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Plantout Preparation, 4/5 April 2008

AlabamaJack said:
Pablo, is that one of the CPI fields?

hi aj,
no, not CPI,
this is a little farm,we are useing to grow produce of all sorts,with tomato and pepper as the main product,
if you notice that is a 30 x 130 ft greenhouse to the upper left of photo.
so far on the list are
tomatoe {3 dutch GH varieties,4 field varieties}
pepper { Bhut Jolokia,Fatalii,Saharo,Jalapeno,Big Jim,Cayenne,Kung Pow,Pasilla Bajillo,Serrano,Annaheim 118,
Mesilla,Jimmy Nardello, chile tepin mexico.}
radish,assorted herbs,lettuce,cucumber,melons {seedless}
cantalope,1 zone of sweet corn, 1 zone of okra,
and anything else we can think of as the season progresses.
yall come on out and stay awhile, 3 hots and a cot for all the veggies you can harvest LOL.

pablo said:
hi aj,
no, not CPI,
this is a little farm,we are useing to grow produce of all sorts,with tomato and pepper as the main product,
if you notice that is a 30 x 130 ft greenhouse to the upper left of photo.
so far on the list are
tomatoe {3 dutch GH varieties,4 field varieties}
pepper { Bhut Jolokia,Fatalii,Saharo,Jalapeno,Big Jim,Cayenne,Kung Pow,Pasilla Bajillo,Serrano,Annaheim 118,
Mesilla,Jimmy Nardello, chile tepin mexico.}
radish,assorted herbs,lettuce,cucumber,melons {seedless}
cantalope,1 zone of sweet corn, 1 zone of okra,
and anything else we can think of as the season progresses.
yall come on out and stay awhile, 3 hots and a cot for all the veggies you can harvest LOL.

I hate you!


I want that, too...
Omri said:
I hate you!


I want that, too...

Hey...Are you saying that your accepting applications??... :P

Heck, you should build guest cottages and charge people a rental fee like the big ranches do. :think: People from all over pay big $ to stay on those ranches and work...
I would love to come and harvest with you Pablo...but...I think when you are harvesting, I will be too....but not nearly as many as you...if I only had the resources to have a greenhouse and land like that...
Got 84 Transplanted this weekend....phew....

I didn't get as many transplanted as I wanted but 84 will have to do for a start...the following are what was transplanted from 9oz cups to 5 gallon containers...

2 Serrano
3 Jalapeno Gigante
3 NuMex Pinata
4 Jamaican Hot Chocolate
4 Caribbean Habaneros
4 Hot Caribbean
4 Smoky Orange Habanero
6 Red Savina
6 Chocolate Habanero
1 Diablo Negro
5 Tobago Seasoning
3 Fatalii
5 7 Pot
11 Trinidad Scorpion
4 Bhut Jolokia
5 Bih Jolokia
9 Dorset Naga
2 Naga Morich
3 Devils Tongue

here are some pictures...not close ups just views of the containers and plants...




Only about 140 to go.....but that may turn into 250 more...I may end up with over 300 plants in containers....
WOW!!! :shocked: You have got to be exhausted. Good Job :) BTW, where did you find the pots that you are using. I checked Lowes and Walmart and can't find any empty ones, they all have plants in them.
Wow, AJ! They're looking great! I'm really jealous. Are they wilting a little in the sun? Mine are, but just barely. I didn't harden them enough.

Pepperfreak, try your local nursery. I finally visited an independent one that's only about 1/2 a mile away from me, and they just gave me a lot of their older containers. To sorta pay them back, I bought most of my potting soil from them.
AJ, looks very nice you are going to have quite the jungle there shortly. Good Job!! I feel your pain with all the time spent on the peppers I just went and got 6 tons of compost on friday and I started to work on expanding the garden I went with a 30'x110' epansion and spent the whole day (literally) rototilling. I am burnt to a crisp. I borrowed my friends trailer to get the compost it made it very easy.


My goodness AJ get a hand ful of a bloody mary and relax abit. That is looking good and still have room to turn around lol I can't wait to see this yard in 3 months it will be a jungle out there. Good Job
Dale can I borrow that trailor? That rototiller got its work out for sure and I bet ya grabbing the lotion I got burnt also but was at a medival fair alot of fun waiting for the next weekend before I put out any plants

You have no idea how much I wish my city offered free compost. It's too bad. All my bordering cities offer it. Bad luck I guess. It's black gold. It's hard to get enough of it. :)

Local stores charge over $50 to transport it 3 miles beyond the per yard charge for the materials. That's kind of hard to accept. I did it when building my raised beds out of necessity.

It sounds as if you're going to have one awesome garden after the expansion (it already was from the pics last season). Good luck with it all.


thepodpiper said:
AJ, looks very nice you are going to have quite the jungle there shortly. Good Job!! I feel your pain with all the time spent on the peppers I just went and got 6 tons of compost on friday and I started to work on expanding the garden I went with a 30'x110' epansion and spent the whole day (literally) rototilling. I am burnt to a crisp. I borrowed my friends trailer to get the compost it made it very easy.


okie, yes the lotion is a flowin I just wanted to get a little color on this white skin. I got a little color all right...... Bright red:mouthonfire:.

Chris,I wish we were just a little closer I would surely bring you over a load of it. I got the whole 6+ tons for 10 bucks, it's free if you load it yourself. I will post some pics of the seedlings and the garden when I get a chance if AJ does'nt mind me throwing them on his thread.

Thanks all...the funny part is I feel good even though all my joints are a little achy/sore...

Pepperfreak said:
WOW!!! :shocked: You have got to be exhausted. Good Job :) BTW, where did you find the pots that you are using. I checked Lowes and Walmart and can't find any empty ones, they all have plants in them.

I bought mine from my local Nursery for 99 cents each...may have been able to get them cheaper or free if I had started looking sooner....

Pam said:
Way to go AJ! You didn't spend very much time with your feet up this weekend!

I feel like I should have gotten more done this weekend...but taking Friday "off" was very nice....

Sanj said:

BTW - you blocked the dog house...:lol:

Don't use the doghouse any more. It has wood scraps in it that I use for my various projects...no tellin' how many times in the past I have wanted a 2' long 2X4 and didn't have one...

thepodpiper said:
I will post some pics of the seedlings and the garden when I get a chance if AJ does'nt mind me throwing them on his thread.

Post away Dale, it is fine with me...I will be updating every few days until I get the plantout complete...heck, it may be the End of May before my plant out is complete and I should be getting tomatoes and maybe some peppers off by then.

I actually feel refreshed after what I did this weekend...kind of a sense of accomplishment....
11 Scorpion plants. What are you going to do with all your pods? I hardly used my scorpion harvest since I find them inferior to the Nagas.
Don't have a clue what I am going to do with the harvest...other than make a lot of powder, and infused vinegar & tequila, some pickled, and the most will be used to make paste or concentrate...then I can have the fresh taste of the peppers year round...

I am making arrangements with friends (that do not grow peppers) to foster a couple of each variety to try and keep the strains pure so I will have seed for next year....and who knows, the scorpions may not even like this blazing hot midsummer north Texas sun/weather....

by the way, I used an elmers product for writing on the containers, a white paint pen that says it is permanent...we will see....

edit: just got an email from the wife...she just ordered me 4 topsy-turvy planters...
Woohoo, what are you going to grow in the topsey-turvey's?
BTW I never fully trust a permanent marker in sun and rain. Best to have a backup plan just in case.