Picture of "Grow Garage"

AlabamaJack said:
Thanks LD....I got my mylar at the local hydroponics shop...

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........the wife just told me I could rip out the boxwoods in the flower bed in front of the house and plant peppers in there...will be a great place...water faucet right there and the bed will be facing south....there is a Bradford Pear tree that is about 14-16 feet tall that will block this murderous summer north texas mid-day summer sun....now what to grow...seems like a good place for my contest Nagas unless they get 7' tall like BBs....the bed is about 2 feet wide and about 12 feet long...

How high do you need the plants to go, and what color is your house. I'm assuming, of course, that you want it to be some what ornamental. If your house is dark, one of the variegated varieties like Fish would look fabulous. Remember how gorgeous Potawie's Trinidad Scropion's look when they're ripening, too. Say, if did put one of the superhots out there, you wouldn't have to worry about anybody stealing peppers more than once, would you?
Pam said:
How high do you need the plants to go, and what color is your house. I'm assuming, of course, that you want it to be some what ornamental. If your house is dark, one of the variegated varieties like Fish would look fabulous. Remember how gorgeous Potawie's Trinidad Scropion's look when they're ripening, too. Say, if did put one of the superhots out there, you wouldn't have to worry about anybody stealing peppers more than once, would you?

I would like the plants to be about 3-4 feet tall...our house is a darker red brick with extremely white trim...I have thought about some of the neighbors kids snitching some of the peppers...you are right, they won't snitch them but once if they are superhots...unless they are a true chili head at heart and then I will share with them....

You won't believe this....the wife just told me I could make a 50 X 35 garden in our back yard....god, I love that woman more and more each day......I don't think I will have time to get it set up before planting out time this year unless I really hurry...the back yard slopes downward to the house from the back fence. I will have to build a retainer wall about 3' high on the low end to make it level....I better get busy designing and planning...maybe I can get it done by April Fools day if I hurry.

That is one impressive set-up in the garage. I could see myself doing this stuff, but unfortunately, my wife wouldn't approve. I sow a ridicuous number of plants already and it's tempting just to plant a "few more" every week. Then the freezer gets full of peppers and I hear "there's no space for real food." :)

Mylar is by far the best investment costwise one can make I believe. i wasn't a believer before I installed it. You can buy all the fluorescents you want, but efficiency will never be fully gained w/o a reflective surface. It actually SAVES $$$ because it increases light exposure w/o running more lights in my opinion. I can do better w/one dual bulb fluorescent now than with two fixtures last year. :)

I'm sure the "authorities" will be a bit curious if they drive by. You'll have to share a 7 pot pepper w/them as a present.

Very impressive! I can see why you lost some weight awhile back with all the work you have been doing. Maybe you better think about making one of those exercise videos about losing weight the "A J WAY" by planting pepper plants. You can sell them next year alongside your seedlings in your booth at the market when you go commercial!

cmpman1974 said:

That is one impressive set-up in the garage. I could see myself doing this stuff, but unfortunately, my wife wouldn't approve. I sow a ridicuous number of plants already and it's tempting just to plant a "few more" every week. Then the freezer gets full of peppers and I hear "there's no space for real food." :)

Mylar is by far the best investment costwise one can make I believe. i wasn't a believer before I installed it. You can buy all the fluorescents you want, but efficiency will never be fully gained w/o a reflective surface. It actually SAVES $$$ because it increases light exposure w/o running more lights in my opinion. I can do better w/one dual bulb fluorescent now than with two fixtures last year. :)

I'm sure the "authorities" will be a bit curious if they drive by. You'll have to share a 7 pot pepper w/them as a present.


Thanks Chris...I have been talking about a greenhouse for about a year now and made a deal with the wife....if I don't build a green house can I have half the garage...she went for it and so there it is...I am the same way with sowing the plants Chris, I am leaving work in a few minutes and going to plant 144 more seeds...and I will be getting a freezer and refrigerator for the garage for my hot sauces and peppers...used of course...I agree 100% with the mylar idea...thanks to THP members that is why I am using it....as far as the authorities go, I am trying to catch one driving by so I can show him my set up and what I am growing and tell him to pass the word......

