planted today

well today i got some seeds and planted them in a burpee 36 cell starter. i planted habs, jalepeno, Hungarian Wax, Anaheim. Large Cherry and Long Red Cayenne:onfire: this is my first time growing peppers. hope it goes well.
I almost bought that - they had them right next to the peat pots at the Home Depot in seekonk. But I got the peat pots instead - seemed like it would be easier cause I just just leave them on to transplant. Didn't find out until later they don't really decompose well, so they're really no easier. Still, its organic, so I don't have the plastic tray to throw away when I'm done...
I got the wife one of those to plant her flowers in...not a burpee but same color and it had peat pellets in the bottom...I figured it would be easier for her that way and you know what...she has a bunch of flower sprouts......

well its a weak later.. HORRAY!! my first chili sprouts. 4 of7 habs sprouted a few jalapenos and a others. cant wait till they are bigger!:onfire:
PwnedPepper said:
well its a weak later.. HORRAY!! my first chili sprouts. 4 of7 habs sprouted a few jalapenos and a others. cant wait till they are bigger!:onfire:


The thrill of those first sprouts never goes away!
im about to plant the rest of my first ones are out of the tank soaking up the sun in my front getting one of those bulk trays to get the rest done
PwnedPepper said:
well its a weak later.. HORRAY!! my first chili sprouts. 4 of7 habs sprouted a few jalapenos and a others. cant wait till they are bigger!:onfire:

Awesome! :) Take care of the little guys! They're fragile!
This year was my first year starting from seed and I checked them every 2 hours 24/7 for about two weeks...
imaguitargod said:
That's nothing, So far only my tobacco has sprouted so I sit there watching bare dirt in hopes of encouraging the rest to sprout. :shocked: Bare DIRT!


Not Bare Dirt! Say it ain't so!

Yeah, ok, so I found bare dirt to be pretty darn attractive yesterday when I got through weeding the tomato garden in preparation for tilling.

* holds up thumb*

See, I even worked up a blister.
imaguitargod said:
Awww, cute little thing.

Tilling the dirt already, I'm jealous. We still have snow on the ground.

Early plant out is in two weeks. I'll probably hold off on the peppers until mid-April in case we have a late freeze like last year.