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tctenten said:
Biebs tossed me a few chips…it's Drinko time.  Starting off with a milk stout.  A nice quiet sunday with my smoker has turned into my parents and sister's family coming over.  I'm gonna need more chips.
Nice to see the family but sometimes just chilin and grillen alone is all ya want no stress no fuss!! :) Hope you enjoy your day my friend!!
tctenten said:
Biebs tossed me a few chips…it's Drinko time.  Starting off with a milk stout.  A nice quiet sunday with my smoker has turned into my parents and sister's family coming over.  I'm gonna need more chips.  
I have some extra chips for you.  I don't normally part with them, but this sounds like an emergency.
Cold store-bought chicken time.

Danielle got me no dressing - gee, thanks.


Like I always say, Searzall to the rescue ...


Where's TB? chicken and salad taco ...

Even got lazy the rest of the way ...


No Searzall, no matter ...


And then truly sloth-like lazy ...


Why? Ten Fidy is awesome, and so is that fucking HS.

PLiNKO slummin' like it's 1999.