Pink Tiger Thread

im growing it
im starting them this week
im apparently not growing this species because i cant find the seeds
i think i never got them, i seemed to remember someone either sent them or was going to
either that or i misplaced them (dont know???)
oh well im going to take it off my grow list for now :tear: maybe i will find them when im not looking for them that happens alot with alot of things when it comes to me :think:
thanks your friend Joe
Growing them also, here's mine.
I got 3 seeds from a generous member on here and all three germinated.
Beautiful plants they are!
Looking forward to seeing how everyone's play out!
I FOUND THE SEEDS!! :onfire:
i am growing it :dance: 
i got  them from 2 GODS on this forum
i remember someone asking what the origen of the pink tiger it says on the baggie that the
Pink Tiger is  BHUT JOLOKIA x PIMENTA DO NAYDE (im guessing Red Bhut)
you can clearly see that the Pimenta Do Nayde is the dominant parent
thanks your friend Joe

JJJessee said:
What are the origins of the Pink Tiger?
The plants bare a striking resemblence to Fidalgo Roxa, a pepper that I stumbled upon last fall.
The fruit shapes are completely different though.