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chinense Plant ID...seeds were supposed to be Ghost Pepper

I'm spending the weekend at my parents house and dad is showing the plants that he grew from seed that we gave him for Christmas. He said he has grown the Ghost Pepper seeds, but the pods are not hot at all...but they are really sweet and flavorful. Can I get an ID on these peppers?



looks like an interesting hybrid.

if it tastes good it might be worth saving. not everything is about heat and burning your mouth.
looks like an interesting hybrid.

if it tastes good it might be worth saving. not everything is about heat and burning your mouth.
Looks like a decent chile, though. most likely a C. annuum and not even close to the Bhut Jolokia or any other "Ghost Peppers".
I also have a plant that was meant to be Jolokia and I think it looks similar to yours, I'm sure someone here can tell me it's not, but mine are actually pretty hot. If anyone knows what it is I'd appreciate it.

I think the first question is where did the seeds come from?
I think the first question is where did the seeds come from?

Well mine were from Ebay, I know it's not reliable and I won't be buying my seeds for this years grow from them. I was just interested to know if anyone knew what it was. I really like the plant and the chillis and I'm thinking of overwintering it.
Well mine were from Ebay, I know it's not reliable and I won't be buying my seeds for this years grow from them. I was just interested to know if anyone knew what it was. I really like the plant and the chillis and I'm thinking of overwintering it.

since you know already about ebay, there's your answer...and there is no telling what you got...kinda looks pepperoncini to me but if they are hot, I don't know...probably some sort of cross of a couple of unknowns...you could try and contact the person you bought them from on ebay and/or leave a rating for his business...
I'm spending the weekend at my parents house and dad is showing the plants that he grew from seed that we gave him for Christmas. He said he has grown the Ghost Pepper seeds, but the pods are not hot at all...but they are really sweet and flavorful. Can I get an ID on these peppers?


The description and the pics look a lot like Kaleidoscope. What do the flowers look like?
For comparison, here is one I'm growing.

This isn't a Kaleidoscope flower but they look really similar to this:

Hope this helps. Mystery plant IDs are tough.
since you know already about ebay, there's your answer...and there is no telling what you got...kinda looks pepperoncini to me but if they are hot, I don't know...probably some sort of cross of a couple of unknowns...you could try and contact the person you bought them from on ebay and/or leave a rating for his business...

Ahhh I'll guess I'll never know, the ebayer has stopped trading, and you can't leave feedback after 90 days anyway, which is also a flawed system when growing seeds. I'll try and save seeds from it and see if it grows true, I'm not complaining anyways it is a nice chilli.
Ahhh I'll guess I'll never know, the ebayer has stopped trading, and you can't leave feedback after 90 days anyway, which is also a flawed system when growing seeds.

Learning again the very important lesson seen soooooo many times on chile fora: don't buy chile seeds on EBay.
To answer the taste question, they are not hot...but we dried them out and turned them into a powder...what an unbelievable taste...unbelievably wonderful flavor with no heat whatsoever.

Dad also has some Peroncini (sp?), and the ones he has are a solid green and do not even try to change color...and he has some pretty big ones in there. So if he got mixed up, those from the same seeds should have same coloring characteristics. I ran out this morning and saw no flowers...tons of pods...but no flowers.

I bought the bhut seeds from "The Chile Pepper Institute". We got them a bit as a joke since he really got into peppers last year...so we thought we'd get him a super hot. He's usually really good about keeping labels straight, I just don't think he crossed them. Every pot was labeled, peat pods tracked via spreadsheet.

whatever it is...we are saving seeds. This was one of the big hits this year.
If you bought the seeds from NMSU CPI, they should have grown true...but if they didn't, it may be helpful to Dr. Bosland if you bring this to his attention...just my 2 cents...
Oh wow, if those seeds did come from NMSU/CPI and were labeled/ordered as Bhut Jolokia, that's quite an embarrassment.
So, Tonly, the Kaleidoscope is a Baccatum that one you've got the flower of is a Baccatum variety then? How do the pods taste?
I grew some C. Chinese I bought from the NSCI and they look pretty darn close to those. I have one Ghost I labeled “Ghost 3” that have a sweet fruit like taste to them and absolutely no heat. Other plants from the same seed selection grew and are mild in heat…

I also grew pepperoncini and the don’t look like what you have.

I am really new to growing but think I am getting a good feel for them.
The last email I have from them say that they believe they've had a mutation out in the field. They've got a few reports of this happening as well. Still sending in pictures for them to try to identify what it was crossed with.