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pH pH levels OK?

So I have modified this Recipe many times and it is finally where I like it. Actually Love it. The only sauce that I may go for more than my own is Lucky Dogs Orange and Pink - Delish.
My Concern is on the pH Levels. I really don't want to shell out $300+ on a tester. So I am curious if you have a pH level Tester - Feel free to try my Recipe and let me know if the levels are OK.
  • 3 Cups Carrots, Chopped
  • 2 Onions, Chopped
  • 3 Cups Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1/2 Cup Lime Juice (Fresh Squeezed)
  • 6 Garlic Cloves, Minced
  • 4 Teaspoons Salt
  • 30 or so Habanero Peppers with seeds, remove stems
  • 15-20 Red Thai Peppers
  • Combine all the ingredients, except for the habaneros/Thai, in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil (covered) for 15 minutes or until the carrots are soft 
  • Place all the ingredients in a blender or food processor and puree until smooth.

Genetikx said:
I'd be shocked if that was above 4.0. You've got a lot of vinegar going on, in a good way. Not to mention the lime juice.

Still, check your ph!

Yea I have been canning and eating it for quite some time. However, I would like to be sure.
dsm600rr said:
Can I use the strips to test the sauce that is already canned in my basement when I open it?
Sure you can, but be wary using the litmus strips. The color of your sauce can stain the strip and make it tough to get an accurate reading.

I highly recommend buying a pH meter though. Doesn't have to be a fancy schmancy one if it's just for home use. Here's the one I have; it's only like $30. Also remember to get the cleaning solution and the pH calibrating solution (both under $10 each)


Sauce sounds good, BTW :party:
MikeUSMC said:
Sure you can, but be wary using the litmus strips. The color of your sauce can stain the strip and make it tough to get an accurate reading.

I highly recommend buying a pH meter though. Doesn't have to be a fancy schmancy one if it's just for home use. Here's the one I have; it's only like $30. Also remember to get the cleaning solution and the pH calibrating solution (both under $10 each)


Sauce sounds good, BTW :party:
Try it! Its Delish. Feel free to test the pH when you are done ;)
It is hard for me to test the pH with these strips as it is thick, however if I let it sit on the stick 10 seconds and gently wipe it off on a paper towel and check very quickly after its looking like the color of 3.6
MikeUSMC said:
Sure you can, but be wary using the litmus strips. The color of your sauce can stain the strip and make it tough to get an accurate reading.

I highly recommend buying a pH meter though. Doesn't have to be a fancy schmancy one if it's just for home use. Here's the one I have; it's only like $30. Also remember to get the cleaning solution and the pH calibrating solution (both under $10 each)


Sauce sounds good, BTW :party:
Mike gave you great advice, with which I concur.  You love making sauce, you're not likely to stop anytime soon.  Best to get a permanent and definitive solution to pH (dude get the meter and the calibration solutions).  :)
Yup, I would also recommend using your local brew shop test strips, as I do a lot of home brewing as well, and I can tell you, you must be pretty close with your brewing unless you want bottles of vinegar!
So, yes, use the test strips/units from your local brew shop, they are cheap AND accurate!
dklink said:
So, yes, use the test strips/units from your local brew shop, they are cheap AND accurate!
Again, I strongly advise not to use those strips for sauce making. Sure, they're fine for brewing, but you're never going to get an accurate reading with hot sauce. It's hard enough to get a true reading with the orange colored sauce above. Gonna be even harder with a red or a brown sauce. My $0.02

dsm600rr said:
Lol point taken. I will order it. Suggestions on Cleaning and Calibration solutions?
Calibration ($10): https://www.amazon.com/General-Hydroponics-7-0-Calibration-Solution/dp/B001D0CKYK

Cleaning ($20): https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B06XNZ96TJ/ref=mp_s_a_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1505392468&sr=8-10&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=ph+meter+cleaning+solution

You can probably find the solutions at your local brewing shop too, and not have to pay for shipping