event Peppers at the beach Delaware, 2012

Hmm.... I just got to wondering what ever happened to that bottle of Pure Evil.... Did it make it home with somebody on this site?
Did Justaguy say it was JayT's bottle?
Nope. I totally lost track of it after dinner, when I had 3 drops before the meal started. I'm guessing since JayT posted that it was in the videos on Sunday, at least someone who was there Sunday after I left ended up with it. LOL - Am I pathetic at only 3 drops?
Ah! I wondered how JayT got one with the red label and clear bottle.

Ah! I wondered how JayT got one with the red label and clear bottle.
yea, my laptop is doing funky things when I try to edit. Strange city network, it just goes all wacko and says weird code stuff.....

Time to get back to the country where my laptop can understand that slow gps rate. :lol:

This is what it says when I click on the "edit" button-

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Hello World\n
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Nah - You can keep it. I was just wondering where it landed. For all I knew, it was still sitting at Peppers.... Enjoy!

That would be Chip Hearn owner of Peppers and co-founder (with John Dilley aka Defcon Creator) of Peppers at the Beach. I figured you guys needed to the see the Hitler 'stache in action.