AKButch said:
Very impressive! I can see why you lost some weight awhile back with all the work you have been doing. Maybe you better think about making one of those exercise videos about losing weight the "A J WAY" by planting pepper plants. You can sell them next year alongside your seedlings in your booth at the market when you go commercial!


thanks Butch,

If I have a good year, it should be good for all of us...I am going to try and bag some blossoms to keep the strains pure on my superhots and some others...I hope to not have to buy seeds next year...

:lol: at the AJ Way....you kill me Butch....
This is a little late in the game, But, VERY NICE setup!!! You've done a great job with the space! Your wife's a good woman to allow that garage take over :)
just find a goodun' is all I got to say...
hehe, the room where i keep my plants when they're babies faces the street and didn't have curtains for a while, i was a little concerned the neighbors might get the wrong idea too... maybe they'll understand when they seed the seedlings at the garage sale...
flashin' the neighborhood huh....J/K
pssh, they wish. it's not my bedroom, that would drive me crazy cuz i keep the plants there since it stays so warm with the door closed and i'm already painfully warm all the time. i'm the only girl i know who's always warm, it's the one issue my mother and i have about living together cuz i like it at around 15c.
Nothing but pure SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET And a wife that allows you to take the back yard and garden it. SWEET GAL Now heres the best of all keep the sweet talk up and next thing will be can I plow your garden and let you dig the furoughs. lol And also can we plant some of this and that. You better say yes with the stipulation we need to make garden bigger. Lol Keep the fire going AJ Great Job I still wanna help with the harvest. lol

You should have started this "hobby" 30 years ago. You would probably own a plantation of peppers with a line of germinators, greenhouses, grow stands, planters, tongs to extract seedlings, prefab raised gardens, maybe your own line of Plant Cups and holders. Instead of going to Wal-Mart or HD, growers would go to their nearest AJs for everything from seeds to powder.

You go, guy!

wordwiz said:

You should have started this "hobby" 30 years ago. You would probably own a plantation of peppers with a line of germinators, greenhouses, grow stands, planters, tongs to extract seedlings, prefab raised gardens, maybe your own line of Plant Cups and holders. Instead of going to Wal-Mart or HD, growers would go to their nearest AJs for everything from seeds to powder.

You go, guy!


Well, I ain't dead yet :shocked: and I am going to steal "AJs...for everything from seeds to powder for the Serious Chile Head" ;) :fire:

It is amazing at how much a little pepper plant has interested me and increased my thirst for knowledge...and thanks to you guys I am learning every day....

These references to your good wife remind me of that scene in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" :

"The man may be the head of the family, but the wife, she is the neck. And where the neck moves, the head looks!"

So, maybe, it was going to be the garage all along!

BTW nice setup. I'm trying to sell my wife on the idea of getting a 20 Ft shipping container to plonk in the front yard to use as a grow room. No luck yet ( but then, maybe I'll suggest the spare room... .)
ring sting said:
I'm trying to sell my wife on the idea of getting a 20 Ft shipping container to plonk in the front yard to use as a grow room. No luck yet ( but then, maybe I'll suggest the spare room... .)
Maybe its a matter of building a tastefull "shed" out back and extending it after she sees that its not another fad your going thru. THis usually works for me... If I am putting time and effort and she can visibly see that there is an outcome I will get support.
On a side note:
My buddy and I just received permission to grow on an area of land where we both worked as landscapers over a decade and a half ago. Makes me happy now that we didnt rake all those leaves for nothing then :D We both out grew our yards but with a bit of work this should work out nicely costing us tomatoes as rent.
GrumpyBear said:
i'm the only girl i know who's always warm

rainbowberry said:
Your the only girl I know too who is always warm, I feel the cold a lot, I'm a real wuss.

I know a few women who are always warm, my sister being one of them.

But not me, I'm a lizard on a rock.