event Portland Hot Sauce Expo - Who's Going?

Have fun and spread the evil!
is that the armadillo before or after the encounter with the SUV?
Well, we were there getting set up, but there's not much to see as everyone pretty much just put up their tent and tables.   Got to meet folks from-
secret aardvark
burns and mccoy
lucky dog (maaaan, that dude is :crazy:)
sauce goddess
adoboloco is there (haven't met them yet) and a couple others I can't remember their names!  I'll take pics in the morning and post 'em all up.
There is setting up a heavy duty steel frame, something about wrestling...????
Food Trucks ( in PORTLAND?!?!??  What are the odds????  :lol: ) 
Beer garden, music, VIP tent......
And the weather will be Not Scorching.  Predictions for 79-80F for the weekend.  Perfect~~~
Surprised you never met Sauce Goddess! Her old company name was Intensity Academy.
I've met The Sauce Goddess (Jennifer)... several years ago in ABQ, and since then at a other shows.  That previous post sounded like it was meeting for the first time, but not the case.  I did also meet Intensity Academy at the Texas show about 5 years ago.   (First name escapes me right now...  )
Bit of a slow start, as Scott said, and then the fun started.  Thank goodness it was only moderately hot with the weather.  Lot of fun with the chi-Wa-Wa beauty contest, spicy food eating contests, wrestling contests....:rofl:.....first time seeing that IRL....what a hoot!
I have to laugh that as the day goes on, the requests to try PE drops straight gets more frequent...... 
I didn't get pics today, so I promise! tomorrow!
I don't know why I thought sauce goddess was intensity academy...
Yea, it was all just a prank Scott and I thought up....cuz I got....no pics.

PaulG allegedly came out today with a buddy and they allegedly tasted every single sauce. ....
I can get pics of all the sauces I bought from all the companies that were allegedly there.
I didn't say I had the pics yet...just said I could get pics! Sheesh, can't even put my feet up and have a glass of wine after 10 hours in a parking lot without getting hassled.... :rolleyes:
This fictional parking lot sounds nice.
Proof of the parking lot-

a little sumthin for the dude.  (Not THAT dude...... for salsadude...)




did I mention my friend PaulG 'allegedly" stopped by?

Now I have hot sauces, I have chips.  Do I walk to the corner convenience store and buy cheese, come back to the AirBnB to make my own nachos, or do I take my own hot sauce to the corner pub for a plate of nachos????

ps- LOVE the new Seafire Green!!!! 