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Peppers with unique flavors

My favorite pepper is the Lemon Drop, as the mature pods have a strong citrus flavor. Are there any other peppers with unique flavors? Anything really blueberry, or perhaps chocolate like?
yup other Aji peppers such as



JAMAICAN HOT CHOCOLATE HABANERO (not chocolate like in flavor)




What flavor does the JAMAICAN HOT CHOCOLATE HABANERO have?

You have any wild Brazil seeds to trade? If not, I'll have to post in the marketplace forum.

The Chocolate only refers to the color not the taste. Chocolate Habanero is tasty though IMO
Although, some chocolate pods do have a unique smokey flavour to them..... ;)

Personally, I am a huge fan of Aji Limon.... love to just pick 'em and munch on 'em while I'm in the garden.
think i may have to try the cumari!

hot lemon is like a burst of lemon juice in your mouth with the heat.
once i figured out that one must deseed bulgarian carrot that pepper had me munching non stop.
chapeau de frade(bishops crown) was another pepper that had a flavour that just kept my palate drooling.

caribbean red had a funny taste, the taste you read about members saying "chemical", now, that was just me. just like some members don't like the taste of bulgarian carrot. so i think a lot has to due with your taste receptors.
I'll try growing some cumari next season, if I can get my hands on some seeds!

I unsuccessfully tried to sprout a few Bulgarian Carrot, either last year, or the year before. Why do you have to deseed it before eating?
The Mild White Habanero and Scarlet Lantern pods I grew had a distinct flavour. I suspect the Scarlet Lantern to not quite be true to form though as I observed C. Annuum characteristics in terms of the calyx and flowers.

Cumari are said to taste like fruitloops. I is trying to grow some this season.

I've grew a variety named Yellow Fire that may be similar to the Cumari. The pods reached a diameter of 5 mm and were spherical. In thechileman.org database there's a Charapita (PI 260498) listed as purportedly the same as Yellow Fire. I found the PI 260501 listed with an identifier of Yellow Fire. The pods are elongated though whereas the pods I tried were spherical.

I is too! (and had my first one finally pop the other day!) :D

It had better live up to it's rep though or I'm gonna rage rip it up and burn it as punishment for letting me down! :lol:

Did you get the Cumari from somebody who found it to taste like fruit loops?
I unsuccessfully tried to sprout a few Bulgarian Carrot, either last year, or the year before. Why do you have to deseed it before eating?

i sent a THP member some seeds and he said only 1 sprouted(think i sent him 15 or so), so i thought i better test my seeds for viability, i planted 4, now i have 4 more plants - something i really have no room for. bulgarian carrot is an annuum and really one should have no problems at all getting them going. the ones i planted are in a planter with my 3 year old tepin and sit outside with daytime temps of 75F and night time temps of 46F. they sprouted no problem at all and zero attention.

the reason for deseeding is the pod is absolutely full of seeds, all you need is 1 good size pod and you'll have seeds for a life time.

i got my seeds from greta's organic gardens based in ottawa, canada. she has an online seed warehouse and i bet she would love to sell you some nice viable seeds. i got my fatalii, chapeau de frade and golden bullet habs from there as well.

oops, think i better hold off on the cumari, until nova can verifiy they taste like fruit loops or lucky charms or special K or whatever he said.
oops, think i better hold off on the cumari, until nova can verifiy they taste like fruit loops or lucky charms or special K or whatever he said.

One reason why I decided to grow the Yellow Fire was the hope of finding a different flavour. The idea of drying them and putting them in a pepper grinder intrigued me. I note now though that it is the aroma that is referred to as being similar to fruit loops and not the flavour.

I found post that mentions the red Cumari Pollux pods as tasting like fruit loops:

So Yellow Bird is the same as Cumari (the yellow chinense one)? I received some seeds and dried yellow pods from Wayright labeled "Cumari" (yellow), along with some red ones labeled "Cumari Pollux" (red), and as far as I can tell from the internet is that the Yellow Bird and Cumari (yellow chinense one) are the same plant. Seems that information on these is pretty scarce though.

The red one definitely has a fruity loops type of taste. Both taste awesome, and surprisingly kicked my ass a little when I chewed one up. I just tasted both again and the Beam and coke is going down a little too quickly right now. :lol: The red one seems to have a much longer lasting burn, while the yellow has a much more quickly dissipating chinense type of burn. I love the taste of both of them though so I'm going to try to grow both this year. :onfire:
Did you get the Cumari from somebody who found it to taste like fruit loops?
Nah, I only heard about the apparent taste from Nova after I had already obtained the seeds from someone.

Won't really rage rip it up either if it doesn't taste like fruit loops. Maybe if they were sold under that pretense.... but under these circumstances, no. ;)
The "Yellow Fatalii" and "Black Stinger" were two that we really enjoyed.

The Pinquita-De-Mono is one that would go real nicely over a salad. It's not a barn burner, but has a very nice flavor. It'll put a smile on you every time!!
I have a cumari passarinho growing. Had 2 but one shriveled. The remaining one is going good. Got the pods, which I took seeds from, from Tonly.
It will be really interesting to find out whether the Cumari really has a fruit loops type flavor.. :eek: ..if so I will have to look for seeds for next season! Keep us posted as your pods ripen!