Pic's look at these bad boy's......


Wow got given these today from pal chillipete.. Cheers man they are as followes.
Choc hab
Dorset Naga
Trinidad Scorpian
Naga Morech
Chilli pepper institute naga( Guiness) Holder
Assam bhut jolokia
Choc Naga jolokia

What you think guy's good catch or what??????

What shall i do with them apart from worship these holy hot ones??:mouthonfire::hell::onfire:
Since you only have one of each pod, I'd save them for eating fresh so you can get a true comparison of the different flavors.
Personally I wouldn't save seeds unless the pods were isolated in some way or if they are rare or really hard to find.
I believe your "Chilli pepper institute naga( Guiness) Holder" is really a Bhut jolokia, and I also think its actually "Chile" pepper institute;)
Have you tried any of the peppers yet? Start with a piece off the bottom of the pod since there will be a lot less heat, and then work your way up. Just make sure to have some milk and sugar cubes on hand, and a frozen popsicle in the bathroom the next morning:)
There's a lot of variation among the plants and peppers on an individual plant. Some don't grow the stinger as much as others.

LordViykor said:
I thought the Trinidad Scorpion had a more pronounced 'tail' hence the name?
It looks like you have a lot of heat there. Some say if you eat peppers really fast they are not as hot. So you could just eat one after the other really fast. You'd have to suffer through the burn of one anyways, so what is a few more?:mouthonfire:
Nooooooooo. Man, I'd taste each one to see what I liked. Pickling changes the flavor and lowers the heat.

It seems like a lot of work to pickle 6 peppers, or do you have more?
Heh, yeah. Lot of work for a few peps.
I can get more i only got one of each to show you guy's.. I will get more at the weekend and pickle each one in batches and show pics..
I don't see why you don't taste each one fresh. If someone sent me 10 unique apples I'd try each one, and pick my favorites. After that, I'd make sauces, pickle, etc. with my faves.
I agree with THP, no point not trying something new.....Cause the taste will change once you pickle them and it would be a shame to not try such a good range of chillis while they are still fresh!!!
YOu are a lucky man, to have soem one send you those very nice selection
all your missing is a 7pod and you got some super hots.
I would definately eat them fresh and get an idea of what each variety has to offer. then plan on how each variety will do best in its optimal situation. make some poppers of each. i'd say fresh and whole to really get the full flavor.