Pod Shape vs. Flavor for growers?

I love cooking with chili.  I am really into stuffing milder pods with concoctions made from hotter pods n rice, cheese, or what nots to come up with fork or finger foods.  You know, bite size things you can munch.  Thing is, from a growing perspective I have a wee bit of a secret.  I am more interested in pod shape and color than flavor.

Yes, I do like new flavors.  Yes, I do have my favorites.  But to me, growing chili are like growing rare flowers.  The folds, curves, bumps... they are beautiful.

So what say you?  If you had to choose between growing for appearance and for flavor, what would be your focus.  Of course thank god we can do both, but which turns you on more?
I tend to grow for flavor since I don't use the chilies as ornamental plants.  I understand growing Chilies for the color and natural beauty, but I typically look for what is the best use of my peppers and that is in my food.   I'm also not super into plating my food on a regular enough basis to worry about the shape and texture of my pods.  
Different strokes.    
I choose the majority based on flavour, but I like to sneak a couple of cool looking ones in as well cos I can't resist. Now if I can just get them to pod up..
I would like to say flavor but if I am being honest with myself, I would have to say appearance.  I really like to grow as many different kinds as possible and sample them all.  I do not know the flavor of all of the peppers I grow.  Eventually, I think flavor will start to win the race vs appearance, but right now, I am having fun with diversity!
bpiela said: "fun with diversity"... yes, yes, and yes...This year, got a bunch of sweet peppers chosen by appearance.  Never went that route before but want to play more with stuffing and some of the small sweets would look beautiful on a plate.
Flavor for sure. This year I'm growing several ornamentals and then will narrow those down to 2 varieties based upon flavor. I'm growing a few different types of Rocoto's that will be for stuffing as well.
Flavor. Absolutely flavor.
I overwintered ones from last year if I liked their flavor, and ditched the rest.
The only time I'll consider forgoing a flavorful plant is if it's not very productive.
Shape and color is just an awesome bonus.
Once I get more into powdering and smoking peppers, I may give priority to ones that prove to be more ideal in powder form or become very flavorful when smoked.
Right now their flavor in raw form is my #1 consideration.
I too choose for flavor. Color, shape, and general appearance are secondary considerations. Don't get me wrong; I appreciate and understand the need to have a stable phenotype but if it doesn't taste good then I'm not the guy that's going to grow it. I'll leave that type of gardening to other people.
I'd say both but it really depends if you mean average looks of any particular strain or the looks of your favorite strain.
I get seeds based on reviews about heat/flavor/color.
If I like what I grow I will choose the prettiest pod to pull seeds from.
Ghost pepper is a good example. On a single plant I will get some ugly-assed looking pods and a lot of very nice looking ones. But every now and then I'll get one with my idea of the perfect shape/size/amount of wrinkles/etc. and it will be the prettiest pod on the plant, til the next one.
First year grower. I chose varieties based on flavor and/or heat. My seeds still just have seeds leaves but as I have looked more into what my plants will become the appearance had gotten more interesting. I would still say flavor first but if that changes come end of summer I'll post back.
I grow for both culinary use and ornament.
Same same but different - even superhots and hots are beautiful in full fruit - especially yellows - a fatalii fully laden is a beaut - but so is a bhut jolokia red.
Maui purple is absolutely gorgeous - and not bad tasting either.
Generally I find the annuum var glabriusculum to be more ornamental than most.  Not the tastiest though - typical tepin flavour.
Maybe it is a limited space thing.  I do love cooking with super hots, but in the smallest amount of space you can produce so much more than you could possibly eat.  Then there are things like the strip by the road, want something colorful and erect this year.  I also plant around fence lines, walk ways, and I am starting to think I want a hanging garden.  All things that go with space and making the place look nice.
This is another uncanny topic choice, AJ !

I just finished winnowing and whittling down my variety choices ( I have very limited space ), and chose Beni Highlands for its blazing yellow fruits with their candle-flame shape, Arribibi Gusano for its unique weirdness, and Cumari do Para and CAP 691 because almost everyone in my neighborhood will find it hard to believe these berry-like fruits are actually hot peppers...

...aaannnnd, all of 'em were also selected for flavor. Up until a minute or so ago, i felt quite pleased with myself for my decisions.

I'll admit, i'm starting way too late for anything but indoor cultivation... the only other problem is that, having read this thread and some of the great suggestions in it -- alas !! -- i'm gonna hafta revise my short list again.
ajdrew said:
Then there are things like the strip by the road, want something colorful and erect this year.
That's what the Peter's Pepper's for!
Personally, I'd go for flavour first, heat second, colour third (got to love that ghost pepper red) and shape last but things like an oversized Bonnet will still catch my eye on the market.