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plant #2 is dying.

Hey guys/gals..

I have a problem.. my second super hot is about to die.. it blew over with the rain we got a few days ago and when i staked it back up it wilted big time.. its a butch t with about 50-60 pods on it fully formed and ready to turn red.. I read in prior post to pull it out of the ground and hang it upside down in my shed next to the ghost pepper plant .. any other suggestions? I read that the heat may or may not be there.. so .. suggestions for use.. ? powder or sauce or ?? will hanging them till they turn improve the flavor or is it more a color thing.. i could just make the into a hot green sauce.. of course 100 pods ( 60 butch and 40 ghost ) would make a heck of a batch..

Your 2 cents is appreciated..

so it uprooted and you lost a bunch of your root system?
if so id shade if as best as you can... like 70% or w/e and keep it nice and humid in a cool place. it hopefully will recover.

if you mean it snaped then do what ever. because its going to be a PITA to save it. if your roots are still there you could try to graft a non wilted branch into the rootstock, but like i said... PITA.
i dont see how hanging it upside down would make the pods ripen or improve in flavor, i think this idea is borrowed from some of the practices followed by cannabis growers. personally i think that practice is "stoner lore", but i dont know anything about cannabis.
The same enzymes that make the color turn, improve the flavor. I would not be in any rush to pull the plant yet, losing the leaves is its defense mechanism against root damage. That may be enough for it to survive or may not be, it depends on how badly the roots are damaged and how still you can keep it so that if it tries to grow new (slender) roots they don't get torn by movement of the stem.

The longer the plant holds on, the longer it will be before the pods start to dry out and rot, maximizing your chances to get some to a fully ripe or at least riper state. I see no particular reason to bring it in and hang it until the weather gets really cold then keeping it warmer would speed up ripening. Just keep an eye on the pods at the top where they will start wrinkling from water loss first, they should be harvested at any sign of wrinkling or softening.

Also keep in mind that a storm that violent may have damaged the stem of the pod where it connects to a branch so those pods may need picked before the others.

Pot/etc is hung upside down because you have to tie to something and the bottom of the plant is sturdier than the top.
Pot/etc is hung upside down because you have to tie to something and the bottom of the plant is sturdier than the top.

yea thats the pragmatic reason i imagine.
buf if you follow alot of the cannabis message boards you will see people claim all over that hanging it upside down magically improves taste etc. the same people make absurde claims that you MUST put black electrical tape over your smoke detector's blinking led among others, because the flashing light will force the plants to flower early. or that you can taste the salt from sylthetic fertilizers in the cannabis smoke. etc etc.

dont get me wrong tho i really appreciate the cannabis guys. without them i coudlnt just go into a store and buy mondo rockwool blocks and slabs and cheap grow tents etc...
Keep it in the shade until it recovers. It might take a week or so. Easy on the water - no nutes. It should be fine, we still have months left in the season.
just an update.. still no recovery.. the roots were intact but the plant is still wilted.. 27 of the pods have turned from green to yellow and some (4) to red,
I can only hope it sends up new shoots.. if not i will start harvesting them by this weekend i think there are 60+ pods on this plant..
I was once told by a friend that hanging cannabis upside down causes residual THC to drain from the roots into the buds. What a maroon :b
I was once told by a friend that hanging cannabis upside down causes residual THC to drain from the roots into the buds. What a maroon :b

That's a classic old wive's tale. Usually told just after the one about a girl who had a seed pop out of a joint and sprout in her eye.