• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Poop's DWC n Soil n Thangs

Howdy yall!

This is my first grow. For now I'm growing Bhut Jolokia and Butch T Scorpion peppers. I recieved around 3 pounds of these peppers in January of 2012. It took me a long time to find these peppers because there isn't a market around here for super hots. I know a gal who works at my local courthouse and her boss, which is the head of the drug n alcohol program, gave me the peppers. I took the seeds out of most of the peppers and ate every one of these tasty peppers.

Knowing that I have recieved an addiction to super hots which was supplied by the main drug/alcohol
man,I had to start growing.

This is a month after germ...March 2

This is March 15-at this time I had a recirculating DWC going

This is today April 4th. I have taken away the RDWC because I'm running out of room. Some of these are watered with a SIP method as you can see,and also trying it on a few air pots.
Here is the light/reflector. I'm going to move it about a 12" lower today and see if the plants like it better. Any suggestions are very welcome on this set up!!

In the first picture you can see where I have a couple of the plants in 2 gallon containers(DWC). I only moved one of them into a 5 gallon,and the other is still in the 2 gallon bucket. I don't know how I can move the last one up into a 5 gallon without harming or chopping some roots because it's it a 3" net pot and it's getting too big for 2 gallons. Maybe I'll just leave it.
Thanks guys!!

Most of these will go outside. Even a couple of the DWC. It will be at least a few weeks until I can put them outside.
[sub][sub]Here is the biggest Scorpion soil plant so far[/sub][/sub]

[sub]First feeding of tea! This is a free sample of Xtreme gardens Xtreme Tea I recieved from a local hdro shop. The rest of the feedings will be with my own tea.[/sub]

[sub]This is the biggest hydro Scorpion so far. There seems to be a problem with the hydro plants as you can see. I'm assuming this because the leaves are pointing up towards the light that much,but it still seems healthy as ever. Any one know what's up? [/sub]


It looks to me as if they are crowning which means they are happy as could be! A pic from the side would be better. You got an awesome grow going!
Thank you Jamison. When I move everything around I'll put a side picture up.

THings are getting out of control here. I'm out of room! They are flowering and growing too damn fast,but I'll be able to put most of them outside in 2 weeks.

Thank you Jamison. When I move everything around I'll put a side picture up.

THings are getting out of control here. I'm out of room! They are flowering and growing too damn fast,but I'll be able to put most of them outside in 2 weeks.

Yep, been there, done that. I ran out of room weeks ago. It is finally warm enough to have a few out on the deck to lighten the load on my lights, but I have to bring them in tomorrow since it is getting cold again. :banghead:
I had to post the info about the pics separate because my old computer is about to be thrown off a cliff. I'm going to have to figure out how to post pictures from my cell now,but don't know if its possible.

In the first pic,you can see what I was saying about the leaves pointing up and the leaves curling a bit. It's only on the scorpions(hydro).

The second and third pic is of the same plant(ghost hydro) and it looks normal with some awesome undergrowth! Same amount of solution in every dwc bucket.

The 4th pic is just to show off all the crazy growth coming from the bottom of one of my scorpions.
These plants are stronger than I expected. This trinidad was attacked by the cat. The damn cat set on it.laying it all the way over last night. It just straghtened up withing 6 hours!!

One Butch T has aphids. I keep picking them off every day to keep the population down until I can hit these leaves with some brew.

Morels are an awesome shroom! Wish I had somewhere to hunt em close. I'd have to drive a couple hours. Everything is looking good bud!
Thank ya. These morels are one of best tasting you can find on earth and with your recipe it sounds even better!! It's too early here as well. I left around 30 tiny morels to grow though I usually just pic them because animals and weather will wipe them out,but I want to see how fast they grow.