Please vote for Lucky Dog Hot Sauce

"The voting and entry phase has ended. Results will be announced in early January."
Now, I mighta voted this morning (I don't remember lol), making today the last day. If you haven't voted today, give it a shot.
DownRiver said:
"The voting and entry phase has ended. Results will be announced in early January."

Now, I mighta voted this morning (I don't remember lol), making today the last day. If you haven't voted today, give it a shot.
I think I might be the only "on fire" thing I haven't looked at every other one recently, but last I checked I was the only one.

That would be so cool to be the number one!!
OK, it appears there are 6 of us. Just went through all of them.  A few were a lot lower and made an impressive push. A couple only signed up recently, but I saw that one of them cleverly solicited at least a dozen companies to solicit all of their followers to vote for them. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Not sure of the power of chileheads, but I sure hope I can beat out lice removal - is there really enough head lice to be a full time job?
This is the late-comer who somehow went from "not in the contest" to "on fire" in a couple of days:
Impressive push by this transportation company:
This one came outta left field too:
And this one's on fire despite only having like 200 people following them on FB:
So there it is - 6 companies appear to lead the voting, but no idea who's in the lead. Best I can tell we're all "on fire", whatever that means.  Suffice to say I should win "yummiest" category. 
As for overall, who knows where the chips will fall, but I owe a heartfelt thanks to you folks here at THP for pushing this over the top - very cool of you to jump on board like that, and I truly appreciate it. 
Tons of fun!!!!Hope it pays off for you LDHS !!!!!! :) We chili head's hang tight!!
I know Rob Lowe is pulling for you!!
Good evening folks! 

Just checked in on the Startup Nation Top 100 - a competition for the top 100 home-based businesses that I'd asked for your help in voting back in November-December.

Well I'm tickled to report that thanks largely to your efforts, Lucky Dog Hot Sauce was voted the #1 Home-Based business in the country for 2014! 

Woohoo!  :woohoo: 

Thanks again for your support! 

Love & hot sauce



Winner Profile - Top 100
[SIZE=1.4em]2014 StartupNation Home-Based 100 Competition[/SIZE]

Thanks especially to you folks here at THP - y'all put this over the top! :dance: 
salsalady said:
COOL and Congrats!
Do you get a new car, or $$$$$ or even a gold star?
I get a link to their website? lol 
No car, no $, but sort of a gold star. If you look at the company profile there's a little #1 trophy. :D