• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's............Pod-ography.............2013

  Good Eve-ning, and Welcome to my bog...glog !

Hey folks sorry for the late glog-up I'm a month behind last years startup,...... :rolleyes: ...... I still have 12+ weeks (plenty of time) before I can start think about hardening off the plants outdoors.

First off I'd like to give a shout out to those who followed my grow last season. Thanks for all the comments, thoughts and ideas. The chuckles we shared......there were some good laughs...(and especially all the criticisms........ :liar: .......hah)

To those who are new, I try to follow a "weekend update" format with photos and captions. Although if anyone has questions or replies that needs and answer or response I'll get back during the week. I hope to keep this interesting and entertaining...

and away we go!

Garden Rewind


Here's my 1st garden (1986)...it was modest but what we grew we used in our kitchen. I had a couple of dual bulb 4ft T12 fixtures in my basement. A couple grow-lux and daylight color temp bulbs. The indoor grow was far superior to the vegetable starts sold at the local nurseries.
My Italian neighbor couldn't understand why his bell pepper starts only had flowers while mine had golfball size peppers very early in the season.....The hot varieties I grew back then were the cayennes, orange habaneros, and a few different type or thai-birds. Things have changed but I still grow those varities.


Here's a shot from last season. I grew around 150+ pepper plants in two different sections of the garden. Plants were grown in raised beds and containers from 5 gal up to 20 gal


A typical weekend harvest shot from later in the season when the gardens at full swing.


This is one of my seed catalogs, the c.chinense....the seeds that invade our gardens every year...
This book and other seed catalogs are kept in a tupperware container container on a shelve in the corner of the basement.
No elaborate system needed, The seeds are kept in 1.5" zip backs. I have seeds that are as far back as 2007, and still germinating without a hitch....theres no need to pitch. Speaking of pitching theres some old baseball card to display the size of the pages used.


These are what I use to get the seeds on their way. I take 1/4 bag of each, mix that into a 5 gal bucket and moisten with water. The spagnum peat give fluff to the texture also helps indicate when the mix need to be re-moistened but the lighter color it displays. The vermiclite helps with water retension while letting the air and moisture through. The seed starting mix also has fine grain perlite to keep drainage and airflow moving.


Ha..........I knew this chop stick would come in handy someday. Once the seed medium is moistened I'll make a hole with the stick 1/4" down .
The seeds will be planted at the same depth. That helps when misting the top with water. Seeds that are planted too high may dry out or seeds planted to deep may rot.


I use two 2ft x 4ft germinating mats. Enough area to warm 8 seed flats at once...


I don't bother with a thermostat for the mats. I run them through a timer, 2 hrs on, 1 hr off...continous. The average temp of the soil stays at +/-85 deg


This is the main grow room. I built the 2 tier shelving units 8ft long x 2ft wide. 8 flats fit underneath the lighting units. Here we have four narrow spaced T8 4 bulb fixtures with 6500k bulbs and one 8ft TF twin bulb tight spaced fixture with 4100k bulbs. I have 4 identical systems in the room with an addition of three 400w mh fixtures with 7200k lamps. The room has 2- 20a dedicated circuits and 1-15a to split the current draw..

more photos in a few minutes....thanks for looking!
PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Greg, thought: sometimes I go the trenching method, rather than digging to Burma for toms . . . old fella told me that if I could set them out for a few days on side in sun, the stem naturally bends up toward sun. Of course, much easier to do this in greenhouse for sure. But did try it and does work, so less iffy in case we get downpour before "the bends." Also like Hawaiian P-apple a lot! Decided to go Ananas Noir this year for a change: like the "sq. inch gardening." :party: Am afraid gonna have to do some that myself this year. Can't decide 15 gal root pouches for peppers, 20 gal for some maters, marzanos too, or the trad way . . . I say both and see. And BER is just something that happens first of year esp. on the pastes. Goes away. Did soil tests on big garden/field after my "cure stomach bug with insanely hot Duval Crawl hot sauce on omelet" treatment yest. afternoon (worked!) and pH LOW--lotta rain this winter, figured, so I was out until dark o'clock digging dol lime in. Always think I'll beat BER but not on the pastes! Mostly didn't want nute lock-out. But again, BER goes away after first flush fruits.

