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Planted 5-21

Planted my seedlings in the ground today. I started in March with 140 jiffy pellets/pucks. Germinatatin rate was about 80%. After weeding out the weak plants and slwo growers my net seedling count was 84 viable plants. I planted 54 plants in my garden and will give away the remaining 30 plants. I planted the following:

Bhute Jolokia
Hot Cherry
Long Red Slim
Tai Sun Pepper (I think, seeds were miss labeled from last year's grow)
Red Habanero
Orange Habanero
Three sweet pepper plants

This is my second year planting a garden and I learned a ton last year. I think my plants look way better than last year at this time, my garden prep was about 100X better. I hope to have some pretty decent yields.

Here they are all ready for the garden:

(no wise-cracks about my wheel-barrow with two wheels :). It is really easy to use and I like it. It's getting old now too :party:


Here is the garden ready for the plants:


Here are the plants in the garden:


I'll plant some seeds today in in the yet unplanted part of the garden: green beans, cucumber, and sun-flower.
Very nice SV. Can you send that weather a bit north? :)
Your dirt looks very nice and healthy and plants are wonderful

Good luck the rest of the season.
Very nice SV. Can you send that weather a bit north? :)
Your dirt looks very nice and healthy and plants are wonderful

Good luck the rest of the season.

Too bad we got 3 inches of rain....in the last hour. I'm not sure if my garden looks more like a river or a lake.
well at least you got them in! I still have yet to plant any peppers (well other than a manzaon my wife put in the flower bed)
Quarter size hail tore up a handful but they should recover. Lost one---hail broke it in half.

Another 2" since late last night. Seems like about 4-5" of rain in the last 8 hours. I sure hope peppers are strong and line a lot of water.

Too bad my run-off feeds the Ohio river. The folks down south can plan on keeping the floodgates open a bit longer.

I've never seen rain like this. It's basically rained steady for 4-5 days per week since February. I think we had 15" just in the month of April. My yard is basically destroyed because it's so wet.