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Pepperzzz, guns, knives,cigars, watches,bikes,snakes tattoos....Custom boots ?

OK guys. Been around here long enough to see we're all pretty much insane. :rofl:
Anyone ever have a set of custom boots made ?
I like Wellingtons but around my place even the ones with standard Vibram's cause one to mud skate.
My old Redwing loggers( too damn many laces) don't.They're ultra traction ! Sooooo. I went online to search for some custom makers who would be willing to make a pair of Wellingtons using the Vibram Tacoma loggers sole.
I found a couple and ordered a fitting kit from one. He wants me to fit while Skyping(video) so he can correct any mistakes that may occur while measuring, tracing, imprinting my paw etc. Pretty cool.Seems very professional.
AHEM $800. What sayeth yee-'all ?

I look at it this way. I've got around $1500 worth of boots laying around that I have no desire to wear on a daily basis.
I'm in and out of the house all day and The Wellies I have( Dr Marten and Carolina) don't have the traction I need while cruising around in the jungle.The loggers and hikers are a pain in the ass to take on and off unless I'm going out all or most of the day.
$800 seems like Big Bux but....If it's my last pair, it' seems very reasonable.
I'd put up with the PITA boots if it were me. To ME, spending $800 on a pair of boots is like spending $200k on a car. A $25k car will still get you there! Meaning that the others, you say, work great, but way too many laces. Those boots cost what, $150? I would put up with some laces for $650. What kind of flooring do you have? If you have carpet, $650 is a start towards wood/laminate flooring...just sayin'! lol
To me if its anything to do with work and making it easier Im all for it - afterall you are there most of your life anyways you better enjoy it while being comfortable. If this is an every day knock around shoe forget it Im with Pooper
Nobody should tell you how to use your own hard earned money for. So if you want to buy some custom made boots, then go ahead and be happy about it! :party:
Hard earned ? Watching tourist slide 200 feet down a trail on their back while wearing $200 Gucci Chinese ulra hikers and an air lift backpack aint hard work. :shh: :rofl:
Well. The hard part is helping them back up while carrying all their junk they packed in from Walmart. :tear:

You'd think a 4 hour round trip hike was an Everest expedition!
Flashlight, headlamp, snake bite kit, poncho, alcohol stove, signal mirror, first aid kit, machete, Swiss tool, hammock, Crocs, extra clothes, socks, swim trunks, gps, insect repellent, noodles,hemp hat, camera, batteries,field guide, fishing gear. All new and never used, of course.

Just wondered if anyone bought the bullet ? When I did the A.T., 100 years ago, guys swore by hand made Limmer$. I wore 8 inch Sears work boots.
I have a feeling they were right.
Doug, I'm with your attitude all the way. We have to be lookin' at things from the small end of the pipe, Hot Popper has the long end to crawl through yet.
Go for it!