BEAUTIFUL pro grow, man ;)
Weekend update.....


Heres the basement grow...what I can fit in the photo. Not much happening here. I stopped at my son's today to get my 1, 2, and 3 gal blow mold pots out of his garage. . During the week some of the plants will be moved into larger pots. I'm starting to run out of room and the weather doesn't look like its going to cooperate for a few weeks. So what I'll do is increase the light cycles and play "Musical Pots" moving some of the pots in and out of direct light at 12 hr intervals. The upstairs grow is doing well I still have space for the Tomatoes and other later crops.


An "Amish Bush" pushing out pods.


1st flower on a Goat's Weed


Variegation on a "Fish" plant...........I've had plants in the past under my metal halides in the past that were almost completely creme color.


Buds and a CGN 22207


A couple of Chocolate Bhut Jolokia buds hanging around in the wind.......................from the fan


The top of a Jamaican Annuum........nice delayed heat with these pods


Many colors of the Purple Bhut Jolokia


The creamy-greeny flowers, early stages of a Red Bhut Jolokia

a few more photos...shortly

A tray of California Wonders , these were just potted up from a 72 insert tray. They're still planted in inserts to save on space. These are over 4" deep. The next step will be in 1 gal pots outdoors.....In a few weeks.....I hope !


Red and Yellow Mourga's


Various Bhuts and Douglah's


Bahamian Goats.......from various sources.


A few plants in 15 gal containers....Here once again is the overwintered Pimenta de Neyde...over 2ft tall


Yellow Brain x Yellow Bonnet.


Here's a 3yr old Yellow Scotch Bonnet overwinter..........tasty pods


Another overwinter, 2 yr old FDA Scotch Bonnet


My bud "Sunny" checking out a tray of Jalapenos
A tray of plants in the upstairs grow...............Fish Emulsion and Kelp have been doing wonders !
A variety of plants in 3 gal containers under the metal halides.
Here's the food ingredients for the week if you'd like to see what happens with these check out the cooking with fire forums...Click Here

