Âmx5inpa said:Anyone got experience topping these? Or other auxin redistributions?
ÂDulac said:On a side note I think the reason the pimenta de Neyde stays purple is because it ripens to a white color that doesn't show through the purple. I could be wrong though. This could be tested by taking a white pepper and mix it with a purple that turns red.
they where a little bitter but it was more because i personally thought that they lacked flavorwildseed57 said:AjiJoe mentioned that he didn't care much for the flavor.  I wonder if that was because it had a bitter taste, as I have found that some purple ornamental peppers have a distinct bitter taste to them. The plant is quite cool looking though,  I'll have to try and get some seed of it for next year.
Âmx5inpa said:Will de Neyde pretty much cross with anything? Anyone know?
Strange, I thought that also as on mine the leaves started to distort at the tips. I breifly moved them away from the light and over a short period of time recovered. I have since then increased light out put to 1000w and moved them back within the full effects of the light and the leaves have actually started to turn purple from the largest leaves graduating into the new leaves, whereas the plant had been green from sprout on.mememe said:The Pimenta de Neyde is one of my all time favorites - more for looks than taste. It doesn't like direct sun, so I put them in partial shade where normaly peppers don't thrive. It doesn't like wind either, but grown in clumps helps a lot, gives them better support, it seems they like it crowded. It's not a great producer but gives good yield. And it's the easiest pepper imho to root from cutting.Â
To my knowledge, there has been no sequencing data published using Pimenta de Neyde DNA.ÂGA Growhead said:The annuums, mostly considered ornamentals, that have purple leaves, stems, and pods that ripen to red that I have tried all have a similar bitter taste.
The PDN is suspected to be a chinense annuum cross. I would think it would taste different for this reason. I will know before long.
Has there ever been DNA analysis on the PDN to know if the suspected make up is correct?
I have not found any thing myself in many searches. Thanks for the reply.Nigel said:To my knowledge, there has been no sequencing data published using Pimenta de Neyde DNA.Â