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Nothing like having a mushroom factory not far away , case of mushrooms $ 4 , and lots of mushroom compost for the babies ! 
I ordered a culture kit from a local producer here in Quebec.
This kit makes it easy to grow gourmet mushrooms it used coffee grounds as growing medium. Simple as Open, Water, Picking.
can produce up to 1 pound and a half of fresh mushrooms during his two months of production, then sow up to 5 times its weight advitam æternam

blue oyster
EvanWilliams1988 said:
Same here.


Got my 30 acres plus around 300 acres on the land I hunt.

Just a little egg wash,flour and butter to cook them in.

Could them all day long.
with ya on that !      :onfire:
Friend gave me some mushrooms last week tasted terrible and i kept seeing flying pancakes shooting out purple lazer beams chasing me around my yard!! Is that normal?
oldsalty said:
Friend gave me some mushrooms last week tasted terrible and i kept seeing flying pancakes shooting out purple lazer beams chasing me around my yard!! Is that normal?
Again OS ....I do not see a problem
oldsalty said:
Friend gave me some mushrooms last week tasted terrible and i kept seeing flying pancakes shooting out purple lazer beams chasing me around my yard!! Is that normal?
sounds great to me !  keep a flying ! lol
dragonsfire said:
I got some Porto mycylium ready to put in the garden, just have to wait for better temps, its snowing right now.
floricole, once you mush pack is done you can berry it in a mix of sawdust etc and grow more.
on the seller web site
It is possible to produce mycelium from a levy at the bottom of the bouquet or by incorporating the kit in a mixture of coffee grounds, tea, cardboard and other wood products. It is then possible to multiply by 5 the mass of the mycelium in the space of a few weeks.
I will do for sure, last year found a spot for morille I try to get mycellium and put some spore under my apple tree. hope to harvest some this year
last year first of two harvest  :drooling: