• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's............Pod-ography.............2013

  Good Eve-ning, and Welcome to my bog...glog !

Hey folks sorry for the late glog-up I'm a month behind last years startup,...... :rolleyes: ...... I still have 12+ weeks (plenty of time) before I can start think about hardening off the plants outdoors.

First off I'd like to give a shout out to those who followed my grow last season. Thanks for all the comments, thoughts and ideas. The chuckles we shared......there were some good laughs...(and especially all the criticisms........ :liar: .......hah)

To those who are new, I try to follow a "weekend update" format with photos and captions. Although if anyone has questions or replies that needs and answer or response I'll get back during the week. I hope to keep this interesting and entertaining...

and away we go!

Garden Rewind


Here's my 1st garden (1986)...it was modest but what we grew we used in our kitchen. I had a couple of dual bulb 4ft T12 fixtures in my basement. A couple grow-lux and daylight color temp bulbs. The indoor grow was far superior to the vegetable starts sold at the local nurseries.
My Italian neighbor couldn't understand why his bell pepper starts only had flowers while mine had golfball size peppers very early in the season.....The hot varieties I grew back then were the cayennes, orange habaneros, and a few different type or thai-birds. Things have changed but I still grow those varities.


Here's a shot from last season. I grew around 150+ pepper plants in two different sections of the garden. Plants were grown in raised beds and containers from 5 gal up to 20 gal


A typical weekend harvest shot from later in the season when the gardens at full swing.


This is one of my seed catalogs, the c.chinense....the seeds that invade our gardens every year...
This book and other seed catalogs are kept in a tupperware container container on a shelve in the corner of the basement.
No elaborate system needed, The seeds are kept in 1.5" zip backs. I have seeds that are as far back as 2007, and still germinating without a hitch....theres no need to pitch. Speaking of pitching theres some old baseball card to display the size of the pages used.


These are what I use to get the seeds on their way. I take 1/4 bag of each, mix that into a 5 gal bucket and moisten with water. The spagnum peat give fluff to the texture also helps indicate when the mix need to be re-moistened but the lighter color it displays. The vermiclite helps with water retension while letting the air and moisture through. The seed starting mix also has fine grain perlite to keep drainage and airflow moving.


Ha..........I knew this chop stick would come in handy someday. Once the seed medium is moistened I'll make a hole with the stick 1/4" down .
The seeds will be planted at the same depth. That helps when misting the top with water. Seeds that are planted too high may dry out or seeds planted to deep may rot.


I use two 2ft x 4ft germinating mats. Enough area to warm 8 seed flats at once...


I don't bother with a thermostat for the mats. I run them through a timer, 2 hrs on, 1 hr off...continous. The average temp of the soil stays at +/-85 deg


This is the main grow room. I built the 2 tier shelving units 8ft long x 2ft wide. 8 flats fit underneath the lighting units. Here we have four narrow spaced T8 4 bulb fixtures with 6500k bulbs and one 8ft TF twin bulb tight spaced fixture with 4100k bulbs. I have 4 identical systems in the room with an addition of three 400w mh fixtures with 7200k lamps. The room has 2- 20a dedicated circuits and 1-15a to split the current draw..

more photos in a few minutes....thanks for looking!
PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012


another angle

Did somebody say Bonnets ?...........a mix of many including a few from Jamaica.

Speaking of Bonnets, here's some red MoA's...........seems rare?...not necessarily. It can happen even if certain pods are selected for seeds. It's more unique to me since I only have 5 MoA plants going.......all original seed stock.

Here's some Big Sun Habanero......very large pods

Some Chocolate Bhuts on top of a ripped piece of Cherry wood. Pods will get smoked with this wood after cut and soaked.
The powder will be used in a "Dry-Aged Bhut Bacon Blue Cheese Burger.............can't wait !

Various Bonnets  ready to be deseeded

I sliced up the peppers and labeled the bowls. The containers are placed on top of the hot tub cover which is located inside the tub enclosure.
The temp is running around 85 inside. In a day or two I'll strip the seeds from the placenta and bag them 2 more weeks down the road.

the tomato plants are going nutz this season.........
that's all for tonights show...
I'll be back in a day or two with some processing shots.......lots of jellies, sauces and dehydrating happening the last few weeks.
Thanks for taking a lookie !
So many amazing pictures!  Congrats on the Better Homes and Gardens shoot.  Were they really there to take pictures, or to get some tips on photography from you?  Just sayin'...
I'm finally getting some pods after the slow start this year from the seeds you sent.  Thanks so much again.  I've just been able to taste some slivers of the bonnets and am trying to place that taste, smoky, fruity kind of... good stuff.  
stc3248 said:
Pshhht...Better Homes and WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO GO CUTTING BRANCHES OFF MY BUDDIES PLANTS!!!! GRRR...all I need is full names of all the offenders and I'll take care of them...

Haha...great stuff Greg! Let us know when the story is out!
+1 on that! I'd also like to catch the article when it comes out. Looking freakin' fantastic as usual Greg! Some of the chiles are plugging along here, but most are starting to shut down for the season.
Golf anyone … Na, I just wana sit around and eat all the beautiful Bonnets that Greg (PIC 1) has grown :)
Questions …
  • So did all your MoA pods ripen red or just a few of them?
  • Once the plant produces a red one does that mean all subsequent production will be red or can a plant go both ways or be half and half?
  • It’s a little strange that you, Steve, I (WG) and numerous others have grown from the same seed stock from the Ministry and yours are red. Is that genetics or can it be environmental? (location, temps, soil, light, etc.)
  • Regardless they are all beautiful and you have mas different seed stock now :)
  • I'd love to taste a red one side by side with a yellow one or try a double blind test administered by da master, [SIZE=12pt]hat’s off Greg \o_  [/SIZE]
I just found a new word in the dictionary of pepper terms under PIC 1 Awesomeoverwhelmingbreathtakingtremendouspeppermadness super job brethren ^_^
stc3248 said:
Pshhht...Better Homes and WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO GO CUTTING BRANCHES OFF MY BUDDIES PLANTS!!!! GRRR...all I need is full names of all the offenders and I'll take care of them...

Haha...great stuff Greg! Let us know when the story is out!
Ha...they had my permission to cut anything off the plants...
Where were they when I needed to harvest the pods ?...hah

I made 4 different salsa's that everyone tried but I couldn't get anyone to try a 7/Pot or Scorpion. I did have a box of Nitrile gloves for those who were handling the sliced pods. Someone did manage to touch their water bottle with their gloves on...then off. Oil probably wiped the bottle onto their hands...then onto the eye glasses ...ouch !
It was a fun filled packed day.
Portuge said:
Bump... Im impressed Greg... Catch wait to catch the article and read it...
thanks...I'm looking forward to see the creativity from the writer.
Pulpiteer said:
So many amazing pictures!  Congrats on the Better Homes and Gardens shoot.  Were they really there to take pictures, or to get some tips on photography from you?  Just sayin'...
I'm finally getting some pods after the slow start this year from the seeds you sent.  Thanks so much again.  I've just been able to taste some slivers of the bonnets and am trying to place that taste, smoky, fruity kind of... good stuff.  
Thanks Andy,
It was interesting watching Bob the photog work. I was able to view some shots on their laptops, they needed to caption the peppers with labels so I gave them the names and other info.
It's pretty amazing that the photo's were shot in full sunlight, the outcome had the appearence of being done in the studio.

I'm glad you're able to try some of the Bonnets this season. I haven't been able to check other glogs out lately but will start doing so today.

By the way, I used up the last of your Hot Maple Syrup in an appetizer this past weekend...it was a hit !
Thanks again.
stc3248 said:
Now that's what I'm talking about!!! Been waiting all summer for that bucket list pull pic!!! BAM!!!!! Great to hear from you stranger! Can't wait for the next WEEKLY update!
Oddly enough I was sitting outside last night and looked around, there's a whole bunch more ripening on the plants. We're having some cooler evening temps and the pods are changing color over night.

Ok, I'll try to be more of a player here. My time is starting to free up. My youngest is back to college and my daughter and her fiance' will be moving out into their own place the 1st of the month....yipee !
I'm looking forward to getting back on a regular basis here.
stickman said:
+1 on that! I'd also like to catch the article when it comes out. Looking freakin' fantastic as usual Greg! Some of the chiles are plugging along here, but most are starting to shut down for the season.
We're catching some perfect weather here...finally some long overdue rain. I still have superhots that haven't thrown out any ripe pods yet, but we're getting close. About 6 to 8 weeks left here unless we get a good spell of November warm weather.
WalkGood said:
Golf anyone Na, I just wana sit around and eat all the beautiful Bonnets that Greg (PIC 1) has grown :)
  • So did all your MoA pods ripen red or just a few of them?
  • Once the plant produces a red one does that mean all subsequent production will be red or can a plant go both ways or be half and half?
  • Its a little strange that you, Steve, I (WG) and numerous others have grown from the same seed stock from the Ministry and yours are red. Is that genetics or can it be environmental? (location, temps, soil, light, etc.)
  • Regardless they are all beautiful and you have mas different seed stock now :)
  • I'd love to taste a red one side by side with a yellow one or try a double blind test administered by da master, hats off Greg \o_ 
I just found a new word in the dictionary of pepper terms under PIC 1 Awesomeoverwhelmingbreathtakingtremendouspeppermadness super job brethren ^_^
Thanks Ramon,
I have one MoA plant thats throwing out all red pods. The other 4 plants have yellow pods.

The color is a genetic issue. I also have a Coronong and a Madamne Jeanette plant thats throwing out red rather than yellow. In most cases the seeds from the red pods will produce red pods next year. Although if one were to plant a hundred seeds....the possibility of having a plant with yellow pods increase by the number.

I'm sure the Ministry has their share of odd shape pods both red and yellow.....which mostly get separated from the future seed stock. You've seen various shapes and colors of pods at the markets in JA, right ?. If all pods were the same shape, then why does the Ministry have to keep selecting for seed stock. They furnish the farmers...and the crop tends to have a variance in shape and color.
So the point I'm trying to make, it's possible to end up with red pods. It's also very likely to end up with non "Bonnet" shaped pods...even though the Ministry has selected them.
Hey, what the heck, if Steve didn't get these seeds my ripe red peppers could be on some farmers plant in Jamaica....lol

I haven't tried a side by side taste test will the yellow but will do when I can get the next run of pods.

Thanks for your comments and q's
Pulpiteer said:
Greg - so now you can use those red pods and try to keep a MoA Red line going right? Isn't that what basically happened with Alabama Jack and the FDA bonnets?
Andy you are correct  on both counts, I will save seeds for next year and, AJ ended up with a red FDA plant. When he made a trip to Chicago buddy and I hooked up with him. That was the yr the red FDA came about He was growing numerous Yellow FDA's, I believe from Beth (pepmania)
He sent me and a few other folks some seeds. I'm on the 3rd gen and still as red as can be. 
The FDA has the most consistent shape of any bonnet.
My yellow FDA's are growing out with awesome shape. They're a fun one, and it grew well even in a tough year. My Red FDA's were a rabbit casualty, stupid rabbit...
I still have some seeds left of each of those and I'll probably grow the FDA's out again next year. They are a really beautiful pepper.
OMG. Wow. That is so cool. I just cleaned up and again saw the previous article that you sent me from years back. Glad to see you've made it again on another. Can't wait just sad we have to wait til next year. An here I was planning to grow 30 MoA bonnets in ground exclusively. And now you have a RED?! Well I pray I can get a few of those. Melissa77754 says hello
Wow Greg!
Now that's what I call an update!
Congratulations on BH&G's doing the photo shoot and article!
You deserve it! I've called LB over many times to point out how nice your yard is and how well you keep it.  Once again congrats!
Epic harvest!!
I have prayed to the pepper gods and alas.....a perfect true red scotch bonnet!! 
Greg, you are the Man!
I have grown the red fda and it is a fantastic chile, however, I do believe it to be a hybrid(so does AlabamaJack). It produced beautiful  red "flying saucer" pods, in fact 95% of the pods looked the identical. I find that hybrids produce pods that either come out very dissimilar or identical.
What the red fda lacked, was the 4 lobed "cup and saucer" shape that we know is an anatomically correct shape of the scotch bonnet pepper. Still a great pepper in it's own right.
Red MoA. Unbelievable! Exciting! Inspiring! I want one! Can you spare 6 seeds of 'Grade A' Red MoA for an old friend?! lol
tomatoes look delicious! I got 40+ going. San Marzano, everglades, trying my luck at campari's. All about 2-3' tall in flower mode. Any fert tips?
Truly inspiring my bredren!
Pulpiteer said:
My yellow FDA's are growing out with awesome shape. They're a fun one, and it grew well even in a tough year. My Red FDA's were a rabbit casualty, stupid rabbit...
I still have some seeds left of each of those and I'll probably grow the FDA's out again next year. They are a really beautiful pepper.
Andy just give a shout if you need any other varieties...
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
OMG. Wow. That is so cool. I just cleaned up and again saw the previous article that you sent me from years back. Glad to see you've made it again on another. Can't wait just sad we have to wait til next year. An here I was planning to grow 30 MoA bonnets in ground exclusively. And now you have a RED?! Well I pray I can get a few of those. Melissa77754 says hello
 Now that's what I want to see is 30 healthy MoA plants.....inground. I don't have the room for that so I'll be watching your grow...
Tell Melissa I said hello....
Devv said:
Wow Greg!
Now that's what I call an update!
Congratulations on BH&G's doing the photo shoot and article!
You deserve it! I've called LB over many times to point out how nice your yard is and how well you keep it.  Once again congrats!
Thanks Scott, the update was well overdue.
I was pretty stoked about the photo shoot , A few people flew in to Chicago the night before and when they said they'll be over by 6am....they were right.
I'm pleased to help out with the article.......hoping the storyline will appeal to all age groups especially the younger folks that are getting into growing and cooking.
STEVE954 said:
Epic harvest!!
I have prayed to the pepper gods and alas.....a perfect true red scotch bonnet!! 
Greg, you are the Man!
I have grown the red fda and it is a fantastic chile, however, I do believe it to be a hybrid(so does AlabamaJack). It produced beautiful  red "flying saucer" pods, in fact 95% of the pods looked the identical. I find that hybrids produce pods that either come out very dissimilar or identical.
What the red fda lacked, was the 4 lobed "cup and saucer" shape that we know is an anatomically correct shape of the scotch bonnet pepper. Still a great pepper in it's own right.
Red MoA. Unbelievable! Exciting! Inspiring! I want one! Can you spare 6 seeds of 'Grade A' Red MoA for an old friend?! lol
tomatoes look delicious! I got 40+ going. San Marzano, everglades, trying my luck at campari's. All about 2-3' tall in flower mode. Any fert tips?
Truly inspiring my bredren!
The FDA red is cool looking but lacks the overall heat........still pretty tasty and fits into a meal where one doesn't want to over power the main ingredient.
You know as well as I do that there are red pods within the Jamaican Markets..........not enough of them to export and most probably get destroyed to eliminate cross contamination.   But hey........I'm saving seeds, just waitng for a few 1.5" pods if possible. But you get'em at the end of the season.
It's been a good year for the tomatoes. One tip thats important is to go low with the Nitrogen. Find a fert thats for tomatoes thats higher in Potash.
Also where you're located the ongoing heat will cause flower drop. There are products used to set the blossoms and are safe. Other than that I've grown the Campari before. The fruit isn't large but you'll get clusters of tomatoes. San Marzano is one of my favorites. You just can't beat them for sauce making or just plain old squishing them ontop of a Margaretta pizza before it its the ove
How's the job treating ya.......?
Spicegeist said:
42lbs?!  Wow.
Yep 42ish.........by the time I got to the Thai varieties I gave up the picking, saving those for the weekend........last yrs big hauls were in the mid 30's.
My fridge is full and the dehydrator is running 24/7................there's more to pick,but that will half to wait until Sat morning. The pods are ripening pretty quick with the shorter daylight hrs.
Yes, I agree that the red FDA is a great addition of chinense flavor without over powering the dish. Red scotch bonnets are  definitely in Jamaican markets. There are also red scotch bonnets at the Ministry of agriculture. They are rare. But yes, true red scotch bonnets do exist.

Job is going great. I work for Fisk Electric Co. Local 728. I'm currently "slabbing" on the 10th floor on the New Broward County Court House. It's definitely a hustle up there! Some days I long the duct banks! Lucky me I have school tomorrow.
Congrats on tge BH&G shoot,your property is perfect for that gig. Are the just focusing on the peppers,or will they include everything?

You are going to get carpal tunnel from all that snipping! It's to the point where I am ripping pods off of the plants,pieces of branches,and unripe pods included. No time to be meticulous!

Those Big Suns are Bigg'uns! Looks like the dimple pattern of an HVC distance or tour ball next to them. Those things had the ball flight of the Goodyear Blimp. I can spot one of those from about 50 yds. Back before the 4 and 5 piece balls,you could hit a "rock" or a performance ball. You knew when someone found a "balata" or "prestigue" because it would look like a fumble at a football game with everyone piled on. Was hard to afford those balls as a kid, had to have your ciggies first! Now top end balls are going for $4+ per ball. There is some incentive to hit them straight!
STEVE954 said:
Yes, I agree that the red FDA is a great addition of chinense flavor without over powering the dish. Red scotch bonnets are  definitely in Jamaican markets. There are also red scotch bonnets at the Ministry of agriculture. They are rare. But yes, true red scotch bonnets do exist.

Job is going great. I work for Fisk Electric Co. Local 728. I'm currently "slabbing" on the 10th floor on the New Broward County Court House. It's definitely a hustle up there! Some days I long the duct banks! Lucky me I have school tomorrow.
Wow that's a cool photo. Whoever runs that estate takes pride in their grow....mulched rows.
The red pods resemble some of the ones I have growing.

Glad to hear your busy at work...construction is picking up here, once again.
Ha, school is like a day off.......no day dreaming allowed...lol
How's the garden growing ?
Stefan_W said:
Wow, what fantastic harvest shots! I am eagerly waiting for your processing pictures, they are always a huge treat. 
Thanks, I've been doing quite a bit of processing lately...
I'll start added some prep shots to the glog.
Pr0digal_son said:
Congrats on tge BH&G shoot,your property is perfect for that gig. Are the just focusing on the peppers,or will they include everything?

You are going to get carpal tunnel from all that snipping! It's to the point where I am ripping pods off of the plants,pieces of branches,and unripe pods included. No time to be meticulous!

Those Big Suns are Bigg'uns! Looks like the dimple pattern of an HVC distance or tour ball next to them. Those things had the ball flight of the Goodyear Blimp. I can spot one of those from about 50 yds. Back before the 4 and 5 piece balls,you could hit a "rock" or a performance ball. You knew when someone found a "balata" or "prestigue" because it would look like a fumble at a football game with everyone piled on. Was hard to afford those balls as a kid, had to have your ciggies first! Now top end balls are going for $4+ per ball. There is some incentive to hit them straight!
The article will have a bit of everything...the grow through the processing of the peppers........well at least that's the direction the storyline could change it's the editors call.

As far as harvesting I still cut the pods off, usually just snipping the stems and letting them fall to the soil. I'll toss them in a bowl and rinse/drain with the garden hose. Maybe growing in one of those upside down containers would be faster....lol

Big Suns are some huge Habs, so can the Burkina which somehow missed my list for this year.

J, when it comes to golf you sure know your.........game. I'd be happy just to hit one of those Titleist straight down the fairway....my fairway that is. I know you instruct and being as meticulous as you are, you have the game of golf down to a tee.

Years back when the Western Open was in Chicago, Motorola was one of the big sponsers. We had to set up a communication repeater for the ground crews. I got a chance to get up close to the players and watch a round or two. I have some memorabilia with thw Motorola logo's somewhere at home......those were some of the good ole days on the job.

Enjoy your weekend, it's almost here.
Cool story Greg. The tour guys are great to see,for me,I enjoy the sound more than the visual ball flight. Those guys just make a completely different sound when hitting it. I am more of a historian in my old age than a player now. haha There is a lot of history behind The Western Open. With all the money involved,they have it in a rotation like back in the early days,which made it special back then. I'm guessing you were at Cog Hill? The revenue that an event generates is mind boggling. I know when they play the U.S. Open here at Oakmont,it's somewhere around 60-80 million....for a week!!!!