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PeteyPepper Here...Hello All!

Hello All -

I've been lurking on the forum for about a month now and decided that I would join. I have experience gardening and growing veggies, but I never tried Chili's until this year. Unfortunately, now I think I'm hooked:cool:!

I have four plants (lol) growing in 5 gallon plastic pots. 2 plants are of a sweet pepper variety called "sweet cayenne" and the other 2 plants are supposedly a hot cayenne variety called "hot portugal". All 4 plants have flowered and have baby peppers on them. One of the sweet cayennes is about two foot tall, has about 20 juvenile(?) peppers and is still flush with flowers;


This particular plant seems to be doing very well. It started off very sturdy with lots of leaves. Once the fruiting started to take place, some of the leaves started to yellow. Do you think that this is a result of the plants energy focused on fruits and not leaves? Again, the plant seems to be robust and continues to produce many flowers.

Thanks all and sorry for the long first post.

I don't suppose it would hurt to hit it with some seaweed / fish emulsion / etc. Stay away from nitrogen fertilizers at this stage in the plants growth. If that doesn't help the yellowing, I'm not sure what you could do... Look for nutrient deficiencies online - there are a few sources that show good pictures of the effects. I'm sure you'll find what you need!
PeteyPepper said:
Hello All -

I've been lurking on the forum for about a month now and decided that I would join. I have experience gardening and growing veggies, but I never tried Chili's until this year. Unfortunately, now I think I'm hooked:cool:!

I have four plants (lol) growing in 5 gallon plastic pots. 2 plants are of a sweet pepper variety called "sweet cayenne" and the other 2 plants are supposedly a hot cayenne variety called "hot portugal". All 4 plants have flowered and have baby peppers on them. One of the sweet cayennes is about two foot tall, has about 20 juvenile(?) peppers and is still flush with flowers;


This particular plant seems to be doing very well. It started off very sturdy with lots of leaves. Once the fruiting started to take place, some of the leaves started to yellow. Do you think that this is a result of the plants energy focused on fruits and not leaves? Again, the plant seems to be robust and continues to produce many flowers.

Thanks all and sorry for the long first post.


Welcome from Ohio
If you worry abouth leafs all you do sprinke around little Epsom salt by the roots & water plant will be fine.
Welcome from Fort Worth
Hi Petey Pepper. Welcome from Vancouver Canada.

I'm quite new here myself just joined a couple weeks ago and find this to be a great community for us pepper freaks.

I grew some Hot Portugal in containers last year and the plants were quite large and productive. The peppers were up to 8" long and were quite tasty and relatively mild. For heatlovers at least. My wife quite liked them as she finds a lot of the other peppers I grow to be way too hot for her.