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Can someone educate me as to the process and purpose/benefit of pinching flowers? I have my own theories, but would like and educated answer. Thanks all!
Pinching forces the plant to do more vegatative growth. Once flowering starts, vegatative growth slows down and pod production becomes the #1 goal of teh plant.
imaguitargod said:
Pinching forces the plant to do more vegatative growth. Once flowering starts, vegatative growth slows down and pod production becomes the #1 goal of teh plant.
So say I have about 10 or so buds, 3 flowers at the moment, would I benefit from pinching? By pinching does that mean remove the buds/flowers?
LancelBracken said:
How about pinching buds?

How do you actually remove them?
We are talking about buds, that's what you shoul pinch, don't let them open up. I pinch them with my finger nails, very percicely.

RazorBack said:
So say I have about 10 or so buds, 3 flowers at the moment, would I benefit from pinching? By pinching does that mean remove the buds/flowers?
It depends. Is it at an acceptable size, if not, pinch away.

Yes, pinching means removing the buds/flowers. You don't wnat them to reach flowering.
I dont pinch the flowers per say, I twist them off :)

By removing the flowers, the plant reacts by growing more flowers, the only way it can do this is by growing out more, which means more vegetative growth as well.

By pinching off the leafy buds, you force the plant to grow from the auxiliary buds between the leaves and stem. Usually they sprout more than one bud, so for every one bud you remove, you get two or more new buds.

A great way to get a bushy plant.
I had a question about plant size. Not sure why, but my 5 week old lamayo is already has a big bud right in the middle of it's leafs and a few others as well. The plant is pretty big for 5 weeks, but still a lot smaller then what I would like. Is it ok to pinch those buds? The other plants I have none of them have buds and I thought it was odd that such a young plant already has buds.
I hate to pinch my fastest growing but very young chilhuacle negro's flowers, but I'm sure it will make it grow better too.
if you have tiny plants, you probably should pinch them. i have some plants that just arent growing right, but have buds so i'm pinching everything. I'll probably do this a few times to get the plants big. i dont have too many so it's not a huge task.

how to pinch? just remove the buds you see. if they're pluckable, pluck em.
I have two plants each 12 inches tall. Both have two or three "sets" (about the size of a marble) with a lot more buds and flowers. Should I remove all the buds and flowers? Should I remove the "sets" as well? The plant does seem to have stopped growing. Should I be feeding the plants now?