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pics Pics of some of my chilis...

The habs and tabasco chilis I thought I had ferti-fried bounced back nicely:

Gonna be honest, pretty proud of these three red cayenne plants, planted from local grown seedlings. Really bushy and tons of flowers just now blooming, hopefully there will be lots of fruit

I ordered some chilis from crosscountry, including a choc hab and a jamaican hot red, but here is the choc hab I grew from seed...

And a pepper labeled a Jamaican hot red lantern I grew from seed I got off ebay. In front of it is my last choc hab from seed that I am waiting to pot up.

Really proud of how hearty my mammoth jalapenos look. Nice thick purple stalks. Much taller already than the ones I grew last year.

I just posted more pics of my garden and my complete grow list in the non chili growing forum, since it contains non chili plants, so if you want to check it out, head over there. Link: http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/21773-my-2011-summer-garden/page__pid__460699#entry460699
Are you going to separate them?

Nope. Grew them this way last year and they did well. Only difference is that I upped the pot size(s). Some of my peppers I am growing in individual pots, but most have pot mates. A local garden shop dude recommended this growing method to me last year and I was pleased with the results. They shade each other, and over all I end up spending less on containers.
Nice looking plants! I'm trying the 'clumping' method. What size pots are your mammoth jalapenos in? Are you planning on potting up again?
Hey southern Fried.......your garden is looking good. I was in your neck of the woods Monday, Had a training class at Heron Lakes Country Club. Thats 's a pretty nice place. Keep up the good work. :woohoo:
Nice looking plants! I'm trying the 'clumping' method. What size pots are your mammoth jalapenos in? Are you planning on potting up again?

20 inch container. Standard home depot fake terra cotta pot. I know it's at least 10 gallons just from eye balling it. Not planning on potting up again, they are height wise about done growing (18-24 inches), at least according to bonnie the place that grew the seedlings.

Nice plants, looking GREAT!

You should be proud. As everyone else has said they look great.

Hey southern Fried.......your garden is looking good. I was in your neck of the woods Monday, Had a training class at Heron Lakes Country Club. Thats 's a pretty nice place. Keep up the good work. :woohoo:

Thumbs up, they look great!


Lookin' happy! :D

haha thanks guys. Hopefully now I won't have a garden crash.