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Posting internationally? Opinions needed!

I've been sending a few bits and pieces overseas and Ive got a few questions...... :)

Sent some seeds to (and received some from) Aji Chombo in the UK. But I got to thinking that it would be easier and gooder-er to send some fresh pods via International Express Post.

The site mentions not sending plants nor plant matter (which would have to include seeds) but I've received seeds from both the US and UK. Has anyone had any dramas sending pods o/seas re: law??

Pot luck mate. I have had seeds seized before.

The way you package your seeds goes a long way to ensuring that it reaches it's destination. Always try and use a normal envelope with minimal padding,
or there is another way...sneaky but effective...

take a piece of cardboard...stuff the seeds in the hollow area between the sheets...then use the cardboard as stiffeners for trading cards, pictures, etc...
Thanks for the replies. I'm more curious about sending pods - I'm assuming that sending them just before they are ripe would be the most likely-to-succeed way?
cheers, John
Novacastrian said:

If sending over any kind of ditch you will pay lots or fail@

Wha? "FAIL"?:shocked:

I wish I were 13 again so I could get the whole fail thing..and use it.

....maybe it's just the interwebs.....:rolleyes:
I've had stuff sent from the US, UK, Belgium, Netherlands, & Trinidad & Tobago since I started growing chillies (from commercial growers and forum members), and so far have not had any problems. I am waiting for some seeds from Brazil, though, which have taken a while to get here.

USPS will be a little bit anal retentive with some parcels, though. I have had coffee knifed in the past and then patched up with a nice (DOHS) tape. They just wanted to make sure it wasn't decaf, I guess...
Most if not all countries don't allow organic and or plant material to be sent. Unless you have a BS permit.
As long as the seeds are labelled their scientific name, then you can import them ... read up @ customs. Chilli seeds are allowed to be imported *the main varieties, like chinense, a few wild ones are not simply because customs have no data on them. Tomato seeds are not because of some virus that we don't have here, unless they come with a certificate.

You can send whatever you want out of the country, our customs don't really check that ... they leave it up to the other side to protect what is coming in to their country.

Technically I am not allowed to receive chillis from the eastern states, but never been stopped yet :)
I've sent seeds to the UK, Sweden, Finland, Oz, South Africa, Trinidad and Brazil with no problems. Always been disguised though. I have sent one to OZ recently that went official, scientific name of the seeds posted on the exterior of the package. Haven't heard if it made it yet. Been about a week so far.

I've received seeds from all of the same countries with no problem except for one purchase from a commercial organization in the UK, those were confiscated by US Customs. I finally went through all the steps to legally import seeds and got the permit. When you do it this way the package has a USDA sticker on the outside and it's sent to Customs who inspect it I guess and then ship it on to me. I've used the stickers twice and both times I have NOT received the seeds. I'm going to stick with being sneaky, freaking gubment frustrates the hell out of me.
It figures...

I make a public statement saying I've never had problems with seeds, and two seeds envelopes have taken longer than I though to get here (one is from Brazil, sent about three/four weeks ago, the other is from Oz. Sorry, tooninoz, it seems your seeds may have been confiscated by the Fuzz, the Heat, the Bizzies, Five-O).

That will teach me to be optimistic about the postal system...:P
Hi Patrick,
I was just reading this thread today....and guess what? your letter with a USDA sticker was returned to me today and bloody Australian customs confiscated the seeds, send me a PM and I'll resend to you direct (I can't remember what I sent you the first time)
take care

patrick said:
I've sent seeds to the UK, Sweden, Finland, Oz, South Africa, Trinidad and Brazil with no problems. Always been disguised though. I have sent one to OZ recently that went official, scientific name of the seeds posted on the exterior of the package. Haven't heard if it made it yet. Been about a week so far.

I've received seeds from all of the same countries with no problem except for one purchase from a commercial organization in the UK, those were confiscated by US Customs. I finally went through all the steps to legally import seeds and got the permit. When you do it this way the package has a USDA sticker on the outside and it's sent to Customs who inspect it I guess and then ship it on to me. I've used the stickers twice and both times I have NOT received the seeds. I'm going to stick with being sneaky, freaking gubment frustrates the hell out of me.
Aji Chombo said:
It figures...

I make a public statement saying I've never had problems with seeds, and two seeds envelopes have taken longer than I though to get here (one is from Brazil, sent about three/four weeks ago, the other is from Oz. Sorry, tooninoz, it seems your seeds may have been confiscated by the Fuzz, the Heat, the Bizzies, Five-O).

That will teach me to be optimistic about the postal system...:P

Funny that... I've been away for a few days and got my original letter I posted to you back on either Thurs or Fri? Minus seeds and the note, but with a label on the back from 'Australian Customs and Border Protection' sort of suggesting to contact a Sydney number if I want to?! I'm not going to.
I don't want to end up on one of those bloody reality TV customs shows like all those Asians they catch bringing in rat penis and rhino horn etc... ;)
Mario, I'll go with the other idea mate, and PM you once it's done.
Minus the seeds? There must be a Chilli head within ACBP...They must have a beautiful pepper garden from confiscated seeds :P

No worries. :)

I kind of figured 'The Fuzz' had gotten hold of the seeds.
tooninoz said:
I don't want to end up on one of those bloody reality TV customs shows like all those Asians they catch bringing in rat penis and rhino horn etc... ;)

Apparently dried reindeer meat is OK. I sent some to Nova, and now all he does is complain that I didn't send him more:lol: