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off-topic Popping in....

@paulky_2000 Hey Paul! Great to hear all is good with you. Every time the "show me your hot sauce collection" topic comes up, I think of you. These folks show 20 or 50 or 100 bottles, and think they reign supreme. I think of your old collection and just chuckle. If they only knew.

Good to hear from ya. Peace out.
Hey Paulky, good to hear from you. All the kids doing well?

I was scrolling thru the Biohazard thread recently, totally at random, and having a laugh.

Ah, the good ol' days.

TB is still kicking around, saw AlabamaJack a couple months ago, Scovie popped in recently....

Sheesh! Still love the site and 99% of the members.

D'ya think we should hit up the Boss to do a 10 year anniversary TD?

xo from the methow...
Salsakid moved to the Big Schitty after graduation, getting out of the valley to see the world and all that. Made 5 years and then he and his Lovely made it back to the Methow a year ago. We are happy to have them near and they are very happy to be out of the city.

They both have jobs they enjoy, making good money, and we get to see them all the time.

Salsadude is doing good, other than getting run over by a 4Runner last weekend. Freak accident, he's ok other than some road rash and tread marks on his calf. :rolleyes:
Salsakid moved to the Big Schitty after graduation, getting out of the valley to see the world and all that. Made 5 years and then he and his Lovely made it back to the Methow a year ago. We are happy to have them near and they are very happy to be out of the city.

They both have jobs they enjoy, making good money, and we get to see them all the time.

Salsadude is doing good, other than getting run over by a 4Runner last weekend. Freak accident, he's ok other than some road rash and tread marks on his calf. :rolleyes:

Yeah....you gotta cut'em loose and make a few mistakes and a few successes!

I'm so glad everyone is well and/or recovering!

Been run over before......do NOT recommend!