pickling Pickle Juice

Some of you folks have discussed saving pickle juice and putting peppers in it. How long can you expect pickle juice to last, refrigerated of course, before you have to toss it? Not necessarily for saving peppers but to put things such as hard boiled eggs in for awhile with a hab or two. Of course I never eat pickles without first opening the jar and putting a hab or two in it for a couple days.
chilliman64 said:
dude, why not make your own? or are you after the actual pickle flavour?

(post 1000!)

Do you have a good recipe for pickling without a real strong vinegar taste? I would prefer the pickle taste to strong vinegar. But if I CAN get a reasonably mild taste it would be great. Any help is appreciated.
here goes - borrowed from a Dave Dewitt publication

1/2 cup cider vinegar
1/2 cup lemon juice
4 cloves garlic - sliced
2TB sugar
2ts celery seed
2ts yellow mustard seed
1ts dry mustard
1/4 cup pickling salt

place chiles/onions/sliced cucumber/pickles etc in a colander and sprinkle with salt and let sit for one hour then rinse and drain well.

pack vegies in sterlised jars. combine remaining ingredients in a pan, boil and then pour into jars leaving 1/4 inch head space. process in a canning bath for ten minutes.

the original recipe states that this will do 1lb of zucchini, 2 white onions sliced and 6 small chiles. vary to suit your needs.
you can also try these recipes using the above method, vary the volumes to suit:

6 cloves garlic
1 1/2 TBs dill seeds
2 ts black peppercorns
3 cups white wine vinegar
1 cup water
2TB sugar
1/2ts pickling salt


3/4 cup white vinegar
3/4 cup water
1/4 cup sugar
10 whole black peppercorns
6 whole cloves


4 cloves garlic
12 black peppercorns
1/4 cup pickling salt
3 cups white vinegar
3 cups water

you can use cider vinegar if you like for a better taste but it will probably discolour your chiles
If you don't like the vinegar taste in pickles, substitute lime juice.

It does the same thing as vinegar and tastes better.
willard3 said:
If you don't like the vinegar taste in pickles, substitute lime juice.

It does the same thing as vinegar and tastes better.

Really? And it preserves just as well with no risk of going off?

I wonder if it would work as well in making pepper jelly? I would like to get the powerful vinegar taste of most pepper jellies under control. I have a new recipe to try from one of my Southern Lady Gardener friends, but maybe I'll try a batch with lime juice.

Hmmmm...Lime juice with Lemon Drop peppers.

my buddy does this with japs...its awsome..ill type it the way it is and someone can translate it cuz its a nice recepie and I wanna make some dills
essuyer les piments avec un linge humide.Les trancher
cher en rondelle
2 c de gros sel par litre
3/4 tasse vinaigre
1/4 tasse d'eau
et faire bouillir

mettre les japelinos,2/3 g. d'ail
quelques branchse de dill
remplir les pots avec le vinaigre
chauffer les couvercles

all I know for dill pickeled japs this is the bomb..I want to do pickles with this recepie
willard3 said:
If you don't like the vinegar taste in pickles, substitute lime juice.

It does the same thing as vinegar and tastes better.

I have cut back on the amount of vinegar I use. I have tried a 50/50 lemon/lime juice and also straight lime - both work well. I have posted the recipes exactly as I found them.

Pam said:
Actually, I groaned *at* your post.

It was such a short one.

hahahahahaha - very good!
Pam said:
Really? And it preserves just as well with no risk of going off?

Mexicans have been using lime for food preservation for a long time. It lowers Ph just like vinegar, keeps the Ph low and does not break down.
Close translation ???

Peppers wipe with a cloth humide.Les decide
Loved puck
2 c coarse salt per liter
3 / 4 cup vinegar
1 / 4 cup water
And boil

Put japelinos, 2 / 3 g. Garlic
Some branchse of dill
Fill jars with vinegar
Heat lids
LOL close LUCKYDOG ;) :
2 spoon of sea salt per liter
3 / 4 cup vinegar
1 / 4 cup water
And boil

Put japelinos and Garlic to the 2/3,
Some dill's branch
Fill jars with hot vinegar .
Heat the lid

...this is probably something like that