time has come to transfer this peppers well just 3 of them since i run out of buckets and net pots, all three buckets is kratky method

new hobby lol adenium hybrids

adenium babies "obesums and arabicums"
D3monic said:
Looking good! Lots of us growing the Carbonero this year, I only got one and it was planted late. I hope to get a few pods off it before seasons end. The buckets are doing really well.
thanks D3, this my first time growing this carbonero, hows the heat
OCD Chilehead said:
Fantastic pictures! Are you serious? Two Led lights? I'm officially jealous and happy. Plants look amazing. I'm getting ready to transplant Aero-plants to soil soon. Any do's or don'ts I should be looking out for? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for sharing
yea 2 led lights, i got carried away lol, well i soak my aerogardens after transplant in azos swimming pool, and put them on shades for the whole week thats about it
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
What mm I didn't know chuck was an aero guy....
Umm saturate your soil one time when you transfer. ...
I would not harden them until they are settled in soil....
yea just harden them after you transplant, because they will still go on shock, from water to soil, best to harden is after transplant so 2 stones in 1 shot
maximumcapsicum said:
Awesome updates Jericson! When do you cut the leaves from your tomatoe plants?
i cut the leafs after they reach 10feet lol, so she can focus all the nutrients on the pods
stickman said:
Alright Jericson, PODS!

Ya gotta love it!
thanks rick lol, i let them dry out in the plants for now lol, dunno what to do with them yet