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Plant size in Solo cups?


How large do you let your plants grow in Solo cups before transplanting to a larger pot?
I don't worry about size up top I worry about down below in the root section I make sure they have a lot of roots to support them on the pot up, which translates to about 4 to 8 inches of growth on top depending on the variety.
millworkman said:
Ive grown in cups for the whole season and gotten a good 25+ pods per plant.  If you dont have the space or are unsure of a variety you can keep them in their all season.  Just make sure you water EVERY day.  
nice, what kind of nutes did you give them?
I've done a few things, compost tea one year, organic hydro nutes and synthetic hydro nutes(different plants).  Its just usually what I have most of at any given point.
cone9 said:
How large do you let your plants grow in Solo cups before transplanting to a larger pot?
This year, my plants only lasted a couple weeks in 18oz solo cups before they needed repotted. I started cutting milk jugs in half and using them as pots.
I could have kept them in the solo cups a little longer, but once a bunch of roots are poking out of the bottom it's usually my cue to start thinking about moving them up. If you wait too long I feel you can stress the plant by allowing it to become rootbound, and maybe stunt it's growth. This is my opinion based on what I have observed, don't know if it is a fact. I'm trying to grow the biggest plants I can this year so I am repotting all the time!
I let mine got about 9 inches before I dropped them in pots. But i was waiting for warm weather. I would say 6 inchs. you can plant in ground.
millworkman said:
Ive grown in cups for the whole season and gotten a good 25+ pods per plant.  If you dont have the space or are unsure of a variety you can keep them in their all season.  Just make sure you water EVERY day.
Hmm...that makes me want to try to keep 1 plant growing indoors under the grow lights with the Kratky Hydroponics method.
Might be worth an experiment.
Ha ha, I started looking through my pictures last night trying to find some and totally forgot I was looking till I came back in here just now.  I even found a couple.  I'll be back... :)

Jobu said:
Hmm...that makes me want to try to keep 1 plant growing indoors under the grow lights with the Kratky Hydroponics method.
Might be worth an experiment.
 What's Kratky?
That's the hydroponics method used by MHP Gardener to grow plants (mostly lettuce) with no pumps or airstones. I'm using itfor my kid's science project and it works great for lettuce.
Here is a pic of the lettuce we are growing for the science project. The teeny plant with the aluminum foil cover is a Naga Viper that is just starting to grow some roots.

That pretty cool, just read up on it.
I couldnt find and good later season photos but here are a few from early in a season.
Eximium in smaller solo cups.


Goats Weed and two larger Eximiums.

Just a general shot

Super Chili in the smaller 9oz solo cups


Fatalii on the left was flowering in that tiny 1oz cup.  The day this picture was taken I put the bottom off and stuck it in the larger cups.  