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Plants forking at the top ?

Is it normal for peppers to split at the top into a y and basically turn into two stems? All mine seem to be doing this. I've always grown outside before and really haven't noticed this before. Maybe I just missed it. Is it normal or stress related? They are y'ing and developing little flowers yay !
* brimming with excitement *

Here are some pics not sure how well it shows up.


Oh righty then .. I thought so but I got a Habie that seems to be splitting earlier than all the rest so I thought I'd ask. Man they all look so dang happy tonight .. walking by their room I thought I heard singing !! ; )
Hey, your plants look great, spanky!
It's looking great, man. Forking is normal, and a good thing too, because that allows the flowers to form!
Shigshwa.........I was (and still am to some degree) a member of of guitar forum (Stone Dragon) where there was a member named shigityshwa. That would not be you would it? If so, it would be sort of funny that two guitar/music enthusiasts would also be hot pepper enthusiasts. If it's not you then I have to say it's funy that I would see two people use a name like shigshwa/shigityshwa in my lifetime. Am I missing something? What is a shigshwa or shigityshwa?
Shigshwa.........I was (and still am to some degree) a member of of guitar forum (Stone Dragon) where there was a member named shigityshwa. That would not be you would it? If so, it would be sort of funny that two guitar/music enthusiasts would also be hot pepper enthusiasts. If it's not you then I have to say it's funy that I would see two people use a name like shigshwa/shigityshwa in my lifetime. Am I missing something? What is a shigshwa or shigityshwa?

Nope. Funny that somebody would think of a name similar to mine though! Perhaps we got the name from the same thing!

The story is pretty strange... I was 12, if I remember correctly, and I was registering a Youtube account, and I couldn't think of a very unique name. So after thinking for a while, I recall a phrase from an old thing I watched a long time back where this one guy said "Shiggity shig shwa". And so from that day on, I've used "Shigshwa" for most of my usernames.