See you all in 2 weeks.....Have a Happy Easter.....
Great thread ! Just caught up again. I am amazed at what you a doin' early mon , in my mind .. at least. I always thought your area held onto winter harder , and longer than mine.
I'm just catching up here my self. Last year we had a freak Marck with weather in the upper 80's for a week then in the 60' s and 70's. This year we can' even hit 50! A few more weeks and maybe at least I can get the tomatoes out in the cold frames
I hope this was directed at everyone :PI always have BER on the first tomatoes to set, I've read it's a Calcium issue, but why one just the first ones?I've added Calmag to their nutrition this year hoping it will help.Thanks,Scott
Hey Scott,Sorry for the late reply........side work has taken up alot of my time lately. BER is a soil issue. I turn in Bone and Blood Meal into the soil well before planting. In the fall I add Garden Lime and the compost I use is rich in nutrients. But theres no guarantee. CalMag helps as a foliar spray. You need to spray the plants every 2 weeks prior to any problems. Fluctuating watering and poor drainage will also excellerate the issue. I've noticed tomatoes respond better to less water. Containers are more prone to soil issues than beds or inground planting.Good luck with your crop............and may it be a back breaking harvest !
Maternational looking good Greggy pooh!!!
Thanks Jamie.........."Tomatoe's"..........if you can't eat'em ...throw'em
Ah, there it is, the Guatemalan Chiltepin. I wasn't going to start these this year, but decided to last minute...
That's the Guatemalen Chiltepin. My son brought those and two other types back from Guat with his girl friend. She wasn't sure what the other 2 varieties were called but her mom knows......I still haven't found out. From what I remember , these Chiltepins start out black, turning green then red............don't hold me to that, I have about 5 types but thats what I remember..........lol
My daughter loves your mater grow! I had to talk her out of a mater growing challenge...
Good for you and good for her....get the kids started early.....mix some of your Bonnets up with the Tomatoes...........Motz and Blue cheese on top of Garlic Bread , pop it in a 450 deg oven......and a Red Stripe beer.............yum
Greg, thought: sometimes I go the trenching method, rather than digging to Burma for toms . . . old fella told me that if I could set them out for a few days on side in sun, the stem naturally bends up toward sun. Of course, much easier to do this in greenhouse for sure. But did try it and does work, so less iffy in case we get downpour before "the bends." Also like Hawaiian P-apple a lot! Decided to go Ananas Noir this year for a change: like the "sq. inch gardening." :party: Am afraid gonna have to do some that myself this year. Can't decide 15 gal root pouches for peppers, 20 gal for some maters, marzanos too, or the trad way . . . I say both and see. And BER is just something that happens first of year esp. on the pastes. Goes away. Did soil tests on big garden/field after my "cure stomach bug with insanely hot Duval Crawl hot sauce on omelet" treatment yest. afternoon (worked!) and pH LOW--lotta rain this winter, figured, so I was out until dark o'clock digging dol lime in. Always think I'll beat BER but not on the pastes! Mostly didn't want nute lock-out. But again, BER goes away after first flush fruits.BEAUTIFUL pro grow, man ;)
Greg, thought: sometimes I go the trenching method, rather than digging to Burma for toms . . . old fella told me that if I could set them out for a few days on side in sun, the stem naturally bends up toward sun. Of course, much easier to do this in greenhouse for sure. But did try it and does work, so less iffy in case we get downpour before "the bends." Also like Hawaiian P-apple a lot! Decided to go Ananas Noir this year for a change: like the "sq. inch gardening." :party: Am afraid gonna have to do some that myself this year. Can't decide 15 gal root pouches for peppers, 20 gal for some maters, marzanos too, or the trad way . . . I say both and see. And BER is just something that happens first of year esp. on the pastes. Goes away. Did soil tests on big garden/field after my "cure stomach bug with insanely hot Duval Crawl hot sauce on omelet" treatment yest. afternoon (worked!) and pH LOW--lotta rain this winter, figured, so I was out until dark o'clock digging dol lime in. Always think I'll beat BER but not on the pastes! Mostly didn't want nute lock-out. But again, BER goes away after first flush fruits.BEAUTIFUL pro grow, man ;)
Yep certain paste tomatoes have issues with BER. I've been lucky with the San Marzanos and the Speckled Romans. The Determinate Roma's slide by also but the regular Roma's toward the end of the season can become spotty on the bottom. I yank the fruit off if I see it and spray the plant with Cal Mag. It seems to work with the next wave of fruit.
Those were some nice looking tomatoes.
Thanks Bodeen.I can't wait to get some red ones off the plants this year.........probably not til July, the way the weathers going...........lol
Oh my that is an impressive looking grow. Just planted my two flats of tomatoes and a flat of red sails. Awesome grow man.
This has to be the latest I started mine....a few days ago. I'm glad I looked under the dome cause the 1st wave are starting to pop.4 weeks indoors and they'll be ready to move into 1 gal containers for the hardening off outdoors.
Excellent update Greg! Any more Yellow Brain x Yellow Bonnet pods pop out yet? The sesame crusted yellowfin looks amazing! Plants really packing on the foliage! Everything is so inspiring, even your electrical sockets are stylish!
Plants and OW's look superb, Greg! I'm really interested in how the podshape will be of the CGN22207. I got an question about the Fish, does it show the creme spots in a early stage already or does it show up later? Are you pinching out any buds at all or just leave it to nature :lol:?
Nice update Greg. They say the opera isn't over 'til the fat lady sings, but I've found your update isn't over 'til the foodie pics show up...
Out of curiousity... where did you get the deep star-shaped inserts? They seem to be working well for you, and I'm looking for the most efficient use of space when up-potting seedlings before planting outside.
Nice Greg! My first time growing the fish,didn't know the variagation was contingent upon light intensity,makes sense. Mine made it further along in the process and is under some stronger light as of last night. Curious to see how it reacts. Your CGN22207 is a great looking chinense. I have done alittle reading up on it,a definite grow at some point. There are some gems hidden under all the super hot ballyhoo.

