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My Trinidad scorpions are just starting to put out a ton of pods. Nothing close to ripe or even full sized yet, but it looks pretty promising.

My two scorps are overwinters from last year where they didn't produce at all, so this has been a long time coming. Also have some chocolate habs and pimentos starting peppers, but the scorps are what I've been waiting for since I first decided I was gonna grow peppers.

I noticed the other day that I can hardly even feel the heat in a jalapeno and banana pepper pizza I ordered the other day, while my family had trouble finishing a single piece. I'm about ready for a pepper to kick me in the face and make me regret ever putting that first seed in the dirt.
i go to a bar called wings and they have bobby wings you need to sign a waiver to order them blah blah crap lol, me and a buddy go to eat them as a competition to see who can handle the heat, hes dieing and he loves hot things where as I didnt feel the heat i ate them till i was full, people that worked there were shocked lol.
from what i hear they are hotter than habanero im not sure on the SHU though, maybe around the 350,000 - 500,000 mark at max
I have 2 Super Chili growing well on my front deck, 5hrs sun. 100 pods so far and still setting flowers, only one starting to turn, all green so far.
i have a bunch of peppers now but none ripe :banghead:
7-pot brain (1 pepper lol)
7-pod douglah( 2 peppers lol)
trinidad moruga (10 peppers)
carolina reaper (10 peppers)
all those are just fullsize peppers that have been sitting green for almost a month now, no change in color starting to not want to wait lol
the plants have many many little peppers lol
Still nothing changing colour, all green.

I've got about 5 Trinidad scorpion peppers waiting to turn, maybe 8 chocolate hab peppers if I count the tiny ones, and about 4 (supposed) pimento peppers that ended up looking like stunted jalapenos.

Pretty disappointing yield this year, I dunno what happened. Tons of flowers, everything was just kicking into gear, and then it all stalled.

Anybody else?
Wulf said:
Still nothing changing colour, all green.

I've got about 5 Trinidad scorpion peppers waiting to turn, maybe 8 chocolate hab peppers if I count the tiny ones, and about 4 (supposed) pimento peppers that ended up looking like stunted jalapenos.

Pretty disappointing yield this year, I dunno what happened. Tons of flowers, everything was just kicking into gear, and then it all stalled.

Anybody else?
One of my Brain Strain have about 30ish ripe red peppers on it, and 20ish still green.
ZenPepper said:
One of my Brain Strain have about 30ish ripe red peppers on it, and 20ish still green.
my brain strain i got from pepperjoe turned out to be habanero, sucks.. got like 20 trinidad's starting to change tho
Balduvian said:
my brain strain i got from pepperjoe turned out to be habanero, sucks.. got like 20 trinidad's starting to change tho
Dont worry fellow canuck, I can hook u up with some seeds if you still want a go at it next season
I have had a lot of cayennes turn in the last week.... 10 to 15 picked, my habaneros are turning now, 1 ripe, and lots of Hungarian wax, 10 plus picked so far.... My ghosts and red Caribbean Habs, and most of my jalopenos are still green.

Here in the peg, finally getting warm weather with good over night temps. Things are moving quickly now!

Mine stalled too because over night temps were hitting plus 7 or 8 for a while in July!!! Caused most of my flowers to drop.... But... Getting a decent yield...