smokers Post your Smoker/BBQ/Cooker pics here

Damn SL, that smoker looks 12 years old already, what chu been doin'? :lol:
That's just from the one smoke of ribs Friday night. I haven't peaked at it yet since the butts started this morning.

Ahhhhhh the ol' pork-buttshoulder.... Yum, the other white meat....

And no invite... :(

sorry, man, it won't be done until 10:00pm....way to late for dinner with friends on a school night. :beer:

Don't worry, you'll be down here for some smoked grubbage soon~ :cool:

You want me to drop off some leftovers tomorrow??? :lol: With the chipotle powder in the rub, it should be really spicy.

edit to add more pics-
The juices are dripping out the door and down the less, making a mess on the deck. We'll have to get some cans or something to put the legs in.




porkage holding at 180F, but not tender at all yet.
:lol:- yea and we'd have a ton of vet bills getting all the slivers out of the dog's tongue.

OK- here's the finale-
The temp of the meat cruised up to 182F and then stalled there for ~4 hours. The wood chips seemed to smoke for 5 hours without a refill, which seemed really long to me, but maybe it was just the grease drippings that were smoking after the wood chips were used up?

The pork fell apart as I was trying to lift it out of the smoker with tongs. It was stuck to the rack. I didn't tie it up, so a lot of the tips got overdone. Ah, well, treats for the dog. The inside was like butter! It melted in my hands as I pulled it apart. No buns to make a sammie with, but we porked out on it anyway. We could taste the smoke. No need for sauces or anything.

So what do y'all think- pass or fail?


rest of the pics in the DC thread.
I didn't tie it up, so a lot of the tips got overdone.
Pork tips? Oh the bark, okay haha. The bark is supposed to be kinda crusty, but to keep it from burning and crisping up too much mop it. Just dilute a small amount of your Texas Creek sauce in apple juice and keep it moist. Plus you need a lot more rub for a good bark. It looks a little patchy.

Good effort!
Thanks, THP,

more rub, mop it,
The fact that it pulled means you're doing it right! If you have to chop it it did it wrong. So you did good! But yeah mop it, I use a mist bottle so I don't disturb the rub, and I use a lot of rub for a nice thick bark. If you hit it with a mop (mop can refer to the mop-like brush, or the liquid) be gentle, or mist it until the bark is formed, and then you can hit it. Did I say hit it?
yea, you did! HIT IT! ah-1-2-3-4 (and some techno-beat pops into my head because that's what's been playing on the kid's iPod dock all day)

It did not need chopped at all. It fell apart as I was trying to get it off the racks and onto the pan. Hubby said he was a little disappointed in the flavor. Maybe he would like it better on the bun with sauce as pulled pork is traditionally served. 'Kid and I thought it was just fine straight out of the pan.

I thought it had a pretty good bark, but since it wasn't tied up and had a lot of pieces laying out and sticking up outside the main meat mass, that's the "tips" that got overcooked. I like the bark. Just like on a prime rib roast, I LOVE the welldone crust with a TON of garlic, salt and black pepper (sorry geeme).

Thanks for the pointers. Next time, we'll have Scovie and Juju over so if anything goes wrong, I'll blame it on Scovie! :lol:
I find the spray bottle method easier, I tend to over do the mop when I use the brush. Only spray enough to moisten the rub, not wash it off!!!! If you leave the bone in, when the bone pulls easy and clean from the meat, it's done. Instead of spoiling the dog with that good meat, try pork burnt ends. Take whatever "tips" you would feed the dog, throw them into a "smoker proof pan" with enough equal parts beer and sauce to cover, cover the pan with foil and put them back on the smoker for an hour or so.
SL looking at those cuts you may have the whole "roast" there. The Boston Butt is best for pulled pork, once separated from the picnic cut. Looks like you may have the whole shoulder before being butchered. This may be the reason for "tips" not sure, but I've never tied up a Boston Butt, it's a relatively square, smooth cut.
havent seen this thread, i would be interested in what everybody is cooking on.

here's mine:

ECB - el cheap brinkman (no mods done on this yet as it is still brand new)

"El Commodore Smoker" aka ECS - commodore filing cabinet - just started this 5 days ago

my friend made this one.... UDS (ugly drum smoker)

my stickburner looks very similar to this one a lang clone - no pics of mine because its buried in snow in the storage
this is what mine was modelled after
I think thats brilliant,looks like a old filing cabinet
this is on the side of my house
out the side door from my utility room & kitchen


my Char-Broil Urban RED

my Char-Broil SRG - R2D2

my NewBraunfels vertical smoker (charcoal converted to electric)

my 60s vintage Char-Broil cast aluminum grill



and my old friend, a 70s Char-Broil small aluminum portable grill
originally propane but now charcoal



and last, my propane burner, wind screen and my commercial 24qt stock pot

well I give up! how many pics per post?
I've tried to finish in a 2nd post but it keeps adding the 2nd post to the 1st post even after I post it?

it just did it again?
added my 3rd post to the 1st?
Here's my UDS I designed and built last year.



You can see the welded tabs for holding the 18" grates.


At the base of the drum I have 6 each 3/4" holes going around the drum that I use with the same size bolts and washers for controlling airflow. More air? Just pull out a bolt. Between that and the custom made steel lid with sliding vents, it works perfectly in controlling temps.


The UDS works fabulous for not only ribs, brisket, butts and salmon, but is also excellent for other ' this cheddar bacon bloomin' onion. Are you gettin' hungry or what?


you bastard! Dang that looks AWESOME!
Here is my super no-mod cooker! Put an add on Craigslist for some round BBQ grill racks to make a UDS, and a lady just GAVE me this!

I make a killer pulled pork, it also grills and I even make pizza on it! (on a stone).



Griiling/smoking some yard-bird.