I have been meaning to ask you about foliar feeding and t8 lighting. Are the t8's strong enough to burn up wet leaves? I wouldn't dare do it with my stronger lights but have been curious about the t8's. I see a lot of your photos with wet leaves and just wondered if you had the lights on them just to compose a nice photo? Take care and have a good week.
There’s not need for me to always post how great everything looks, not becoming to constantly gushy, hehe. So I will just have to give you THP honorary title of “Greenskeeper” :)

»» Foobar2k ::: Buckethead - Shadows Between The Sky (2010) - 13 - Greenskeeper ::: 0:36/0:58 (••••••••••) ::: 990 kbps ««

I read “Yep certain paste tomatoes have issues with BER. I've been lucky with the San Marzanos and the Speckled Romans. The Determinate Roma's slide by also but the regular Roma's toward the end of the season can become spotty on the bottom. I yank the fruit off if I see it and spray the plant with Cal Mag. It seems to work with the next wave of fruit.” I can’t help but wonder if you take your own advice and “if you can't eat'em ...throw'em” ~_^

I’ll comment on the foodie over in “cooking with fire,” Click Here to read my comments there.
Excellent update Greg! Any more Yellow Brain x Yellow Bonnet pods pop out yet? The sesame crusted yellowfin looks amazing! Plants really packing on the foliage! Everything is so inspiring, even your electrical sockets are stylish!
Hey Steve,No pods off the larger plants.....I stripped all the flowers, Although for kicks I planted seeds from the 1st and only pod just for an experiment and the F2 has its 2nd true set of leaves. That goes against how I normally "select" my seeds but I'd like to see how this plant progresses. Thanks for the comps...

Wow, very impressive. Lot's of love and care in there. What are the red peppers on the cutting board?
All the red chili's are Thai. The fresh and the dried were from an Asian grocery store. The pickled were from my garden. Not sure on the variety as the seed packs were not in English.I pickle towards the end of the season...Jalapenos, Hab Giardinaire, Whole Bonnets and Thaibirds.

Plants and OW's look superb, Greg! I'm really interested in how the podshape will be of the CGN22207. I got an question about the Fish, does it show the creme spots in a early stage already or does it show up later? Are you pinching out any buds at all or just leave it to nature :lol:?
Hey Stefan,This is the 1st year growing the CGN22207 I'm also curious on the pod shape. I have seeds from 2 sources. We'll see how they both look. The Fish starts to show the color varigation after the 4th or 5th set of true leaves. My T8 bulbs are 6500k temp, the metal halides are 7200k. The color the temp the more the color change,at least thats what I've seen indoors. Outdoors the full sun intensity dominates the variegation while partial shade brings on more green hues. The pods go through a multi-tone green/creme stage through a muted brown then to a vivid red. I like the green stage fresh in rice mixtures and stir fries. When the pods ripen red the skins thin out fast. At that point I let them sun dry. I haven't pinched any flowers off the Fish, I let most plants run except some of the Nu-Mex horn and long varieties, Jalapeno's and my overwinters. Those I'll pinch for certain reasons. The Nu'Mex Annaheims, Hatch and other longs will produce better if the plant can continue to produce new branching. Some folks let the 1st few flowers produce but, thats it for the 1st round of pods only a few then the plant has produce more flowers and move on. Pinching will force the plant to send out extra flowers on the additional branching. The overwinters need to get bigger before I let them flower. Once outside they will flourish.Sorry for the rant, I'm sure you already know this info,but others may be reading...thanks,Greg

Dang it Greg!!! Once again weekend complete...your updates usually make Sunday nights a little sweet with the bitter of having to work tomorrow. Not today though! I got all week off! :dance:
lol........great, enjoy the week off...what's on the table for Easter ?

Nice update Greg. They say the opera isn't over 'til the fat lady sings, but I've found your update isn't over 'til the foodie pics show up...
Out of curiousity... where did you get the deep star-shaped inserts? They seem to be working well for you, and I'm looking for the most efficient use of space when up-potting seedlings before planting outside.
Ha........thanks Rick,That good ole phrase has been used many times......and it true !I bought the star inserts a few years back for growing leaf lettuce indoors. The wells are deep and theres a single large whole at the bottom which makes root trimming easy. They work great with most vege since they direct the roots in the right direction...down. Try http://novoselenterprises.com

Nice Greg! My first time growing the fish,didn't know the variagation was contingent upon light intensity,makes sense. Mine made it further along in the process and is under some stronger light as of last night. Curious to see how it reacts. Your CGN22207 is a great looking chinense. I have done alittle reading up on it,a definite grow at some point. There are some gems hidden under all the super hot ballyhoo.

