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Plant Propagation Experiment

I shot a video a few days ago but haven't had the time to upload it. I've been sick the last few days on top of 20 hour days of work and school. Perhaps tonight when I get back in or tomorrow.
it looks like a mister or something along those lines

Indeed it is. That is one of the overhead misters that are used at the school in the greenhouse.

The final 3 flats of seed were sown in this evenings class. My expectations are that the 24 hour soak and the 45 minute soak will germinate in roughly the same time.
I stopped by the school yesterday to check on my projects. I found 21 of 38 seed that were sown on top have sprouted.

More to come
good deal Mike...

and by the way, I DO know where Moncks Corner is...and have been there many times back in the early 70s...
AJ, I guess i'll have to come up with a better sig line. Thanks. :(

Pepper Boys,
the school is Trident Tech. Their Horticulture program doesn't seem that bad. It's more focused on landscape and nursery stuff than what I'm looking for. But food production just isn't their thing and Clemson or some other Ag school just isn't in the cards for me. They do dabble in a bit of everything and the instructors are excellent and care about their craft. That is the biggest thing for me.
Here is an update of the projects. The experiment numbers merely correlate with my project at school.

Note: Germination is defined in the 1955 Oxford Universal Dictionary as "The action or process of germinating, sprouting or putting forth shoots."

Experiment 2A, 2B and 2C seed were sown on 16 June 2011. Seed flats are watered via an electric leaf system.

Exp 2A Seed were sown without soaking in water.

Exp 2B Seed were soaked for 45 minutes in room temperature tap water.

Exp 2C The seed were soaked for a period of approximately twenty-four hours prior to being sown. The seed were soaked in tap water.

20 June 2011
A single seed was observed as having been germinated in Exp 2C. However, because the seedling has not emerged above the soil at this time, germination rates were not calculated. I observed the single germinated seed by removing the top layer of soil.

21 June 2011

Seed for Experiment 2C have not emerged from the soil as expected. One seedling has emerged first from Experiment 2B.

Exp 2A Zero of thirty-eight seed germinated. Zero percent germination rate.

Exp 2B One of thirty-eight seed germinated. Three percent germination rate.

Exp 2C Zero of thirty-eight seed germinated. Zero percent germination rate.

Experiment 3

14 June 2011

Experiment 3A, 3B and 3C. Seed starting depth. Timed mister. Watering cycle is 10 seconds of spray every 5 minutes.

Exp 3A seed were sown on top of the soil mix.

Exp 3B seed were sown 1/4 inch deep.

Exp 3C seed were sown 1/2 inch deep.

19 June 2011

Observed germination in Experiment 3A. I observed the root tips emerging from twenty-one of thrity-eight seed. Germination rate is fifty-five percent in five days.

21 June 2011

Observed germination and growth in all three seed flats.

Exp 3A Thirty-two of thirty-eight seed have germinated. Germination rate is eighty-four percent.

Exp 3B Twenty-four of thirty-eight seed have germinated. Germination rate is sixty-three percent.

Exp 3C Eleven of thirty-eight seed have germinated. Germination rate is twenty-nine percent.
Well that worked out well to favor you and your pepper growing!

Keep us posted with your results please, it is quite interesting to see how the differing variables affect germ rate etc :)
I am having excellent germination rates so far. I want to thank Tonly publicly for the great seed.

I will post up my latest observations later today
The seed that were sown on top, Exp 3A, have the best germination rate of all the seed so far. It also has the highest death rate. The seedlings that have not put its root into the soil are dying.

The seedlings of Experiment 2B, those soaked for 45 minutes, have a slightly better germination rate compared to 2A and 2C. The interesting thing to me is that the seedlings that are coming up appear to be healthier. I say that based on relative size and look as compared to the others. As of 24 June 2011, those seed also have the best germination rate.

24 June 2011

Experiment 2A - 35 of 38 seed germinated. 92% germination rate

Experiment 2B - 36 of 38 seed germinated. 95% germination rate

Experiment 2C - 33 of 38 seed germinated. 87# germination rate

Experiment 3A - 37 of 38 seed germinated. 97% germination rate Seedling beginning to die.

Experiment 3B - 35 of 38 seed germinated. 92% germination rate

Experiment 3C - 29 of 38 seed germinated. 76% germination rate