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UPDATE...... They are getting worse by the day!! So I kind of freaked out today and gave them some MG fertilizer 15 30 15 at about 3/4 strength and we will see in a few days if that helps at all.

In order to avoid having to repot all these plants (60) I built a Cold Frame (I think thats what its called) over my garden which is 4' by 40' out of a bunch of extra 2x4's I had laying around and now just need to find that thicker see through plastic stuff they use for green houses, not vinyl, and put that over them. (ANY ONE KNOW WHAT THAT STUFF IS CALLED AND OR WHERE TO FIND IT?? I HAVEN'T REALLY LOOKED YET) The beginning of next week has lows of 35 for a few nights so Im trying to hold off until the middle of next week. Then Im going to plant them out side in the garden and at night they will be covered under this "Cold Frame" with the plastic over it which should keep them from frosting at night. After next week the lows will start being up in the 45 to 50 range at night.

Thanks again to all!!
As simple as it sounds, all my yellowing problems were the result of too much water in dense, poor draining soil, or, not enough water in quick drying soil. Adding nutes to my dense soil only compounded the problem as I was adding more water. I have become ruthless about drainage and a mix balance that stays evenly moist or damp, without holding fluid, if you will.
SanSoo said:
As simple as it sounds, all my yellowing problems were the result of too much water in dense, poor draining soil, or, not enough water in quick drying soil. Adding nutes to my dense soil only compounded the problem as I was adding more water. I have become ruthless about drainage and a mix balance that stays evenly moist or damp, without holding fluid, if you will.

I usually don't water them more than twice a week some times only every 4 days...... when I see them start to sag a little and the cups feel light I will then water. No set schedule. Each cup has four 1/4 inch drainage holes and I bottom water for ease of watering 60 plants and also to avoid fungus problems on the top of the soil that I ran into last year from top watering.
Well, maybe test your drainage. Stand there and pour water onto one and see if the soil is even draining. Unless you've already witnessed this before, maybe the soil is very compacted like what was said above, just a suggestion. Over watering plants kills more then under watering :(
Thanks for the tips, I have tested it. Their is about 3/4 of an inch between the top of the soil and the rim of the cup..... if I fill that with water, some cups will drain out and others will hold it all in if they were really dry, if I water them more, they will drain out as well, very quickly also.

I think my problems are all related to the fact that my plants should have been repotted or put out side a month ago because I planted 1 month early this year which has lead to my problems. This is why I built the temporary cold frame so I can get them out into the garden asap.

I have learned my lesson and Next year I will just have to wait. I thought I could get away with it...... Guess not.
or get those free 5 gal bucket, drill some drain holes and go for it.
I will try that...... although, I will still have to spend a ton of money (that I dont have LOL) on potting soil just to dump it in the garden in 2 weeks. I would rather spend it on the clear plastic stuff or even just a few large tarps to cover them at night for a few more weeks, and plant them in the garden now.... my garden is aprox 4'W x 40'L . Its in a 12' wide space between my house and the neighbors.
Planting this early gives you the best opportunity for a good harvest, specially as far north as you are. I don't think that was your problem. Sounds like you weren't prepared for the successful growth of your plants. I had the same issue this year myself. So I bit the bullet and ordered 100 of the one gallon pots and potted every plant up. They're all looking pretty good to me.

I wouldn't fertilize them anymore either, you may end up burning them even worse.

Good luck.
I ended up getting some bigger pots.... eleven 10" , three 12" and four 16" pots. I put two in each 10" pot and 3 in each 12" pot and 5 in each 16" pot.

I am extremely against more than on in per pot but I had no other choice and its better than them dieing. I wennt to a local garden center and got 3 40lb bags of composted cow manuar (sp?) And two large bags of potting mix and did a 5050 mix for each pot. It turned out quite well and I will post pics later tonight!
Potting soil is fine when you mix it like he did.

""And two large bags of potting soil and did a 5050 mix for each pot.""

Btw, Manure.
Taj said:
Potting soil is fine when you mix it like he did.

""And two large bags of potting soil and did a 5050 mix for each pot.""

Btw, Manure.

I've found a mix like that will perform OK to start, but later in the season will become very compacted.
Silver_Surfer said:
I hope you got potting "mix" and not potting "soil".

It was potting mix.... didn't finish some until late last night so I will post pics later today after work now that they are all done....



Oh and the large tan pots have 5 in each planted like the number 5 on a dice, one in the middle and 4 to the outside corners.
Ive noticed over the last couple of years that the hotter the plant, the more neglect they can seem to take... for instance... they can go longer with out water before showing signs of wilting and also longer in smaller pots.... I may not even grow sweet peppers next year and just go for some of the super hots ... definitely no need for me to have 6 or 8 of each plant either... next year I will probably only do 3 or 4 of each plant and just get more varieties...
I posted this over on SVTCOUNTOUR's Thread and decided to post it here since I think I answered my own problems........ root bound which caused them to not absorb water and wilt and yellow (I bottom watered this year because of soooo many plants)....

"It could very well be over watering......... I actually noticed that a few of mine were so root bound that they really didn't drain any more and I'm thinking that that was also a reason for them yellowing as I bottom watered them this year and they just sat in the water instead of absorbing it. The bottom of my cups where the drainage holes are were all just solid roots on the bottom. Thus even though I was watering, the plants just seemed to keep wilting and yellowing.... I'M PRETTY SURE I JUST TALKED MYSELF THROUGH MY OWN PROBLEM AND ANSWERED IT....LOL "
Good luck mate, I hope this solves you're problem, I too am planting EXTREMELY early this year so these tips are all going to come in handy for me also.
