I do not normally get involved in controversial topics,and feel free to put this in the hot buttons if it needs to be, but given the situations that have continued to happen around our country, and now it happened in my back yard I have to say my piece. Like police or not, they are people just like us, they have families just like us. The only difference is, they go to work to protect people that do not like them and risk their lives for people they don't know. I actually have several friends that are police. They are regular people who have a job to do and hate it when they have to see people at their worst. I am not saying there are not bad seeds out there, as there definitely are, but I think we need to take a minute to imagine, what if their was no 911, what if the cops all quit and didn't respond when you had someone breaking into your house with your family inside with you on night shift not there to protect them? A policeless society is not much of a society it is anarchy. This has really hit home to me since I know the dad of one of these kids and I know several of the cops who had to risk their lives to bring these thugs in. 17 and 18 facing life in prison, for what????