hello all i just wanted you all to know that with the recent hurricaine activity up my way the power my go out and im not really sure if it will and if it does for how long, anyone who has an order with me will still get the same equitalbe service i have always given however comunication with you and new buyers may be difficult
moderators i know this may not be the right place for this post but i was very sure if i put it here that everyone would see it
please sit tight and i will keep in touch as much as i can
so if you dont hear from me its most likley that the power is out
thanks so much your friend Joe
moderators i know this may not be the right place for this post but i was very sure if i put it here that everyone would see it
please sit tight and i will keep in touch as much as i can
so if you dont hear from me its most likley that the power is out
thanks so much your friend Joe