grocery Pork Roll?


I visited a big box wholesale club over the weekend and happened upon something in the meats section I was unfamiliar. Never seen nor heard of it before, it was packaged in a large plastic tube type wrap and was called "pork roll." I do not remember the brand name...  I "googled" later and found it is a popular thing in the northeast US and New Jersey in particular. I kinda got a feel about it from what I read, but I trust you guys and gals here would offer up so much more. 
Having never tried it - and before I commit to purchase a huge "roll" what say you? Any advice or recommendations? I am truly curious.
"Thanks" in advance.   :cheers:
It's a Jersey thing. The brand name is Taylor Ham. It's a sausage roll the size of bologna, and you slice off a piece about 1/4 inch thick and griddle it, and put it on an egg sandwich. Similar to a sausage patty.
pork roll.jpg
Never been to the Northeast. Georgia & Florida, but nothing north-er than that.
Ingredients other than "pork" is just about all I can find on the stuff, but I get from the historical data that chopped & formed ham is pretty close? 
That scrapple actually sounds yummy...when I was a wee boy in the single-digit grades of school, the lunch ladies would serve something they called "ham loaf" quite often. Haven't seen the exact same product since, though I'm sure the "public school = gub'mint cheese" rule is involved. I truly loved ham loaf day....
Thanks fellas. I might try a small package of the stuff...