• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PJ's 2012 Glog with a Kaleidoscope of Colored Peppers

This is my second season growing superhots. I decided to branch out and grow some tasty peppers that others will enjoy. I've been collecting and buying seeds busily!

So i decided to start my seeds early-mid january since last frost date last year was in early april. Here is my list. Some i bought, some i got for free from the amazing THP members! Thanks again all,


I'll be germinating my seeds in cups. I had great success last year using this method. Once they sprout, i'll move them to my 72 plug seed tray. I'm using gardener's supply germinating mix. It has very fine peat, vermiculite, and trace minerals and is pH balanced. Once they get their true leaves, i'll move them to 3.5x5 inch pots (P86D) and 1 pint root pouches (just to experiment). After that they will go into their 5, 7, 10 gallon root pouches and plastic nursery pots.

I started the kashmiri seeds 1 weeks ago to see if the dried pods' seeds i got from UK were viable. They were! So these were the first to go into the 72 plug tray.

I have some plants in the garage under flourscents that are overwintering since november. They are brain strain, red bhut jolokia and chocolate bhut, red and yellow 7pods, fatalli, and a bhut-habanero hybrid. Also some annums like serrano and kung pao just to see if it works

I dedicated one room in the house as my "plant room". Pretty bare bone, its a 48 inch wide, 7 foot tall steel rack. 2 of the shelves each have 4 T12 GE aquarium and plant flourscent bulbs. I have a heat mat where they cups are sitting on to help in the germination.

The Plant Room

The Seeds in their cups

The Kashmiri Mirch in their 72 plug tray, i'm using little cups as a "dome" to keep humidity in. Using foil to cover the other plugs so water doesn't just evaporate away making the germinating mix really dry and also keeps it from growing algae.

Lets see how it goes! Wish me luck!
Ok...now you're just showing off! :dance: Wow PJ....freaking wow. Here I am all happy about a few starting to flower and BAM! Here's about 200 supers in yo face!!! Love it! That's a whole lot of pain just waiting to put the hurt on some folks...simply amazing.
Wow, it looks like Texas is the place to be for some serious poddage! I know I already told you how good those photos are, but seriously, those things look pretty amazing with the rain drops.
Thanks everyone for visiting and for the compliments! Pods are starting to turn color for some, so took some pics just now to post. Enjoy!

Unknown pepper - does anyone know what this is?

Pimente espelette - this are well known when dried and made into flakes/powder. very tasty.

Fat red bhuts

Purple bhuts, now i read that these are supposed to to turn red when ripe, but they look to be turning ... WHITE/Creamy?

Yellow bhuts

Chiero Recife, love these little guys, turn from white, to yellow, orangy, then finally red

Fatalli's finally turning yellow

Pink Habanero, turning creamish color right now

Zapotec Jalapeno, look at that corking. Its a pretty spicy jalapeno, will be pickling these

Just a non-pepper, my pomegranite tree.
Harvested some pods, first big harvest in 2012. Well not really ... compared to the big guys here :)

Fat bhut jolokia - i called them that since they are HUGE

Pink Habanero

Brain Strain Red overwinter

Cheiro Recife

Yellow Bhut

Unknown pepper, pretty hot, wonder if its a mix of white hab x red bhut?

NOT Scotch Bonnet Foodarama, seeds must have been from a cross

Bishops crown

Cheiro Roxa

Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion - look at that stinger!
My favorites here are the Yellow Bhuts, they look different from mine. How do they taste?

The Fat Bhuts look like a Red Savina cross? Do they taste like regular bhuts?
Yea, mine are more rounded. They should be more wrinkly and pointy, but these are more smooth. Haven't tried them yet, just picked them :) I did not have any Red savina's, but did have red habs last year, and these are seeds from my own bhut stock. Maybe they crossed with a 7pod, Hab or something.

Some more pics.


