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fermenting Peppers Only Ferment 4-28-16

After successfully completing my 2nd mash, I am ready to try my third! 
The first two were fairly similar, and I wanted to try something that will be nothing but pure heat that I can use as a base to create other sauces. 
I had 5 bags with 5 varieties of superhots. Not sure what they all were, but I'm guessing Yellow Fatalli, Infinity, Scorpions, and 7pot or brains strain.
The total weight of the peppers came out the 236 grams

Into the food processor they go!

4% of salt by weight = 9.5 grams
Salt blended into pepper mix:

Into a sterilized jar with an airlock to sit for 30-90 days :-)

Thanks to SmokenFire and the rest of THP for being awesome mentors!
Malarky said:
is too much head space^ a problem for mash ferments? its bad for wine...
That was my biggest concern that I had.. My previous two ferments had about an inch of head space and it didn't matter at all.. Hopefully someone can chime in; and if it does in-fact have too much headspace, maybe it's not too late for me to add something like a few bell peppers and more salt.. I also didn't use a brine and instead used just pure salt like my previous two ferments. Not sure what kind of factor that will play either

So after some conversation with SmokenFire, I felt like I needed to add something to reduce the head space.
To keep it a "pepper" only ferment, I opted for some sweet bell peppers to balance the heat. I got 3 of them from the local store

I added 24 grams of salt to make it the same 4% salt ratio as the other mash, blended it all together and added it to the jar:

we'll see what she does!
So I can just barely start to see some visible white specks forming on the surface of my ferment. I suspect that it's Kahm yeast, but it's really hard to see in the jar without opening it.
I suspect this had something to do with when I first put the peppers in the jar with so much airspace and left it overnight, and then the next day I added the rest of the bell peppers..?? 
With this picture you can just barely see some white looking specks on the surface. You can also see that it is bubbling along nicely, and there is about a quarter inch of liquid that is suspending the mash. I assume that it's safe to let the ferment continue, and just before processing, scrape the yeast off?

Codester said:
With this picture you can just barely see some white looking specks on the surface. You can also see that it is bubbling along nicely, and there is about a quarter inch of liquid that is suspending the mash. I assume that it's safe to let the ferment continue, and just before processing, scrape the yeast off?

Your assumption is correct. Also, I've had  couple that were short on headspace, so I just added sea salt to the top. It creates a bit of a barrier, and you can scrape it out with a spoon before processing. Your mash is looking good. 
So now this ferment is really kicking into FULL GEAR.. It is bubbling up a storm these days and I went from having too much headspace to fearing for an overflow! I have to keep knocking the jar on the counter to assist the bubbles to rise out of the top. When left alone for 8 hours or so, all the liquid separates on the bottom and pushes the mash towards the top. It's pretty amazing to see how much liquid is in the jar as it all comes from the peppers since I add just salt and no brine. The smell is amazing!
Codester said:
So now this ferment is really kicking into FULL GEAR.. It is bubbling up a storm these days and I went from having too much headspace to fearing for an overflow! I have to keep knocking the jar on the counter to assist the bubbles to rise out of the top. When left alone for 8 hours or so, all the liquid separates on the bottom and pushes the mash towards the top. It's pretty amazing to see how much liquid is in the jar as it all comes from the peppers since I add just salt and no brine. The smell is amazing!
I'm looking forward to your processing and tasting!   I have been following this topic.  
I'm going to be experimenting with some ferments this year.  I really like the depth it adds to sauces. 
Vicious Vex said:
I'm looking forward to your processing and tasting!   I have been following this topic.  
I'm going to be experimenting with some ferments this year.  I really like the depth it adds to sauces. 
Ferments are easy and fun! I am experimenting with this one without garlic, onions or carrots. I will probably roast some garlic and onions to throw into the final sauce.
There was something about my first two ferments that I didn't quite care for and I think it had to do with the onions, carrots or garlic. I really enjoy a good fermented pepper sauce though, which encouraged me to go for peppers only. We'll see how it goes.. This morning the mash was a centimeter from exploding! yikes! here's a picture below

frydad4 said:
Damn thats crazy. Rocketman makes some crazy fermented sauces! The best i've ever had!
I have always admired Rocketman's sauces, but haven't had the pleasure to taste any yet..
SmokenFire makes a KILLER fermented sauce (can't think of the name off the top of my head.. I think it was called sweet creep or something like that) But it was definitely up there with my ALL TIME favorite tasting sauce ever.. I can pretty much blame him for my fermented sauce making habit, as I am constantly trying to replicate something of similar taste  :onfire:

this ferment has decided to kick into ultimate gear and I am in fear of the whole thing exploding overnight.. I have placed it into a bowl just incase this happens..

It has kham yeast on top.. not a whole not, but enough to see.. 

Should I open the lid, scrape some of the yeast and substance out to make room for how much it wants to breathe? or should I just leave it alone?? I am having to knock it on the counter every hour or so to make it settle..
Codester said:
this ferment has decided to kick into ultimate gear and I am in fear of the whole thing exploding overnight.. I have placed it into a bowl just incase this happens..
It has kham yeast on top.. not a whole not, but enough to see.. 

Should I open the lid, scrape some of the yeast and substance out to make room for how much it wants to breathe? or should I just leave it alone?? I am having to knock it on the counter every hour or so to make it settle..
Anyone who ferments long enough will have a blow out or two (or ten!).  You've got it in a bowl so that will help.  Personally I try not to open ferments once they are going, but I also don't think it would harm the ferment much if you opened, scraped, salted and replaced the airlock.  That would get rid of the kham and give you a bit more headspace to control blow outs going forward.  Best of luck, and be sure to follow up with your processing pics!  :)
SmokenFire said:
Anyone who ferments long enough will have a blow out or two (or ten!).  You've got it in a bowl so that will help.  Personally I try not to open ferments once they are going, but I also don't think it would harm the ferment much if you opened, scraped, salted and replaced the airlock.  That would get rid of the kham and give you a bit more headspace to control blow outs going forward.  Best of luck, and be sure to follow up with your processing pics!   :)
okay, so I definitely did this.. when I took the lid off, it was just kissing the bottom of the airlock.. I scooped probably about 3/4" off the top, then generously added salt to the top and reset the airlock.

I tested the PH of the stuff I scooped out, which was mostly bell pepper, and it was 4.8.. I tasted a tiny speck and it has an outstanding smell and flavor. It smells and tastes kind of like a sweet n' sour sauce. Since it was mostly the bell pepper I tasted, it didn't have a whole lot of heat, but just a hint. I am really looking forward to what this sauce will produce! 
Thanks for the advice SmokenFire
It's amazing how this sauce has transformed from it's original look. It's almost as though the bell peppers are turning into liquid and disappearing. It is bubbling up a storm! 
Some fermentation porn for you guys:
I'm sad to say that today, after letting this ferment for 6 months, I had to throw it out. 
I was curious what the PH on it would read, so I opened it up and poured some into a little cup. I was instantly blasted with a sour smell that was very unappealing. Over time, the breakdown of all the bell peppers released tons of liquid. It was probably about 2/3 mash and 1/3 liquid substance. The PH on it read at an exact 4. With the way it smelled, I didn't even want to taste it and I threw it out. The house still has an unpleasant smell even though I through it away and washed my airlock thoroughly.. 
You win some, you lose some.. oh well..