I have been meaning to ask you about foliar feeding and t8 lighting. Are the t8's strong enough to burn up wet leaves? I wouldn't dare do it with my stronger lights but have been curious about the t8's. I see a lot of your photos with wet leaves and just wondered if you had the lights on them just to compose a nice photo? Take care and have a good week.
The T8's won't burn unless the leaves come in direct contact with the bulbs. I raise the lights from the plants so the bulbs don't get sprayed.

I just did a complete changeout of bulbs this year and you can feel the splatter on some of the old ones....did somebody say diffusion?...lol

The HPS and MH are another story. I don't spray when they're on. Whether Quartz, Tungsten, or HPS ...you don't want any liquid or oil on the bulbs when hot. They will explode and can be dangerous to the skin and eyes.

My reflectors don't have protective glass...and I don't want that. They'd condensate and the hoods need to be ventilated...........whats next charcoal filters.......hah

Oh, and my MH lights will burn the new growth if the plants were misted at the beginning of the light cycle. I'll do it when those lights are off, and the flouros are on.

Have a great week and enjoy your Easter !

Gorgeous healthy looking plants :halo:
Thanks Vladan !

Purely amazing bud!
I like that phrase...
Man, your grow continues to amaze. They all look so uniform in size and shape, almost like a military formation. Buds, flowers, and pods all coming along indoors. Wowsers!

And whatever you made with those ingredients must have been great. Hard to make an Ahi steak like that bad, unless it is overcooked. Seared is probably the best. Very nice.
Hey Stefan,This is the 1st year growing the CGN22207 I'm also curious on the pod shape. I have seeds from 2 sources. We'll see how they both look. The Fish starts to show the color varigation after the 4th or 5th set of true leaves. My T8 bulbs are 6500k temp, the metal halides are 7200k. The color the temp the more the color change,at least thats what I've seen indoors. Outdoors the full sun intensity dominates the variegation while partial shade brings on more green hues. The pods go through a multi-tone green/creme stage through a muted brown then to a vivid red. I like the green stage fresh in rice mixtures and stir fries. When the pods ripen red the skins thin out fast. At that point I let them sun dry. I haven't pinched any flowers off the Fish, I let most plants run except some of the Nu-Mex horn and long varieties, Jalapeno's and my overwinters. Those I'll pinch for certain reasons. The Nu'Mex Annaheims, Hatch and other longs will produce better if the plant can continue to produce new branching. Some folks let the 1st few flowers produce but, thats it for the 1st round of pods only a few then the plant has produce more flowers and move on. Pinching will force the plant to send out extra flowers on the additional branching. The overwinters need to get bigger before I let them flower. Once outside they will flourish.Sorry for the rant, I'm sure you already know this info,but others may be reading...thanks,Greg

The CGN22207 I grew last season gave me pods that were different shaped then the pictures I saw online. It's nice you got seeds from 2 sources, that way you can also compare taste and heat. Thanks for the info about the Fish, I just need to be a little more patient :D Don't worry about the rant, it's very informative! Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us :)

Nice Greg! My first time growing the fish,didn't know the variagation was contingent upon light intensity,makes sense. Mine made it further along in the process and is under some stronger light as of last night. Curious to see how it reacts. Your CGN22207 is a great looking chinense. I have done alittle reading up on it,a definite grow at some point. There are some gems hidden under all the super hot ballyhoo.

I have been meaning to ask you about foliar feeding and t8 lighting. Are the t8's strong enough to burn up wet leaves? I wouldn't dare do it with my stronger lights but have been curious about the t8's. I see a lot of your photos with wet leaves and just wondered if you had the lights on them just to compose a nice photo? Take care and have a good week.

If you need seeds just contact me, although mine had a different podshape. You gotta check out the CGN21566, if you like the CGN22207 I'm sure your gonna love the 21566! It's a beautiful plant with great looking pods.