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Pickled and Canned Jalapeño Pepper Rings

Hello Everyone,
I have four Biker Billy Jalapeño plants with ripening fruit.  What to do with all those peppers?  Here is  a simple recipe for pepper rings that'll give you some shelf life using the water bathe.  As we all know, these are great on salads, sandwiches, nachos, etc.  I made ten 1/2 pint jars that will go onto my pantry shelf for enjoyment throughout the year.  This can be made without the sugar, carrots, onion and garlic, too. I like the sugar in this recipe as it adds a touch of sweet to the sour vinegar flavor.  You can choose to leave it out, if preferred.  Feel free to expand the recipe as you like!  Add your favorite spices, too!  The simplist and most pure method is to use just the peppers and brine, and they'll still taste good!
30 ripe Jalapeño Peppers, sliced
3 Carrots, sliced (optional)
1 Sweet Onion, cut in half and sliced (optional)
1 Garlic Clove per jar (optional)
1 Teaspoon Pickling Salt
Favorite Spices (optional)
3 cups of 5% - 7% White Vinegar
1-Cup Water
1 T Sugar
  • Sterilize everything - Cutting board, knives, bowls, spoons, jars, lids and bands and set in clean workspace, reserved as the sanitation station.  This can be accomplished by using a dishwasher or a product like Star San.  The good thing about a dishwasher is the jars will already be warm when you pour the hot brine into them.  I started the dishwasher and then proceeded to cut everything
  • Rinse and slice peppers, carrots and onion into rings
  • Simmer water, vinegar, salt and sugar until salt and sugar are dissolved.  My wife made the brine.  She prepared two batches of brine to cover the peppers in the 10 jars
  • Spoon peppers into jar, pressing with the spoon to get as many peppers into the jar as possible
  • Fill jar with simmering brine to an 1/8 inch from top
  • Use a butter knife and run along sides of jar to remove any air bubbles in the jar
  • Place lids and bands on jar and tighten
  • Using canning equipment, boil jars in water bathe for 10 minutes, remove to counter and allow the tops to "pop" and the jars to cool
  • For best results, wait 4-6 weeks to cure the peppers
  • Yields ten ½ pint jars

I'm trying!!!! router keeps having to reboot.... :banghead:
besides, I knew that if I stalled long enough someone else would do it for me~  :lol:  But that was the link I was trying to post.
I have a question.  Currently, I don't have 30 jalapenos that I have harvested from my garden yet. I know that I could just buy some more at the store but if I wanted to just use my jalapenos, could I do something to kinda preserve the earlier jalapenos until I have about 30 in total and then can do the recipe?  I know that I could always cut the recipe as well, but I was wondering if maybe I could grab an extra jar, pour in some vinegar and then put in whatever sliced jalapenos I might have until I have 30 peppers worth and then I can complete the recipe and the caning process.  I guess that it would take quite a bit of extra jars to do this....  Not sure if this is the best idea. 
assuming you are looking at the pickled recipe...
make the brine and put it in a 1/2 gallon jar with a lid in the fridge.  As the peppers come on, slice 'em and put them in the jar in the fridge.  make sure to mix them in and make sure it is all covered with brine.  Add whatever other garlic/onion/shallot/ you want.  Keep at it until the plant is done or the jar is full.  At this point, you have a cold packed pickled pepper product.  If you want to BWB like the OP, just transfer the produce and brine to pint or 1/2 pint jars and process like a normal BWB. 
Or- repack into smaller jars and keep in the fridge
OR- just leave it in the big jar ~
The brine recipe is easy to scale up and down.  If the jar needs more brine, just mix up a bit.  The ingredients are cheap.  And it doesn't go bad.  Use what is needed now and save the rest in the fridge if you want!
Have Fun!