In the end of October a friend of mine gave me a seedling of PI 281429 variety saying: 'My indoor conditions are not good for this child and I'm afraid it won't be overwintered fine'. 'OK, I'll take care about it', I said without any enthusiasm.
19 days later the seedling looked so:
32 days later...
42 days later...
53 days later first flower buds appeared. '5 flower buds per node. Nothing unusual for C.chinense varieties', I thought.
6 days ago I noticed there were 8 buds!
But now you can see there are 9(!) flower buds at the first node:
It's not so crowded
at higher nodes
To be continued...
P.S. The plant is growing under HPS 250 Watt lamp indoors in 2 l container
19 days later the seedling looked so:
32 days later...
42 days later...
53 days later first flower buds appeared. '5 flower buds per node. Nothing unusual for C.chinense varieties', I thought.
6 days ago I noticed there were 8 buds!
But now you can see there are 9(!) flower buds at the first node:
It's not so crowded
To be continued...
P.S. The plant is growing under HPS 250 Watt lamp indoors in 2 l container