And everything!
They all look amazing PJ...but I am with Jamie, that solo shot of the Choco Scorp is in-freakin-credible! Beautiful and wicked looking pod!
Took out the seeds from best looking pods, placed all of the deseeded peppers into the dehydrator at 105 degrees. Lets see how it goes.

The bishops crown had very little heat, tassted pretty good, like sweet bell. The NOT foodarama scotch bonnet was not hot at al.

My favorites here are the Yellow Bhuts, they look different from mine. How do they taste?

The Fat Bhuts look like a Red Savina cross? Do they taste like regular bhuts?

Thanks, the yellows have fruity sweet beginning and climb to hot. Not too bad. Have not tried fat bhuts yet. Will let you know.

Those Cheiro Roxa are really cool. Whats the flavor and heat on those?
Wow amazing harvest PJ everything looks loaded I am also interested on your synopsis on the Cheiro Roxa.
Thanks. It has fruity flavor, heat is medium, and goes away quickly. Nice and tasty pepper. Wonder how it will be dried. It a real pretty pod with purple peach color.

Everyone else is wrong, that Choc Scorp belongs in a magazine.

I have spoken.

True story.
They all look amazing PJ...but I am with Jamie, that solo shot of the Choco Scorp is in-freakin-credible! Beautiful and wicked looking pod!
Haha, thanks guys. Yea the darkness of the pepper made the camera make the background superwhite and the pepper super shiny.
When i cut it, it was oozing with yellow oils. It smelt nice but looked scary. I took a sliver and chewed on it and spit it out. Had a fruity taste, quickly went away, and my tongue started to get numb. It was friggin hot. Couple mins later i was ok. Real hot pepper.
Harvested some pods, first big harvest in 2012. Well not really ... compared to the big guys here :)

Fat bhut jolokia - i called them that since they are HUGE

Pink Habanero

Brain Strain Red overwinter

Cheiro Recife

Yellow Bhut

Unknown pepper, pretty hot, wonder if its a mix of white hab x red bhut?

NOT Scotch Bonnet Foodarama, seeds must have been from a cross

Bishops crown

Cheiro Roxa

Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion - look at that stinger!
Thanks guys, yea i' like the zapotecs too. I have some pickled in the fridge. Can't wait to try it after a few weeks of pickling :)

Dried out the first harvest's pods and put them in baggies. I'll wait till i get a substantial amount of dried pods before i start grinding them into powders. Been an interesting weekend. Found a horn worm eating my Labuya plant. Pretty much ate all the leaves. It pooped so much due to all the leaves it ate. Snip Snip i went! Another horn worm attacked my pink habanero. It ate some of the fruit and stems. But i couldn't find it, either the birds ate it or it ate some diatemecious earth and died.

Also finding lots of fire ants in the containers. I bought some Green Light Spinosad-based granular killer for ants and spread it into the pods. Hopefuly they feed the queen and leave my plants alone

Its been really hot outside, my plants were starting to wilt, so i changed the watering timer to every other day for 30 mins.

Excited about a new buy, I ordered a 1-pint "Add-It" fertigation system which will fertigate my whole setup with reliable and consistent 1:200 fertilizer dilution with no loss in pressure. Based on my setup, it will fertigate for about 20+ minutes with 1 pint of concentrated fertilizer and then just water for the other 10 minutes since i run it for 30 mins. Its pretty cheap, 30 bux. It is highly rated by the agricultural folks. Decided on this instead of the EZ-FLO, will update you guys on how it goes. You can also get 1.5 quart, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 gallon also but those are more expensive.

Anyways, i got some more harvest, MONSTER sized pods. Pretty crazy. Here are some pics.

1st row from left to right - red brain strain from CMPMan, monster size yellow 7pod
2nd row - bahamian goat pepper, yellow brain strain - pepperlover
3rd row - scotch bonnet papa joe, red bhut jolokia

I like the look of the brain strain with green tail

4 of the yellow brain strain in my hand, they are HUGE