - 7 Pot BS Yellow, Yellow Moruga, Red Brain Strain, Choc. TScorp, 7Pot Jonah, Bonda Ma Jacques, Peach Bhut. probably others I am forgetting.  The red brain strains have me completely baffled at this point though.  At first taste especially on a dried pod all I get is sweet, extremely sweet more so than any sweet pepper I have had, then about 30 seconds to a minute later it hits back with extreme heat, and in salsa only takes a very small amount to cramp up the gut.  Wish it didn't hit my stomach so hard because really love the sweet then burn of this thing.
LOL Nice haul man!
7 pots (varied) are by far my favorite tasting pepper, but some of the yellows are growing on me. 
I'm with you on the "too much" aspect of some of them (brain strain, etc). 
In fact, I'm going to try an experiment this next growing season. Since my plants are all open-air pollenated, there's no telling what has crossed with what - any seed might be the result of the parent + any of 70+ potential "donor" plants.
So I'm going to take some of the ultrahots and grow "unknown hybrids" off of them next year just to see what turns up. (If nothing else it'll keep life more interesting next year because I'll have no CLUE what will pop out of what plant on those rows; I'll only know "half" of the contributor).
The goal here, and why I'd pick the ultra-hots as parents of unknown crosses, is to try to get the TASTE of them, but in a "milder" form.
No telling if that's how it'll turn out...
Peppers look great fellow illinoisian,
Our tomatoes here got annihilated as well, look EXACTLY the same as yours. My tomatillo however and couple beefsteak tomatoes i have in buckets look great still
Peppers are now starting to ripen like mad just like yours. 
I think Im going to venture and try a Brown moruga or sepia serpent tomorrow. im scared
Digging the Ping golf bag in that super harvest pic
kgetpeppers said:
Peppers look great fellow illinoisian,
Our tomatoes here got annihilated as well, look EXACTLY the same as yours. My tomatillo however and couple beefsteak tomatoes i have in buckets look great still
Peppers are now starting to ripen like mad just like yours. 
I think Im going to venture and try a Brown moruga or sepia serpent tomorrow. im scared
Digging the Ping golf bag in that super harvest pic
Picket a few grocery sacks tonight, the end is near I think.  Pods seem to be ripening very slowly now with the cold.  The ping bag is an antique, kid is using it now. Only have had ping bags since college days.  The one they gave me for 2 years of juco golf was abused to say the least and still perfectly fine after that.  I figured if it can live through that torture of my tempermental days, i would by one.  Have only had 4 in the last 25 years of pretty active golfing.
rick_pitcher said:
Liquid plummer ....lol
Made salsa with that brown pod.  Its as hot as any other superhot I have this year but also the worst tasting.  I thought the salsa was crap but a co-worker loved it and took home the entire batch. 