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Pods Falling off

I have an Orange Hab and a Jalapeno that are flowering.
With the Hab sometimes the flowers turn to little pods then fall off
other times the flowers just fall off.

The Jalapeno always seems to make the little pod, but then they fall off.

Here is a pic of one that fell off the Jalapeno
Exact same thing is happening w/ my Thai red pepper plant. After reading the thread I see that my room is a little on the cold side, winter had just started a couple of weeks ago, and I'm sure my soil isn't the best, plus I might be occasionally over watering a tad (?). This is the first time I've tried to grow peppers.
You got a decent whack of Japs there, Sandgroper! :cool:

Out of the two plants I have growing, I have a grand total of five pods.... which was six up until yesterday when I pinched a green one and ated it. :D

Did the same thing last night cut up a green one and a red one to have on pizza. Not as hot as i had hoped but then again all i know about them is that they are jalapenos, no strain or anything. I have some others in that I got out of the Au seed parcel that are called Jalapeno Dreamboat Original strain. Does anyone know what they are like?
Mine actually have a rather decent burn. Though, I'm not sure what strain they are either as I saved the seeds from some pods I bought from the local markets last year (organic markets if I can recall correctly). When I bought them, I was only expecting the usual "supermarket" variety (i.e. the almost heat-less variety) but had a pleasant surprise after chomping down on one and knew I was gonna grow some for sure.
Mine actually have a rather decent burn. Though, I'm not sure what strain they are either as I saved the seeds from some pods I bought from the local markets last year (organic markets if I can recall correctly). When I bought them, I was only expecting the usual "supermarket" variety (i.e. the almost heat-less variety) but had a pleasant surprise after chomping down on one and knew I was gonna grow some for sure.

Have you still got seeds left, I am looking for a warm jap.
It is expensive but Botanicare makes a product called CalMag plus...don't know if you guys down under can get it or not but it works wonders for me...

Not sure. Will have to dig out all my seeds later and check for ya!

If not, hopefully the little buggers will hurry up and ripen soon and I will have some! (open pollinated though)

Cool, I'm the patient type. Floods seem to be getting worse in your neck of the woods.