Pharmer Lauras Peppers

We're sw of you about 1 1/2-2 hours and some of the plants look pretty droopy, picking the ripe ones and babying the rest. You said it well, in Minnesota anything is likely this time of the year.
We made some paste style salsa today..7 pints Everything was chopped by hand..took a long time but well worth it when you taste the stuff. We used mainly mild peppers in it & 1 red hot cherry..1 red hab..1 fatali(sp) (yellow) & 1/4 of a Bhut real nice taste..
Tomorrow we will go out & pick a few more pails of peppers & sit down & get them ready for the dehydrator.
We have some peppers frozen & the rest will be ground into flakes & powder..:mouthonfire::onfire::hell:
Is this a cash crop for you folks? If so what all do you sell? If I'm being too nozy feel free to point a finger at me and say "NO"! Thanks.
pharmerphil said:
Chilihunter, I think I know the date you speak of, we had 38° that morning...
We live east of I-35 Near Owatonna Mn.

yea it was 38F here to. still covered the plants or brought them in the shed to be safe, & there was a light frost on alot of things, even the thin water layers on stuff was kinda slushy - not frozen or slush in the winter sense, but I think you know what I mean.

I live in the cambridge area.
BTW how do you get the degree symbol to show, what keys do you press ?
I get it by pressing SHIFT and the key right below ESC, but we have a different layout here, so that might be different, too! It shares a key with "^".
Patrick, yes it is a cash crop for some items.
We dont sell everything. We make alot of hot pepper powder/flakes. I have several people who buy from me. We use alot of our peppers in our salsas.
The degrees & hold alt & type numbers 248 on the key pad .Then release the alt key. Monday will be 60° :)